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Everything posted by oldladyonthemoon

  1. The modders for future games will probably be forced to publish their mods on Steam, for a price. That's the next step Chesko was referring to.
  2. Not sure I understand but opting out of updates is also impossible for the Creation Kit.
  3. I read part of it. At one point Chesko mentions "the next level" of modding that would bring more stuff like Falkstaar because the modders would get more support. How wrong he is; stuff like Falkstaar would have never existed because money spoils every thing. Not playing Skyrim? No way! I love that game, I feel at home out there. I'll never be thankful enough to Todd and his team for making it, even if the writing part of if has serious downfall. And I'm not done with modding; I'm just putting it on a hold right now. After all I have all the time in the world to comlete the Pale Pass. My only problem is with "publishing or not publishing, that is the question".
  4. I wouldn't spoil your hopes but you'll never make a living out of selling mods on Steam. All what you'll get is 30 % of the price the users will pay for your mod and you won't get any money from Valve before the amount of sales for your mod reach over 100 $... The big winner in this is Valve which will get 35 % of the sale price, 25 % going to Bethesda. There must be confirmation of this somewhere around.
  5. I removed the two mods I had uploaded here, out of fear that someone steals them. I also cleared my wip thread. Frankly, I don't know what to do; the only thing I know is that I will carry on modding Skyrim but I won't release them, at the time being, at least. The paid mod list on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=72850&browsesort=mostrecent&section=readytouseitems&requiredflags[0]=paiditems&actualsort=mostrecent&p=1&numperpage=30
  6. The list of "under review" paid mods: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=72850&searchtext=&childpublishedfileid=0&browsesort=forsale_pendingapproval&section=readytouseitems&requiredflags[0]=paiditems&browsefilter=forsale_pendingapproval&p=1 Bookmark it.
  7. http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/aboutpaidcontent/
  8. Oh my, I used a mod long ago that did this; this mod is no longer on line. I think I remember that the author modified the skills in the ck by adding to them a negative value (-10); right now I'm absolutely unable to remember what records he modified in the ck though. Search for "skill" maybe? Sorry I'm not of much help.
  9. Great work! Many images no longer display?
  10. Youv shouldn't test your mod with other mods.
  11. You can rotate around objects in navmesh too. Just select a triangle and rotate the camera the same way you do when you select objects.
  12. See that "snap to grid" is not toggled.
  13. I haven't navmeshed mine and the horse stays, not exactly in it because it wouldn' be practical when you want to mount it, but slightly outside, where I put the horse marker. Did you add a horse marker to your stable and location form?
  14. I can do nothing about you being lazy but collision boxes are the answer to your concern #2. And, to avoid the skulls falling apart, there is a script that added to each of them will prevent that; it's called "defaultdisablehavokonload".
  15. There are skulls in the game, why don't you just pile them and shape them into a pilar?
  16. Well, never too late hey? Happy birthday, Rider! And happy birthday, Arthmoor, kiddo (44).
  17. Hi, All this looks pretty good. Will your mod have these practice dummies mods as dependencies? The two taxes and multiple adoptions links are dead... I wish you the best!
  18. You must create a quest and add a script to it. Here are what the two Skyrim carriage system scripts looks like. Base game: Hearthfires:
  19. This link is dead. I'm looking for a backpack resource; has anyone seen one somewhere?
  20. Well, I'm not a "scholar" here but I have gathered knowledge with time, so you can also ask me for help. No need to add money into this.
  21. You've come at the right place, you'll find here all the courses and tutorials you could need; the rest will come with the practice. You should begin here: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/114-creation-kit-basics/
  22. Need any help with this? We could test it. Maybe the bug is only on your side...
  23. If you own the Dawnguard expansion, the vampire lord is able to grab and throw people. There must be some scripts out there where you could find inspiration.
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