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Posts posted by Galvon

  1. I'll start off shall I? XD

    My favorite series of books are the Pern Novels by Anne McCaffrey. My mother gave me a copy of the Dragonriders of Pern when I was 11 and I remember thinking 'wow, it's huge! I'll never read it'. :yes: I didn't touch it for a few months, then picked it up and read the entire thing, all three books, in two days. I still have that copy, tattered and battered as it is. A hard cover gone to soft cover with age. LOL

    I'm also a fan of the Shanarra novels by Terry Brooks. I just suck those things up every time he releases one. The latest series with the Jerle Shanarra and the Ilse Witch were just amazing!

    OHHHH!!!!! The pern novels! :P only read the one but still it was pretty darn awesome! My favourite books are the Roman series by Simon Scarrow Marco and Cato have some good laughs I have to say

  2. JB; One of the negative aspects of caring for an animal which is primarily WC (wild-caught, for those who don't know). This baby might actually be CB (captive-bred) however. Still, I'll keep a special eye out for parasites and/or bacterial/fungal infections.

    Galvon; :question: How did that freak accident happen?

    Si-Shen; Indeed, my cookie jar will be safe for as long as I have my beloved tarantula with me. :wave:

    Well J there was a fight in a second story room just above where me and this man where walking and somebody smashed the window and a big blade of glass fell into the street and caught the guys arm. It was quite gross to say the least

  3. Gore on TV I cant stand, but in real life im fine. In the town centre where I live someones arm got chopped off in a freak accident right next to me and seeing his arm and blood didnt make me feel sick at all.... it's kinda creepy

  4. Well as a lot of you may have noticed my activity this week has been scarce, this is due to *shudder* school mainly revision and sad to say more revision shall be on the way since my GCSE exams are coming up. Also i'm part of three choirs who are all doing something these next few months as well so my calender is very full. So sadly I wont be able to continue doing projects these next few months and if IS would be so kind I would like him to take a look at the tobacco pipe texture which I have been struggling with if he could PM if he is willing to take a look i'll be most grateful :P. So then I guess this is goodbye for a bit :evil: i'll miss you all dont go doing anything stupid while im away! :pints:

    Thanks for telling me about this DR didnt realise we had one now :scary:

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