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  3. Future is saying: "no go!". The game crashes as soon as I enable Tribunal and Bloodmoon. Now, the GoG version is supposed to have both French audio and text. I don't remember seeing a way to choose the language during the installation though. Edit: I must download a separate installer for the French version...
  4. There is a no-cd patch out there in the world. Back in the day, even the devs used it.
  5. GOTY French version installed, complete with the Construction Set. Installing the patches was a bit messy, with error messages and the installer crashing but the game seems to work fine. Future will tell. I deactivated Tribunal and Bloodmoon as usual, installed Better Bodies and updated my room in town mod to the French version. I didn't install the Code Patch. The first thing that stroke me on starting the game was the quality of the French audio, they managed and find French speaking voice actors with voices that sound very much like the original. But, the French speaking players were robbed of the coded package for Cosades; the people in charge didn't bother translating the deciphered text and then coding it. Plus, they kept only the first paragraph. Oh well... P.S.: I had forgotten that you couldn't play without the disc...
  6. I’ll look into some alternatives, but PayPal has made some changes to their system, may be worth giving it another try
  7. I'd love to give you something but last time I tried with PayPal, the operation never came through without any explanation. Is there another way?
  8. Hail Allies! It’s that time again! TESA’s next server fee is $250 and due 5/22 if you can donate some gold to the cause we’d appreciate any septims you can part with! You can send funds via PayPal to paymaster@tesalliance.org Thank you again for your ongoing support!
  9. Okay, I'm installing the French version. I'm going to play both versions in parallel.
  10. Here they are! I also have the original discs, the French version, but it's bugged. I see there is patches for it on that page though.
  11. There is that..... They *should* be out there somewhere though.
  12. It HAS been some time since I played MW.....
  13. Not a byproduct of the code patch, I had it before installing it. It's an insidious bug, you may have never noticed it.
  14. Ok, that's a weird one, is that a product of the code patch? I don't recall ever having that problem back when I was playin' Morrowind..
  15. Earlier
  16. Note to self: if for some reason you need to reload a save, RELOAD IT TWICE! This game has a filthy bug where, when you reload a save, anything you had killed before saving would come back from the dead when you reload. Reloading a second time fixes that.
  17. Tyria is now level 5. She spent two more days exploring around Seyda Neen, gathering ingredients for her potions. She discovered several tombs around but the only idea of entering one freezes her. No, she won't trouble the dead, brrr... She killed her first Cliff Racers, two no less! She found small treasure in the swamps. She sold the dagger and kept the coins. And she killed her first Nix hound. Stupid creatures! She's now ready to go to Balmora.
  18. Tyria finds very weird that the emperor would choose her for some kind of very important mission. Nah, this is not happening, she thinks. Since she doesn't know much though, and since nobody seems to know more than she does, she decided to lay low and see what happens. She gave back his ring to Fargoth, investigated the tax collector's death, found his body, gave the money back and the tax record to the authorities but she didn't punish the murderer; not her job she decided. Then she went exploring the neighborhood, gathered a lot of alchemy ingredients, killed monstrous slaughterfish, muccrabs, rats; someone fell from nowhere almost on her shoulders. Thanks to all this agitation, her skills improved quite nicely and fast! More importantly, she freed three slaves she found in a nearby cave. She left the slavers alone though, keeping them for later. She chose a job for herself and took on alchemy. Now, she's going to keep exploring around until she feels ready to accomplish the task she was apparently chosen for and go to Balmora. Note: when levelling up, I chose to give points to skills she actually used; I won't give points to a skill that governs persuasion, for example, if she never used persuasion.
  19. I have been wandering what seems to be everywhere. I used the map at UESP, but they simply aren't open when I get there. I'm thinking that I must not have completed some required activity to open more gates.
  20. I'm replaying Morrowind! :dance:

  21. I've reinstalled the game and created a character: Tyria, Argonian, Healer, born under the Serpent sign. The beginning was a little bumpy because of the Dark Brotherhood attacking the player although she hadn't even made a name for herself. Not logical, so I deactivated both Tribunal and Bloodmoon and restarted from scratch. I'll reactivate Tribunal when she reaches level 20 and Bloodmoon when she reaches level 30. The mods I use are: - Better Bodies, - Morrowind Code Patch (this one adds a lot of fixes for bugs I've almost never noticed happening but it also fixes some game mechanics and this only makes it indispensable), - A Room in Town, v. 2 (I made this one; it adds an abandoned shack in Seyda Neen where the player can settle while finding their bearings and a room for the player in Caius Cosades' house underground in Balmora), and that's it. I don't think this game needs better graphics. I tweaked the Morrowind.ini and added: - High Detail Shadows=1, so that the shadows are a little more realistic, - Allowyestoall=1, in order to get a "yes to all" button when load errors occur, and set "Screen Shot Enable= to 1" so that I can take screenshots. I owned the game on Steam but it is so unstable that I bought it again on GoG. The Steam version comes without the Construction Set and without the small add-ons created by Bethesda Game Studios; the GoG version comes with all of them! So, right now Tyria is in Seyda Neen, waiting for me to start her adventure.
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