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Status Updates posted by Jheuloh

  1. Got his diploma today!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Carah


      Awesome and congrats!!

    3. EruditeDragon


      Congratulations, Jello!

    4. lonewolf_kai


      WOHOO! Congo rats!!!! :jellytime:

  2. has a plan! To make a homegrown ecosystem in a terrarium. I'm going to breed roaches, red-wriggler worms, rollie-pollies, and various other insects. A mad scientist is in the making.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Khettienna


      I LOVE BUGS! Lots of pics, please! :D

    3. StarX


      Homegrown ecosystems? In Holland people get arrested for that! :whistle:

    4. washington


      Dr. Jheuloh and Mr. Hyde! :)

  3. Breaking news: attempted to determine gender of Daku. Results: inconclusive.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. donnato


      moar crickets then...:rofl:

    3. Jheuloh
    4. Brozly


      When she lays Eggs, you'll know...

  4. Wednesday, May 9th, 2012, marks my last day of school. Then it's off to college.

  5. has watched "Predator" last Sunday. Get to the choppah!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lonewolf_kai


      oh, I thought Arnie said that in all his movies. :P

    3. StarX


      I always loved: "That's a real nasty habit you got there." :D

    4. Johnn123


      "Your hit man! Your Bleedin!" , "I a'int got time to bleed."

      lmao, awesome movie!

  6. I found what I believe to be a brown recluse inside my cricket box. Looked around my room for traces of webs or spiders, found a couple 'strings' of a just-started spider-web.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lonewolf_kai
    3. Arthmoor


      All spiders who violate the home must die. No exceptions.

    4. Khettienna


      I let the non-poisonous ones hang out to handle my light work. Like mosquitos. XD

  7. Reaad the whole first book of the "Legend of Drizzt" series. Started at around 3:30 and ended at about 11:40.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vouivre


      If a book's really good and holds your interest, you can devour it in a couple hours.

    3. grond


      Not me, one page a minute is my top speed. Don't want to go faster. :)

    4. Vouivre


      I try not to go faster but it just happens sometimes... Dun ask me how I dunno.

  8. enjoys his last day of 10th grade summer vacation - and patiently awaits for the arrival of 11th grade!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lonewolf_kai


      11th grade, the start of the real fun of HS.

    3. Matth


      Really fun of High school?! I guess Norway is just dull .. but I am off to my second year in high school and I am quite bored ^-^

    4. Jheuloh


      I had a good amount of fun in 9th & 10th grade too, but this year, I'm going into Robotics/Technology Application/Engineering/whatever else they want to refer to the class as!

  9. believes he has created a somewhat new type of creature.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jheuloh


      "Existing" as in, existing in fantasy, of course. >_>

    3. Johnn123


      lol of course Jello! screen of the "Blender Beast"?

    4. Jheuloh


      Pictures of it are in my gallery, the blender beast hasn't left blender yet. (actually, it hasn't gotten anything beyond a mesh yet.)

  10. now knows what's wrong with his gecko. Pinworms.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vometia


      Giving medicine to animals is always such fun! I think the only thing that's more entertaining is bathing a cat.

    3. Jheuloh


      Indeed, lol.

    4. Johnn123


      entertaining but painful when your the one bathing the cat! and thats good to hear your gecko can be treated Jello, hope it turns out well :)

  11. has a name for his new frog - Spot. The important detail to note is, the frog has a stripe, not a spot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joben


      You're a madman! You with your expectation defying ways!

    3. vometia


      I have a rabbit called Spot for much the same reason. Er, except that he doesn't have a stripe either. Anyway, we need frog pics!

    4. Jheuloh


      Pictures will be sometime this week or next week. Camera batteries are dead & I must wait for new batteries.

  12. Now has a 3D wyvern in the works.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jheuloh


      Maybe I could make it a Skyrim creature. :P

    3. DaMage


      cant wait to see it!

    4. donnato
  13. My first day of college tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DaMage


      Good luck and have fun with it!

    3. Hanaisse


      Jello is all growed up! XD

    4. donnato


      Yup...good going J. Have fun and work hard..do not get the two confused..^_^

  14. As a brand new user of a digital tablet, GIMP is suddenly becoming a very useful program.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. grond


      As much Wacom as your wallet will agree to :)

    3. Vouivre


      What grond said. Bamboo's work for beginning work. But the bigger ones and pricier ones like the cintiq series and the Intuos series are great. If you're really really serious about art on the pc a big cintiq or intuos is best(intuos lets you see your piece ON the tablet)

    4. donnato


      It`s amazing what you can do with a pad that you wouldn`t even try with a mouse.

  15. learned an important lesson today; if you want a workout, go spend 6 dollars on 50 pound bags of sand. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Johnn123


      aint that the truth! :P

    3. Dane


      or spent nothing and go to the beach...

    4. nottlong


      Best way to do it.

  16. Saw a wild dolphin today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. donnato


      Dolphins are the kewlest..:D

    3. Johnn123


      I saw one when I went to Florida a loooong time ago. Its so cool to see eh Jello?

    4. Jheuloh


      Indeed, Mr. John. :D

  17. is having a Spyro marathon. The original, ftw!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vereta



    3. drakon136


      As do I. The newer ones are nowhere near as good as the original.

    4. Johnn123


      aww Spyro! i havent heard that name in ages Jello! have fun :D

  18. had an idea for a robot today. An amphibious, crocodile like robot. The ultimate golf-ball retriever.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jheuloh


      Yeah. I saw a video of robosnake swimming around. It was neat.

    3. Vouivre


      All it needs is a skin and a bit more work, and it'd be an awesome gag to play on people

    4. Jheuloh


      My thing is intended to be effective at both aquatic & terrestrial exploration. (Rugged terrain, that is.)

  19. Got a 25 as his ACT score.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DaMage


      umm...perpective would be good.....how good is that?

    3. Jheuloh


      The max one can make is a 35, colleges which discriminate based on ACT scores usually command an 18 or above. My reading & english scores were out the roof (27 & 28), and my science score was a 24. My math was a 19 though, which is acceptable, but not great.

    4. DaMage


      well done then! :)

  20. Got to pet an alligator a second time today where I volunteer at... also got my mother to pet the sharks, cownosed rays, and atlantic stingrays in the touch pool. The alligator's scales are a little softer than I remember them being (still tougher than, say, a bearded dragon's scales), but the scutes over the tail and back were as hard as I remember them - hard as fingernails.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BigBossBalrog


      I thought you said, a "got a alligator" LOL was about to say "HELL MAN I WANT ONE"

    3. Jheuloh


      HAH! Yeah, a lot of people seem to misinterpret me saying "got to pet an alligator" to "got a pet alligator." If I get to do the former a 3rd time, I'll choose my words more carefully, lol.

    4. donnato


      O_o ... really?

  21. read the first 128 pages of The Hobbit today.

    1. WhoGuru


      The books blow the movies out of the water! :D They're fantastic!

    2. Beana


      And you were able to stop at 128??? that was one i stayed up till it was finished!!! :D I'm very excited for you!!!

    3. nottlong


      The Hobbit now you will know where the ring comes from and Bilbo's treasure.

  22. finished his first day of 11th grade.

    1. Yevic


      How was it? :s

      Mines next week

    2. Jheuloh


      It went well. I have robotics second period, and marine biology 4th period - marine biology has a ton of vicious, predatory fish!

    3. Johnn123


      you have a marine biology class?? lucky thats like my fave thing in the world, my school dont have that :(

      and glad your first day went well, only another year till its over :P

  23. be building a robot tomorrow!

    1. grond


      If you don't name him Robbie I'm afraid I must BAN you. :)

    2. lonewolf_kai


      whats wrong with R2D2? Or C3PO grond?

    3. Jheuloh


      Alas, this is a group project, therefore, it cannot be named. >_<

  24. heard his Marine Biology teacher make the croak of a Predator again.

    1. lonewolf_kai
    2. Yevic


      your school days sound much more fun than mine :I

    3. Jheuloh


      Lonewolf; Instead of breaking the silence with cricket chirps, my marine biology teacher replicates the predator croak. :P

      Yevic: Second period (Robotics) and 4th period (Marine Biology) are my favorite classes.

  25. played Amazing Island today, and rediscovered Zoo Tycoon 2.

    1. Hanaisse


      Oooo, I love Zoo Tycoon 2!!!

    2. Yevic


      Never played the 2nd, loved the original though

    3. Jheuloh


      I prefer the original Zoo Tycoon, if looking for a serious zoo simulation game. :P

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