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Posts posted by fredlaus

  1. This time I'm on par with one post at least - fabulous Moonstrider - you look awesome, the background and light and all.

    The Moonstrider appointment is not an attempt to offence you or anyone else here on TESA. It has also no connection to the game on Steam - this is my invention from many years ago.

    See you around!

  2. I thank you all for making yesterday a memorable experience for me. I am full of ideas and thoughts to day and I need some time to get focused enough to continue my "CRUSADE" :-)

    Thanks to Captain grond for taking care and showing interest!

    -And so many allies in a short period of one's life! He, he!

  3. We all do. we lost a lot of our natural and naivistic understanding of phantasy after we were "baptised". No offence to religion, but some new conciderations are needed!

    Embrace phantasy with mathematics or chemistry whatever. :-) Thank you very much anyone. It has been a pleasure!

  4. This is nice (excerpt form TESLore): Michael’s C0DA is also very self-aware (though yours doesn’t have to be). The superhero scene isn’t there for some in-universe purpose, it isn’t there because in the future Tamriel has TV, or because it’s a drug trance of Jubal’s or anything like that. It is there to use the medium (a classic superhero comic/Marvel movie) to set a tone and paint a picture. Rather than explaining in a thousand words how the Dunmer feel about Almsivi and their relation to them, it says, “Ever watched Avengers? Yeah, like that.”

    • Upvote 1
  5. suddenly I get a lot of allies here :-) The ethereal is not an impossible idea to visualize, but I guess larger companies get easily scared by the the unseen in such large portions.

    Imagine the nord saga, an endless line of ethereal events, but hey are neatly clad in Snorre's Saga (as an example). Very digestible! I love the saga as you maybe understand, but that is my version that stilll resides in my head - for me only :-)

    • Upvote 1
  6. I am not sure I can follow you here. There are so many 'misleading facts' that binds my understanding of 'lore' to something I haven't even read about atm.

    My message to anyone is this; don't bind your creativity to other's understanding of 'lore'. If you are able create your own lore.

    I feel you guys and gals are putting me in a box which I can't comprehend?

    Maybe that's why I feel isolated within TESA. I push and push my work to show my face and will at least. I don't care for nr. of downloads, I guess I 'joined' TESA the second time to get some community feeling. I am sure many of you have that feeling, but it is not around my obsessions. Pity.

    I absolutely have no idea around owner,s rigths, copyrights, law, whatever attached to the subject. I understand Bethesda is a big factor in this - too big even. They can never manipulate me - and I hope you too stick to your own, free ideas. I have already read some proofs of that :-)

    Is there an easier way to copy my files here on TESA than copying one by one from my site? I need the stuff because I have spent a lot of time rewriting everything - because it hasn't been updated in some time.

    Anyway, thanks a lot for your reply. It really means a lot to me!

    • Upvote 2
  7. I will delve into that at some point :-) Thank you very much, don. I am a bit confused and will take a break to have an open mind for afterwards or before that. Just playing with words.

    See you later!

    I started to read the fiction about the escape from Riften and I can't find back to it?

    I got as long as they saw the daylight :-)

    • Upvote 1
  8. Definition of lore

    1 archaic :  something that is taught :  lesson

    2 :  something that is learned: a :  knowledge gained through study or experience b :  traditional knowledge or belief

    3 :  a particular body of knowledge or tradition

    ref: merriam-webster.com

    Who are you protecting from what?

    • Upvote 1
  9. Are you sure you understand my post?

    I perfectly well understand your answer but many of the posts here refer to lore in different ways?

    I also accept I am a little off focus here on TESA - so I guess I will rettreat for a while and evt come back later :-)


    Create your own lore!

    I had to read Snorre again (only excerpts) to find some reasons to -whys, -wheres and -whens around our saga - the story of mankind:-)
    The most interesting aspect is the similarity between cultures.
    -We have developed in different directions.
    We seem to have a common affection to a tree - different species but a tree.  
    We believed in the same inhabitants, caretakers, in or around the tree, only symbolized with different creatures.
    If one living creature didn't suffice a new one was created to match the beliefs.

    I urge you to do the same - or our phantasy stops here - stuck in someone's lore.
    This is not a hate message to offend anyone's lore but to clarify the richness around a new lore, a new consciousness, a new tribe, a new world, a new car....


  11. Alenet is my hero, both modwise and as a human. Cool, down to the point, extremely focused and fast :-)

    He has saved my day more than once.

    Kudos to Darkelfguy for doing the interviews and doing it with style!!

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