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Everything posted by Critterman

  1. Welcome! Glad you came out of your lurking and said hi!
  2. Critterman


    Welcome to TESA! Your like an arch-patriarch on the BGS forums right? That's the only reason I really remember you
  3. Beautiful. This is automatically my desktop
  4. TESGecko has this, and plenty of documentation.
  5. Hello! You have picked an exceptional TES community to join here .
  6. Yeah I've seen you around there I like the friendly atmosphere here a lot better than BGS, and there are plenty of tutorials to take to get better at modding. So Welcome to TES Alliance!
  7. Interesting... Thanks for this! This will help me whenever I have to clutter
  8. Two poems I wrote today and might to submit to a literary magazine Find the Blind Through the trees, a breeze, The buzz of bellowing bees. In the firmament, a molten globe, Blazing with a brilliant strobe, Breezy rays in the air. Fresh, hardly a care, Flowing around hair. Where oh where? It does not matter. Nor does senseless chatter. Only the tune, a bird’s patter, The sky, a blue and white tatter, The breeze, a flow on skin. Not the days that have been, Nor the days that will be. It is what you can see. The rustling of harmony. Nature’s glowing treasury. Free within its glee. Plea for the flowery. I Hid Me You said I couldn’t be. So I hid me. Behind wicked society, Devoted in dreadful piety. Until I found myself hiding, In that corner I sent me to. I whispered a gentle bidding: This is not wholly who, I had left here long ago to roam. Leave this safe home, And come with me, To see the world out here some, To be the one here you see, The one you have hid from. Let your heart thrum, And march your feelings to the drum. This way to the end of your numb.
  9. Hi and Welcome! You'll like it here
  10. There are always exceptions to the rule I still think it's a waste of time
  11. My parents get mad at me that I'm on the computer a lot. They don't realize that modding (well scripting to be specific) engages my brain more than most of my classes at school. They say I need a hobby, but modding is my hobby . They also say it isn't productive, but I have to argue that when I mod, I am creating entertainment for other people to experience. I consider it a form of art, one that is not respected enough today... It is just one of those things about technology I guess: the older generation just refuses to accept it and the newer generation will eventually make it common place. One day we will be complaining about how some new technology is destroying society just like the older people of today are, thus is just the circle of life. I understand that it isn't exactly healthy, but so isn't toiling over homework for 3 hours (which my parents insist on me doing ). I get out enough I think, and it isn't like the computer crushes my social life, in fact I think it improves it considering the number of friends I have met online. So yeah... my
  12. Yeah I have. It is real simple to switch out colors so I can do that .
  13. So some of you may have heard that I'm making a flashlight. Well, I think I am at the point where a [WIPz] is in order I have made a video for your viewing pleasure . Tell me what you think: The whole mod is pretty self explanatory. You cast a spell, much like vanilla oblivion's light spell, and then there is a light in front of you (well to be exact there are two lights). What is special about this light is that it will always be in front of you AND it will (almost) always stay in your view. Meaning if you walk up to a tree, the light will illuminate the tree, not the area behind it; just like a flashlight . Cast the spell again and the lights vanish, it is a toggable spell (though I can make it timed if anyone wishes it). The way I did it isn't really important, but if you want I can explain how. (it involves two tiny invisible men holding torches oh the beauty of making work-arounds for oblivion's limitations!) But I should thank QQuix for the valuable code from his's GetLOS Test Environment mod, which made this mod possible . Unfourtunatly this mod is not flawless. Doing something the oblivion engine wasn't meant for can cause problems. Most noteably the flashlight hardly works in interiors. In the video, you can see how it illuminates the walls in the entryway but if you look closely, further down the cave the lights cease to illuminate the statics, only actors and inventory items. So, for some odd reason, only some interior peices are illuminated by the flashlight; which is quite frustrating, as a dark dungeon would be the perfect place for a handy flashlight. If anyone knows a solution please, do tell. Additionally, the further light has a tendency to go underground. This of course is no good as it cannot illuminate anything down there. I have sort of half fixed this by making it so that if the light is not at its limit (750 units) then it will be adjusted 150 units up (along the Z axis). This makes it so that if you look down near your feet the light will not dissapear underground but stay above ground illuminating the area. The drawback to this is that this makes the light seem off-center when you point it at a close object; this is because it is 150 units above center. If the light is at its limit then it is centered, however it can dip underground as well. I might eventually make some of the values in the mod configurable. Such as the light limit. Tell me if you have any suggestions, or ask me any questions you have. I will be releasing a beta as soon as I polish the mod up to releasing standards (perhaps a job for the Beta Testing Guild?)
  14. Looks cool I think I can help out with this
  15. Critterman


    I looked at it more closely and fixed a few things. This should work right: scn aaSackSCRIPT float money short button short firstuse short choosing Begin OnActivate If firstuse == 0 set choosing to -1 set firstuse to 1 endif end Begin Gamemode if choosing == -1 messagebox "Choose Action", "Deposit money", "Withdraw money", "Show deposited money" set choosing to 1 elseif choosing == 1 set button to GetButtonPressed if button == 0 set choosing to -10 elseif button == 1 set choosing to -11 elseif button == 2 set choosing to -12 endif elseif choosing == -10 messagebox "How much do you want to deposit?", "500", "1000", "10000" set choosing to 10 elseif choosing == 10 set button to GetButtonPressed if button == 0 if player.getGold >= 500 set money to money + 500 player.removeitem Gold001 500 else message "You do not have enough money." endif set choosing to 0 elseif button == 1 if player.getGold >= 1000 set money to money + 1000 player.removeitem Gold001 1000 else message "You do not have enough money." endif set choosing to 0 elseif button == 2 if player.getGold >= 10000 set money to money + 10000 player.removeitem Gold001 10000 else message "You do not have enough money." endif set choosing to 0 endif elseif choosing == -11 messagebox "How much do you want to withdraw?", "500", "1000", "10000" set choosing to 11 elseif choosing == 11 set button to GetButtonPressed if button == 0 if money >= 500 set money to money - 500 player.additem Gold001 500 else message "Not enough money in account." endif set choosing to 0 elseif button == 1 if money >= 1000 set money to money - 1000 player.additem Gold001 1000 else message "Not enough money in account." endif set choosing to 0 elseif button == 2 if money >= 10000 set money to money - 10000 player.additem Gold001 10000 else message "Not enough money in account." endif set choosing to 0 endif elseif choosing == -12 messagebox "You have deposited %.0f septims" money endif End Note: You had the "firstuse" variable in your original script make it so the player can only access the messageboxes only once. I kept it working like that, but did you intend it to do that?
  16. Critterman


    Anywhere you use getButtonPressed. The first button in a message box is returned as button 0 with getButtonPressed. All the following buttons go up one (second button = 1, third button = 2, etc.), its like the index for arrays. The first is always 0. So use it all throughout your script.
  17. Critterman


    Its giving you that error because you started an if condition with an elseif. You must have an if before you can follow it with elseifs. Also, you have way too many endifs, you only need one endif per if condition. This is how it should be: if actwith == 1 (this is line 47) messagebox "How much do you want to withdraw?", "500", "1000", "10000" set button to GetButtonPressed if button == 0 set money to money - 500 player.additem Gold001 500 set actwith to 0 elseif button == 1 set money to money - 1000 player.additem Gold001 1000 set actwith to 0 elseif button == 2 set money to money - 10000 player.additem Gold001 10000 set actwith to 0 endif endif if actshow == 1 messagebox "You have deposited %"money" septims" endif End Edit: yes that looks right. Except you need to start with if button == 0 not if button == 1 See Joben's post
  18. Critterman


    OBSE scripting is just like vanilla scripting, just with expanded functions. Also, if you have experience with other programming languages like C++ or Java then some of the OBSE functions like while and arrays will be familiar to you. If not, do not fear, the OBSE Command Documentation is pretty extensive on how to use the new functions. If you have a specific question we can probably answer it here
  19. Hello, and welcome to TES Alliance!
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