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Everything posted by ZuTheSkunk

  1. There was a trial (is this a correct word? Damned translators...) between Interplay and Beth, just because of matter of selling older Fallouts. If I remember correctly, Interplay has won it...
  2. They are? Interplay still sells them on the website, as well as on Gog.com. About Fallouts themselves, I've already played them (as my list shows), they're obviously great games.
  3. I'm afraid that Two Worlds is too good for my computer, results in low FPS rate. I did, great game! (Although it's hardly an cRPG) I'm afraid that it's not for me - I'm not a fan of survival horrors.
  4. It seems that you're right - I've just found that Nehrim has made a backup of my old Oblivion.ini, and after renaming it, the window again shows in the center. I wonder which part of Oblivion.ini causes it? Anyway, great thanks for help.
  5. After installing and de-installing Nehrim, I've got some little problem with playing Oblivion in windowed mode. Before installing Nehrim, Oblivion's window was automatically moved to the center of the screen. After that, it no longer does it, and is shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. How to bring back this centering thing?
  6. Well, I tried that before, but never got myself to play it for longer. I'm not sure why... perhaps it would be different if I would try add-ons rather than vanilla campaign. Yes, I heard about that one before and I was even considering it. I think I'll try it now. Thanks! From what I've learned, it seems to be based mostly on combat... I was thinking more about Eye of the Beholder, in the similar style but in D&D, which I know and understand (more or less). This one looks promising, I think I'll try it soon. Hmm. I'll check it, thanks for info. Great thanks for all responses so far.
  7. Yes. I haven't mentioned it, thinking that term "Baldur's Gate" automatically means both games. I have tried that, and surprisingly, I've liked Invisible War, while original game was too complex for me - I've been unable to understand its rules, the game was hard for me etc. It probably doesn't tell anything good about me, but... Indeed - I've tried Beyond Divinity and stopped playing rather shortly, thinking that it's far worse than original. Thanks for reply.
  8. I hope it's a good place for this topic. I'm looking for some good cRPG, as I'm currently bored of Oblivion, I've never get myself to play Morrowind for longer (I've finished his storyline only once; plus, my computer doesn't like MGE, giving lower FPS rate), and Nehrim requires too good computer. I have a few requirements: - It must be cRPG, not just something that is called cRPG, but in fact contains only many XP points to gain and long, linear storyline with lots of fighting (unless it's something really good and not hard - in this case I can consider it). Remember that "RPG" means "Role-Playing Game". - It cannot be a new game, i.e. from 2006+. Why? Simply because my computer is not the finest machine in the world... - It cannot be boring. It must be somewhat addictive, and enough user-friendly for me to get its rules rather quickly. Otherwise it's quite possible that I'll just leave it in the middle or in the beginning... - It cannot be hard. I'm not the fan of loading the save thousands of times to finally defeat those damned enemies or whatever. Complex puzzles, yes, but not difficult combats. - It would be better if you can suggest some free/abandonware games, but you can suggest those payable too. cRPG, cRPG-like or cRPG-called games that I was playing and still remember them are: * Planescape: Torment; * Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 (never was able to finish them though, there's always something that makes it impossible for me); * Morrowind; * Divine Divinity; * The Witcher; * Might and Magic 7 & 8; * Gothic 1, 2 and 3; * Fallout 1 and 2 (please, do not mention Beth's Fall); * Neverwinter Nights 2 (never got myself to the first one); It's rather possible that there were others, but I've forgot about them.
  9. He looks pretty odd in this position... like having very short legs and so on.
  10. ZuTheSkunk

    Paradise this way.

    Indeed! Good catch, Red. Nice picture. If you could move the camera to keep portal in the middle, then it would be great for a wallpaper.
  11. Two things: the lower part of mask (below mouth) should be more tight, and corners of the rectangular should be rounded. Aside of that, it's okay. BTW: What program is this?
  12. Ah, okay then. About program, have you tried Blender? Hm, what do you mean? I wanted to make masks, butterflies and skulls as metal 3D objects glued/nailed to the board, if that's what you mean.
  13. Umm... he has taken only 3... am I wrong? Just to remind, number 1 is about masks, 2 about animation, 3 about face texture. If you're enough knowledgeable about modelling, then yes. Otherwise someone else can take it. That was number 3, I've already been able to make the thing with previous screens from you and don, but thank you anyway, the newest version looks very good.
  14. Okay guys, with using a bit of copy/paste and some experimenting, I've been able to merge changes you've made and make everything looking perfectly in-game. Great thanks for both of you. Now only number 2 remains, if donnato still wants to work on nr 1.
  15. Hmm. Okay then, if you wish to try something with it, then I'll send you a texture. Nope, none of vanilla fits, and Clannfear doesn't fit even more, since the game will squash Scalon's body mesh, trying to adjust him to Clannfear's small body.
  16. I have three small(?) requests, based on modelling and texturing. This is what I want: 1. A two meshes (as well as textures) of some specific decoration: two rectangular boards with metal mask on each of them, similarly as in theatres. One mask should be happy and surrounded by metal butterflies, while second one should be angry and surrounded by skulls (image). They are supposed to be a decoration for the Gates of Madness from SI, and a markers that tells to which side of the Isles those doors leads (this is where I would like to place them). Obviously they should be a bit more detailed than it's shown on the first image. 2. A FastForward (running) animation for Scalon from SI. There are no vanilla animation fitting his body (I've tried using ogre's FastForward animation, but it doesn't look very good), so that's why I'm requesting a new one. Similarly as in walking animation, he should be moving his mouth while running and keep similar placement of hands. (If anyone asks, it would be far better if he could quickly run to his enemy rather than slowly tramping, since he must reach specific distance before he can start jumping.) 3. Just a little thing to change in face texture (image). First, I want to remove those black, sharp parts near the eyes (red circles). Second, to divide each of those two spots in blue circles into two separate spots (so if there are two marked spots now, then there should be four) - those particular spots are very long on head mesh, and it doesn't look very good. (Since for some reason I can't attach a file to this post, I'll send the texture via PM.) Can someone do this for me, please?
  17. It might be something with normal map. If all those purple/blue/similar colours are very solid, then you must make them more transparent in order to decrease the amount of shining. With texture being almost completely transparent, it will have very hardly noticeable shining or none. With solid colours, object will be very shiny. The more solid/transparent normal map is, the more/less shining you'll see on the object.
  18. Hi, it's again me with a new question. NPC has a script, which causes him to immediately receive specific armor with additional visual effects when starting combat - this is supposed to act like a spell, but isn't a spell at all. Now, I would like to allow player to dispel this "spell", but only if dispelling spell is strong enough. Is there a non-OBSE way to do that?
  19. Well, at the first time, it was possible that this error may be caused by some accidental change in this particular cell (I never did anything there, and yet it had the asterisk), and to avoid problems, I've deleted the changes from this cell by TES4EDIT - the landscape was working again. At the second time, I thought at first that it might be the same thing as previously, but when I've saved the game standing in front to the missing cell and loaded this save without doing anything, then surprisingly, the landscape was working again... Well, I guess it's too complex to know for certain what was causing the problem, but fortunately, the errors were not permanent. Thank you for help.
  20. I have a question about some very odd problem that I rarely encounter. It was about two times, when I've found a big, square-shaped hole in worldspace's landscape, with objects floating in the air and water visible in the bottom. It's like the entire cell have lost its landscape. What causes this problem and how to fix it?
  21. I have a few new texts that are unsure for me (from FAQ):
  22. Conformulator is not required to make helmet usable, he only creates an EGM file, which controls how helmet fits the shape of user's head. To display the helmet on actor's head, you'll need to bound it to the correct bone (and it's different for open and closed helmets, I must note). I would help with this, but I'm not enough knowledgeable in that matter, I'm afraid. Perhaps DaMage may help you....
  23. Since I have an opportunity to ask, does this flag can be used in any other way than for merchant who wants to close the shop?
  24. So, if I understand correctly, those dwarves are a sub-race of Dwemers that were forced to live on the surface, rather than underground? If yes, then are there any particular reasons for why their architecture should be different from this created by "normal" Dwemers? If you will change your mind in that matter, then there's a great tileset for this purpose: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20241
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