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Everything posted by charlescrowe

  1. Quote Very nice work... hmm... oh ya thats why I recognized it... I has it, well a cheap replica of it. (not the model the actual sword) perhaps i could ask for a picture of it? the one i have is grainy in the important areas.
  2. hehe, thanks. that's the 6th attempt and now i'm on crossgaurd attempt 3
  3. well, according to a poll on bgs, i'm starting on a new sword pack. "Yet another LOTR sword mod" WIPz shots: In-game Renders:
  4. "Rielle is as of yet, un-taken. I believe you'd enjoy it there." Lorrin said in a flamboyant, flirty tone that made Raurke slightly uncomfortable. "Alright, Lorrin, but you gotta stop that." Raurke said uneasily. "Thanks for putting me up and finding a place for me." "Oh, but it was a pleasure. Take note that the brotherhood will keep you busy with tasks." Lorrin said, sinisterly. Raurke went out and found his familiar. "Davide, we're moving to Rielle. I'll go ahead and set up my own quarters. You get the others ready, then come on over." Raurke said with slight distaste. He was still a guild mage, after all. After Davide left, Raurke disappeared. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red came downstairs quietly, having put Serenity in her bed. "What was that about, Red, those two get in a row or something?" Rider asked. "You could say something like that." Red said exasperated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raurke sat in the hidden depths of Rielle, trying to gather some semblance of order in his doubt-ridden mind. Lorrin had taught Raurke these forbidden magicks, and now his end of the deal was being called out. "No way out." Raurke muttered. His underlings were still two weeks away, so he had plenty of time to make his peace with the others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garulf couldn't understand what had just happened. One moment, there was empty space, the next, Raurke was standing in front of him. "Bloody hell, Ruarke!" He shouted. "What've you been up to? Serenity's in a wierd way. Raurke straightened up and addressed those gathered. "I'm sorry, but I must take my leave of you guys for a while. Something's come up, and I want Serenity safe as possible." Red nodded, then ushered him upstairs. "What is it?" She demanded. "Why are you acting like this?" Raurke sighed, "I can't tell you that right now." with that, he went in to Serenity's room and woke her up. Serenity looked at Raurke, then out of no where, she punched him square in the jaw. "You ASS!" she yelled, "How could you leave like that? no goodbye?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a loud thump upstairs, followed by the sound of Serenity yelling. "Sounds like Serenity knows Raurke's back." Garulf noted to Rider, both of them laughing
  5. Serenity... how ironic a name. She was at war inside... nothing peacefull about that. She needed to hit something... to find something to rip to shreds. "Sounds like fun." Serenity said curtly. "Let's have at, then." with that, she stormed upstairs and grabbed her swords, pack, and a couple choice poisons she had been saving for Umbra [had she not already been killed when She and Raruke got to her lair. Oh how Serenity and Clavicus Vile both were pissed.] Serenity dashed back downstairs, swords at the ready. "What's the hold up? I got some anger issues need sortin' out!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raurke felt a sense of freedom at not having to mask his identity, but felt sorrow at what he'd become. Nornalhorst was a fitting place for an undead's lair. In the four hours he had been there, thirty necromancers had been assigned to him by Lorrin. Raurke was still puzzled at how he had become such a high ranking Revenant in such a short time. "Revenant Darkstar," One of the necromancers said as he approached Raurke. "Revenant Lord Vengeance to see you." "Very well." Raurke dismissed absently. It's his lair, why should he announce himself? Raurke thought. "Raurke, I have matters to discuss with you." Lorrin said in an oddly passionate tone. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garulf whispered to Red, "What's with her? Is she always like this?" To which Red whispered back, "Shove off, Garulf, wouldn't you get antsy without me around?" "Rider looked at Serenity, "Serenity, Vermai aren't a creature to take lightly. Put those swords away, and let's figure out a plan of action. I'm sure Raurke would..." At the mention of Raurke, serenity lost all mental control. Falling to the floor, she went into a trance-like state, muttering to herself below her breath and curling up tight.
  6. Red thought for a moment, then spoke up "None of this makes any sense. I can't help but feel you're not telling the FULL story here." Raurke sighed, then started esplaining. "Four years ago, our parents were killed on a family outing. I was so caught up in wanting revenge, to get stronger, to do something to make me feel as though it wasn't my fault they died. I spent that year and a half researching magicks of... ill-repute. Among the dusty, ancient tomes i discovered in many libraries, I had found a report on the study of vampires and their abilities. Within this report, I discovered refferences to forbidden magicks Serenity knows of some of them, through my use in combat over the past 2 years. In most cases, attempting to use these magicks results in death for us mortals, well, you mortals. I had died, technically, but i was so hellbent on vengeance, my soul re-inhabited my lifeless corpse. As it is, From an undead's stand, I'm a vampire, though there are differences. Not that any vampire hunter would care to know. As far as any of those would be concerned, i'm a weak vampire." Raurke took a moment to let that sink in. "As for which powers i've been using, even now, I'm using a magick to keep my face as pretty as it is." Raurke continued, then dispelled the magick to show Red and Serenity. The women cringed away, surpised. "Red..." Raurke went on, "As for paying me back for the Sword, just keep my identity a secret." with that final request, Raurke disappeared. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can't believe he left like that." Serenity cried. "He didn't even say goodbye!" Red pulled her close and comforted her. "Seren, He can't guarantee our safety if he remains with us. Had Arwin gotten word, you'd be accused of harboring a danger to society." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The aylied halls were familiar to Raurke. He'd been here multiple times "So, Alberic forced your hand, did he?" another cloaked figure said, appearing from a doorway. "Revenant Lord Vengeance, how good of you to send your lapdog to confront me in such close proximity to my sister. that wasn't part of our understanding." Raurke addressed the figure. "Come now, Raurke, you and I should be less formal with each other. I've told you before, call me Lorrin." Vengeance said with a wicked smile. "I've only come for refuge untill i can find a place for my own, Lorrin." Raurke spat, with a taste of hatred.
  7. "You weren't supposed to be exposed to them, Serenity." Raurke said. He knew Serenity was hiding at the top of the stairs. "You can come out too, Red. "What are 'Revenants'?" they asked simultaneously, sitting down on either side of Raurke. "They are mortals who have discovered how to use vampiric abilities, and have as a result, become pseudo-vampires." Raurke said, defeatedly. "And yes, I'm becoming one. Even now, sunlight bothers me, as it bothers them, but we are not hurt by it. We haven't quite got the strength of vampires, but vampires do occasionally acknowledge us as one of their own, and use us as thralls on occasion." Raurke explained, "Since we have very little of their strengths, we also gain very little of their weaknesses. silver weapons sting, but not to the point where we can't use them. We require almost no blood, and depending on how many vampiric abilities we've used, our faces don't change." "But you can stop the process, reverse it even, right?" Serenity said worriedly. "I am afraid not, Seren..." Raurke nearly cried. "It' not like the disease of porphyric hemopphilia." At this point, Red piped up. "And exactly which abilities have you used?" She grabbed a couple strong drinks from the bar and handed the out. "Flitting." Raurke said with little hesitation. "I've been granted vampiric sprinting"
  8. well, take into account that i gave up 15 hours of sleep for it... it's just what i needed to get out of the rut i been in.
  9. i could easily convert it and thank you for the compliments. they do so make my days brighter
  10. [RELz] Gurthang made as a request, use however you want. the reqz thread
  11. When the party reached the Tavern, Raurke took a table and slid it to a dark corner, emptying his alchemical supplies onto it, and went to work, occasionally tricking Serenity into taste-testing his concoctions. "So, what are the Vekyrie?" he said, just loud enough to be heard over the clatter of plates, flatware, and mugs. Everyone went deathly quiet. "Okay, I'll drop it." He said, resuming his work. Serenity wandered over to the hearth and pulled out her ocarina, playing a somber melody. Everyone looked up and gathered 'round, listening to the beautiful notes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that night, while everyone was in bed, Raurke paced up and down the dining room. He felt the hairs on his neck stand up. "You again." he muttered just loud enough for the "The Revenant" to hear him. "I've told you time and again, I will NOT join your foul ranks. "Oh, but you already have, Raven of Talos." The Revanant said, as he removed his mask, revealing a vampiric face. "Or should i say, The Revenant Darkstar?" He chuckled darkly. Raurke's Sword flashed in the dim light, as The mysterious Revenant disappeared. "I will not have you threaten my sanity, Revenant Shadestrike." With that, Raurke curled up in the corner and waited for sunrise.
  12. Serenity's keen ylvyn ears picked up the faint sound of someone moving VERY fast through the wood. She tapped Red's Shoulder then pulled her down as Raurke appeared, standing sideways on the tree next to where Red's head had been just momewnts before. "Ah, I'm Quite sorry about that." Raurke blushed. "I can't see very well when doing that. It's a side-effect I've never figured out how to counteract." Red got up and dusted herself off. "It's quite alright." She said gruffly, annoyed with Raurke ever so slightly. At this, Raurke reached into an inside pocket of his vest and withdrew a bundle of swords. "Thought you'd like one of these." He said with a grin" Red stared bewildered. "I thought you were..." Red started. "In Anvil?" Raurke finished. "Long story, Grond and the others will be here shortly. Red perused the selection of blades in Raurke's hands. Suddenly, one caught her eye. Shaped exactly like Glass Rose, but made of obsidian with silver veins running throughout. "That one" She pointed. "Haha! Good eye." Raurke said as he slipped the rest of the blades back into that impossibly big pocket. "I'm gonna owe Gadget big time for that, but hey, we can't have you dyin again, and I'm sure you agree." Raurke said cheerfully. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Damnable Elf mage!" Grond muttered as he made his way through the brush and bramble. "I ought string him up and tie a slab of meat to his" At this point, Grond's monologue is cut short as he stumbles over a hidden root.
  13. Red melted into the greenery, scouting ahead. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She instinctively reached down for the dagger that wasn't there, and was relieved when it was only Serenity. "I thought i'd lend one of my swords until Raurke get's back from anvil." She said as she quietly drew out her swords, handing one to Red. "Carefull, they belonged to my mother." With that, they stalked off in silence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grond looked around in confusion. Raurke had just been there beside him mere moments ago. "Raurke!?" he shouted. "Yes, my friend?" Raurkereplied, fading in to vision. "Bloody hell! where've you been?" Grond said angrily. "Why, Anvil of course. Thought i'd grab a weapon for Red off of a contact i've got there." He held up a meaty selection of blades as proof. "Anvil? But that's a week's ride from 'ere!" Grond exclaimed, exasperated and bewildered. At this, Raurke laughed heartily. "Don't tell the gaurds, but i'm proficient in teleportation magicks, and if my intuition's right, you may be getting a first hand look at my fighting style." Raurke smiled roguishly. With that, he took a step, and appeared twenty feet away and looked back. "C'mon, we best catch up to the girls if we want any fun 'tall." and he was gone.
  14. Unable to resist the pull of research, Raurke puled out an empty vial and slipped the... thing... inside. "I'm not quite sure what it is, but i'm thinking it'd be safer to handle if it were separated from our skin by 3 millimeters of glass." he said in explanation, then handed it about to hear everyone's thoughts. "Queerest little thing i've ever seen" Serenity muttered under her breath as it reached her. "Jean, did your husband attack anything as he jumped through?" she asked, thinking hard. "You know, I'm not quite sure. He may have." Jean said, unassuringly. Suddenly Raurke yelped, holding his hand. "By gods! that thing can paralyze!" He yelled. "Are you ok? Serenity and Red asked hurriedly, Red grabbing her pack and rummaging around for some potion or another. "Yes Red, I'm fine. Got my hand back now." He wiggled his fingers to make his case. As Red examined the blob with a dark look, she said softly, "It looks like it might be related to the Elytra of the Shivering Isles, wouldn't you say? But at any rate, we best put this thing away in a safe place." She tossed the vial back to Raurke, who slipped it into one of the many pockets in his pack.
  15. Raurke walked out of the apothecary with a smile, oh how he weasled such a deal. "Must be my lucky day. I'd better get the rest of this to Serenity. She'll ring my neck if she doesn't get her cut." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh, so THAT'S what happened..." Serenity said wide-eyed as Red finished her tale of how she died. "Indeed, my young little friend" Red replied with a sober smile. "Ah, Raurke, you're back! find anything good?" Raurke looked up as he walked in. "Depends on how usefull a potion of glib tongues is to ya." he replied, cocksure. "I must have cleaned the damned apothecary out with what gadget gave me for those welkynds we delivered, which reminds me, here's your cut Seren." He tossed the purse to her. The twins looked at Red and asked "So, Red, what's next?" in classic twin fashion.
  16. Raurke (Deceased?) Full Name: Raurke Merrin DuskShadow Alias: Talos' Raven Age: 20 Race: Raven Elf Sign: Steed Class: Blade Mage Mount: prefers to walk Weapons: Glass Rose [sword], Various poisons, Numerous spells, Looks [for the ladies] Special Abilities: Raurke has an uncanny knowledge of movement, and has developed a magickal technique he calls "Flitting" in which he teleports short distances. He almost always uses this technique in combat, casting a spell, then appearing behind his enemy and slashing them as his spell makes contact. May sometimes close in and grab his adversary by the head and summon a fireball point blank. (a very messy, yet effective finisher that he has used to good effect on his shadow-self. Appearance: Tall with fair skin and Dark, almost purple hair. Usually seen in flamboyant clothing designed by Slof, or a seemingly standard black robe. Suspiciously missing an arm from lack of feeding, which has been replaced by a necro-prothetic. Background: Born and raised with his twin sister, Serenity, in the Temple District of the Imperial City, Raurke and Serenity lost their parents when ambushed by bandits on a family outing along the shores of lake Rumare. Currently a mage of no important rank in the mages guild because "I see no reason to advance further" Has secret ties to necromancers, and controls a group numbering around 30. Raurke: Serenity Full Name: Serenity Piper DuskShadow Alias: Seren Age: 20 Race: Raven Elf Sign: Steed Class: Rogue Mount: prefers to walk Weapons: Nameless [twin swords] Special Abilities: Uncanny grace when fighting with her two-sword style, probably through hidden enchantments in the blades. Appearance: Tall with fair skin and Dark, almost purple hair. Usually seen in lightweight, flexible, and comfortable armor. Background: Born and raised with her twin brother, Raurke, in the Temple District of the Imperial City, Raurke and Serenity lost their parents when ambushed by bandits on a family outing along the shores of lake Rumare. Currently works with her brother for a smith known as Gadget on the anvil docks.
  17. "Ah, I'll hit up the apothecaries now... best to have something to work with, should one of us be injured." Raurke said, with a teasing glance at Serenity. "That, and i need to think." With that, Raurke disappaered out the door of the shop. "So, Red, what's all this about you having died? We never really got the full story." Serenity asked furtively, not wanting to upset anyone. Serenity had just come down, wearing shiny black leathers as Raurke was speaking. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raurke checked his coin purse. "Empty? By the Nine, I have to cut down on the ale." He ryummaged through his pack, looking for something he could hock off at a general goods vendor when he heard a familiar voice. "Tam! That blade's expensive, don't drop it. We need it in good shapoe for the customer." Said the familiar voice. "Gadget?!" Raurke yelled in surprise. "What're you doin here? "Ah, Raurke, nice to see you! I'm actually here on business. some noble or another ordered some ghastly ornate sword, and sent me a messenger. I just happened to have the metals in stock, so i took the job. Besides, you know nobles pay well." Gadget said offhandedly. She was a Raven elf, like Raurke and Serenity, but was not blood relation. They had all three, grown up in the Temple District as neighbors. She had made Glass Rose and Serenity's Twin swords six years ago, as a gift to Their parents. Still taking care of those swords, I see. Glad to see their getting the proper respect they need." Gadget said. "Yes, we couldn't bring ourselves to enchant them, they cut so well. I still can't figure out what you did to Glass Rose's volcanic glass to make it cut ghosts, but I'm not complaining." Raurke said with a chuckle. "Ah, the secret was melting down soulgems and mixing them in with the glass. Filled, of course." Gadget remarked. "At any rate, i must be going, but here's what I owe you for that last batch of welkynds you sent me." She handed Raurke a fattened coin purse and hurried off to the richer part of Sutch. "Bonus!" Raurke said to himself, and hurried into the apothecary.
  18. Their room was small, but comfortable, and neither twin could sleep. In the dim firelight, they sat, checking their equipment, Raurke Polishing his Prized Glass Rose, a sword of no small beauty, in the image of a cutting from a rose stem, gleaming brightly as if the room were lit by daylight. "'Cha thinkin 'bout, Raurke?" Serenity asked, playfully tugging on the tufts of hair on Ruarke's chin. Raurke, slightly annoyed, regarded his twin sister with a ruefull look. Casting a glance upon her twin swords of no name. "You're just like her... like ma... the way you use her swords, you're naive, carefree attitude... I miss her so much, Seren..." The twins had lost their parents to bandits while on a stroll around Lake Rumare four years ago. they were Twenty now, and learning the harsh realities of life at an even deeper level than on that day four years ago. "You know what, let's forget that welkynd job and tag along with Red... i'm pretty sure she could use the help... and it'd be much safer in such a large group." Raurke suggested, much to Serenity's surprise. "Fine, but don't you use none of your outlaw magics... you know the penalty for teleportation and that 'Flit' spell you created." Serenity barked. Raurke gave her a bewildered look. "But, Flitting is half of my fighting style... what's wrong with suddenly appearing in front of an opponent twenty feet away and slicing'em up?" Raurke mused defiantly.
  19. Quote Start with a baliwog, add dentures, and spiky bits. That critter looks like he has a dirty sense of humor. it's the fu manchu, isn't it?
  20. well, after a little reading online, i came across this curious creature called a "Hodag" apparently, these creatures frequent caves in Wisconson, according to folklore. perhaps someone would undertake this?
  21. Serenity and Raurke stand bewildered looking on as Red made her glorious reappearance. "Just HOW long have we been away, Raurke... when did Red 'die'?" Serenity whispered to Raurke Raurke just stares on, having lost all ability to speak. He then conjures up another bottle and hands it to Red. "What's all this about dying, you fox?" Raurke shouted as he finally found his voice. "Mayhap you'd enjoy a run to an old ruin with us? i hear it's got plenty of shiny for the filching" Raurke and Serenity said like twins, one starting, and the other finishio g.
  22. just noticed my resource isn't on the list here... i know it's on the list on bgs... http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=21540 [note]
  23. not much of a locale, but more of an activity i like to do anywhere in cyrodiil... peeplwachin!
  24. thanks i still have a lot of ideas for this one. i'll be reading up on quests and such soon. [this is pretty much practice for the order of virtuous blood mod]
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