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Posts posted by Vouivre

  1. The rollercoaster continues, what this comes down to is, we still must remain vigilent. But the damage has been done and we now know who wants the money and who's doing this out of love for the community and wish to share great things. Didn't last a week, but good to know that the voice was made very clear.

  2. I'm calling it here and now, since Gabe basically endorses this mindset. Since Dota and other games started because of basically the total conversion(basically making a game from the main game's resources) we'll in time see that someone will take Skyrim and make a game, then sell it. I'm calling it right now, this is what's going to happen. The downside, unless they dig very deep and can manage to overwrite the settings in Havok at the engine level to where the full 16x16 quads for heightmap can be used without bugs, the sizes of workspaces will be minimal. HOWEVER Guild Wars 2 uses a system of massive zones, that all lead to one another via basically a "portal" This will be how a massive game could be done using Skyrim. hundreds of times more work but that's how it'll be done.


    I am wondering now though how many of these people own either a Liscensed version of 3ds max, maya, mudbox and other autodesk products right now before the buying mods, how many use unliscensed versions and finally how many use gimp/freeware. Because selling models made in an unliscensed version of 3ds max is against the agreement. How to prove that though would be difficult.

  3. At this point people who know what they're doing and if they're on these teams and do not agree with the lead developer's choice to go for profit. We might be seeing them leaving the team and start up their own project that is completely freeware. All of that this is going for some is helping companies see who only want to do things for money. And some companies will hire them because greed rules. Other companies will hire them for the passion and either make good on that passion and let them create wonderful things, or drain them into a very jaded developer whom retires from the industry long before retirement age.


    Now I still plan on doing modding, and perhaps even go back to Oblivion in time and make some new mods for that, but also return to projects I started but never finished. As for future tes games, or moving onto fallout I don't know. However other games that offer modding capabilities whether in the rpg and fantasy genre, or something more modern I don't know. The fact that how the various sites sounds makes it clear. The rift in the community is split, and as bad as Nexus has been, the fact that they're remaining free and donation based, means a lot. We'll be looking for other places to host our mods and I'm certain that there'll be a compilation of sites that host mods for free.



    Edit: So TotalBiscuit has a video out talking about this whole thing and he has some sound points on this.

  4. There's a bad vibe I have with all of this. Modders can go "If you buy our premium version, you'll get exclusive content and content ahead of the free versions, or even content the free version will not have." I have a bad feeling.

  5. The only thing for SKSE as Mage mentioned would be to host it on non profit sites, as I believe Nexus is the only place that still isn't for buying. Donations yes buying no. So they could easily say they will not endorse any steam hosted mods. And could contact the modders via steam(as I'm sure there's tags to search for requirements) for a cease and desist. This whole thing is going to get ugly fast and may cause a huge rift in the community and may make things much more difficult for future mods and modders for current and future games. The implications will ring and echoe back to the developer in time.

  6. I can gaurantee with how some things go, there might be some cases coming up within the first three months of mod theft. Even though "technically" mods you make could be in a sense property of the company, any assets you make with this violates liscenses.. and even if you have a liscense you could still bring suit for theft of IP you yourself made. Steam is going to have to do a lot of policing and research into making sure mods belong to the owners and aren't being ripped off and someone else profiting.

  7. After poking around a bit..... It's a scam.


    My understanding is: Steam/Beth get 75%, the modder gets 25%, BUT, only once the total reaches/exceeds 400 bucks. Now, I will grant, for some mods, even at 10 cents a download, they could hit that in a day..... But, for the most part, most mods will never get there, therefore: Steam/Beth keep the money.


    I... really have nothing on this... there is nothing I can even conceive of thinking. This legit is happening? The fact that they get paid is probably gonna make things even more angst worthy. Looks like other sites may get more business for those who refuse to download from steam.

  8. At the simplest here's my thoughts.


    If I want the mod, I will either download it and don't donate, or if I want to donate I donate not "buy". If it is buy via steam I look for it elsewhere.  If it is not elsewhere if it offers something that can be replicated I make my own version myself.


    Either free download or make it yourself. Donations are optional and you shouldn't feel obligated. Would I like to be paid for things I do? Sure, but my skills are no wheres near good enough to make it worth money. Even at that I'd leave it to the person... it's why I enjoy twitch streamers who either don't have donations pages or have one there and if you feel like donating, if not cool. This shouldn't effect people as much as it does. There are however problems on the development side that worries me(the actual developer who makes the games) and that's where I'm more concerned over.

  9. We're a close community and I'd like to think we're all more than happy to help others learn and expand their skills for free.


    Like the others above I'm more than happy to offer any input or suggestions. My focus when I started was ambience and lighting, I'm more now looking to move from simple hobby to making it into a more professional quality for portfolio. And to share with others.

    • Upvote 1
  10. For Oblivion on the 16x16 quads I honestly don't know to be perfectly honest. The only issue for crashing I can see is potentially memory issues with it not being purged properly. But with the time settings from Oblivion and any mods.. The cells would be purged perhaps by the time you reached another country on the map. To go from one corner to the other? I'd expect 2-3 days+ by horse

  11. I remember following the topic when it first came up. The biggest problem that I think they all faced is on the X axis you cannot go more than 4 quads across. Which is the -64, 0 and 64, 0 cells havok just in the core engine code does not work. HOWEVER on the Y axis you can do all 16 quads.

    This was a huge conversation on the official forums and I think to a degree someone had done some ini fixes(I for some reason cannot remember their name right now). I don't remember if anything works beyond that point or not.

  12. This looks truly and really interesting, it's been so painfully long since I've seen such large projects like this. My biggest question is, what are you guys doing about the limitations with the really large worldspaces? I commend and applaud the effort going into this. I would like to talk to you guys about this, to see if I can lend a hand in this. Would it be possible to contact you so we can discuss if I can help or possibly join in?

  13. A lot of people think that the average gamer is a teenager. This isn't true, what is true is that the average gamer is really more like 25-40 and above. As we're the ones who grew up with Atari and Nintendo and our game tastes have matured. Now it's also cultural thing too, here in the US anything of explicit/adult theme is taboo(given our puritan roots and foundation) so as such we somehow for some odd reason get excited seeing it. Europe however sees nudity of humans as well, nothing really, it's part of their culture and art, as some of the masterpieces have the nude human body.


    So the American audience(I'm guilty of liking -some- skimpy armors not all but some more inline for the classic fantasy style though I enjoy more plausible yet still "aesthetically appeasing) is thought of as immature 14 year old boys. It's also why you see a ton of some very attractive armor mods where it emphasizes the female form while not exploiting it or making it trashy.

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  14. EA's presentation was horrible, highlight was Dragon Age Inquisition, and I'd say Mass Effect(which i never played any yet) but eh, moot point, too much sports too much rehashed franchises, we need to move on and get new stuff coming out.


    Ubisoft's as I said was good, the host needs to go for next year, the constant f-bomb and other bits? Unprofessional, and it's not edgy it's just that uneasy awkwardness and looking at her makes me wonder more things than just the games.


    Nintendo was awesome, it made me smile and react far more than even Sony.


    Sony's was okay until they went into the "numbers game" of the system. No one cares, they want more games.

    Never Saw microsoft as I'm really not a fan of their product, nor am I a fan of their business practices. Buying exclusive dlc rights.


    Capcom I'm purely stoked for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

    Square Enix I caught word about thenew Final Fantasy title Final Fantasy Agito or something. Nothing about other projects, like Dragon Quest, Valkyrie Profile or other such esteemed titles.

    Bloodborne is interesting looking and the next gen Souls style game but not a Souls game.

    The Order looks good as well, definitely a lot of games on the ps4 that makes me look into wanting it preferably before the holidays.

  15. Nintendo did an absolutely incredible job this year at E3, I'm impressed and maybe the WiiU will start amping back up.


    So few games I want, but majority are all on Next Gen... and I can't get a new comp or console :/


    and yes I can tell lol

  16. Square Enix's biggest flaw was they somehow forgot that the western world loves jrpg's. Though I've enjoyed what they've made thus far. It's just like how Nintendo's flawed in not allowing their content to be more accessed and shown.

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