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Posts posted by charlescrowe

  1. Another fun tactic is placing a rune spell along a retreat path, then initiating combat. Pop a few arrows to draw them in, then duck back behind your rune, preferably behind a corner, then draw your melee weapons when you hear it go off. Particularly useful against the more powerful enemies like frost trolls.

  2. I'm personally a fan of the shield and staff combination, especially if it's a staff of chain lightning. The staff of chain lightning staggers muiltiple enimies without having to dual cast, allowing you to manuever yourself to a better vantage, while keeping everyone pinned down. Staves can also charge their attacks while the shield is raised, which really helps when trying to cope against archers and melee fighters simultaneously. In other words, its great for an individual taking on multiple enimies, which is how the game works most of the time. Its main disavantage is collateral damage; if you're not careful you can lose a companion, or incur bounties.

    ah, a fine tactic indeed. will have to try the next time i find myself in possession of a magick stick.

    I'm quickly becoming a fan of the combat shouts. I cannot count the times a strategic Fire Breath has laid to rest a brace or more of Draugr or Bandits. Particularly useful when dealing with spiders or trolls, and sets enemies up for increased damage from flame-enchanted weaponry.

  3. Gentlemen, (and Ladies) welcome to the War Room. Within it's confines dwell the greatest warriors, tacticians, and skalds. It's purpose is to provide a place to discuss and share your favorite techniques, learn new ones, and share the tales of your valor. Keep in mind; this is not a place to compare weapon sizes, we have the mess hall for that.

    "The best techniques are passed down by the survivors." -Gaiden Shinji

    As much as I love the stylish moves of Two Weapon Fighting, one of my Favorite techniques is sword and shield. well ballanced defense and offense, and takes advantage of perks like elemental protection. Turning those pesky cryomancers into sniveling whelps.

    The technique can also be varied to allow for casting while maintaining a physical offense, or defense. It screams "survival of the fittest' in it's modular, adaptable employ.

  4. Just got done running Shalidor's Maze, and got the idea... conjuration is a bit bland... your summons automatically obey you, and there's almost no margin of error.

    What if (and bear with me)

    summons had a small chance of frenzying everyone?

    that dremora lord you want to summon has other ideas, pulling you through the gateway?

    you get the WRONG summon?

    would definitely add a bit of spice to conjuration :P

  5. Raurke was starting to feel uncomfortable; why had the only Dwemer contraption they had encountered been so passive? All the Dwemer ruins he'd been in during the last two centuries had been fit to burst with the infernal constructs, and they'd waste no time in attacking any hapless adventurer Nocturnal had the humor to send stumbling across them.

    "Falmer." came William's voice, hushed and apprehensive, pointing out odd chitin-and-bone architecture ahead. In reply, a flash of firey red light emenated from further on, followed by the sound of a fireball impacting and exploding against a surface.

    "Explains the lack of constructs." This time it was Felix who had chimed in, from which he continued; "I'm sure our targets are already aware of our presence, what say we hurry?" With this, the young mage shrugged.

    Duncan and Carter laughed simultaneously, finishing each other's sentences. "Aye, I would hate to lose a bounty..." "To the Falmer, mindless cretins wouldn't even know what to do with a Septim."

    Spurred onward by competitive spirit and no small amount of greed, the group quickened their pace. The sounds of combat ahead faded into silence almost as quickly as they had started as the quintet got closer, and the voices of the elves could be heard once again. "Edwin, what in blazes is that mark on your shoulder?" the nameless female's voice echoed.

    "Mark? What mark? I see no mark!" a second voice, Edwin's piped up in reply, nervous tones creeping in. The sound of a scuffle came shortly afterward, followed by a grunt and the ripping of fabric. A curse too foul to be repeated cam from the woman, her tone of utmost rage. "The axe of Talos. Traitor! Heathen and spy!" She yelled. "Aye, I'm a Talos worshipper, Aramel. Not all of us believe in the 'cause'." Edwin's voice spat, no longer sounding like a bungling fool.

    The sudden sound of a mace connecting with flesh resounded with a thud, soliciting a grunt and a slightly more faint thud as Edwin slumped to the ground. "Come, Gil. Let the heretic to die, alone." A minute passed, and Raurke and company were within sight of the dissident High Elf. Raurke went to the young elf, checking his vitals. "He's alive, but only just. It's unfortunate, my restoration skills are quite rusty, Felix, any chance you can atleast get him stabilized?" A look of pity and righteous fury emblazened on the Revenant's face, which was now slowly contorting into the visage of a monster. Looking at the mark on Edwin's shoulder, Raurke saw a familiar design hidden within the patterns in the Axe of Talos; a Raven's Skull. "By the nine, no. I recognize that mark." he said with regret, pulling his leather cuirass up and turning to show the group his bare, heavily scarred and tattooed back.

  6. charlescrowe: Yes it might be worth me taking a look at glass armour, may be useful. Thanks. Regarding the Hammerfell garb: Yes I know the vanilla rigging is far from perfect, you could edit the alpha channel and remove tthe bottom half of it. That might help. Important to note that wearing certain types of gauntlets with that outfit also results in the characters wrists becoming invisible, due to it having shorter sleeves.

    The Nocturnal dress is also another culprit that clips badly too.

    well, the Devs made it unattainable through normal means for a reasong (the nocturnal outfit)

    and am happy to give constructive input. my grandfather is a Templar, yanno :P

  7. someone commented to me a while ago that the glass armor looks rather knightly/paladinic... and i kinda have to agree.

    the hammerfell templar gear looks great too, tho if i might make one suggestion; the cape on the vanilla version clips during running/walking animations. have you got a way to shorten the cape a tad, to say mid-thigh length?

    edit: spelling

  8. gallery_367_33_158875.jpg

    Type: Player Character

    Name: Malori Duskshadow

    Age: 220

    Race: Wood Elf

    Alignment: Neutral Good, strong Chaotic tendencies.

    Occupation: Scout, Apostate of Kynareth, undead Hunter

    Gaurdian Stone: The Steed

    Mount: None, can generally travel faster on foot.


    Malori is small, even by Bosmeri standard, measuring in at 4'7'', and proportionally as light. Her small stature masks her true strength, as it's supernaturally augmented by her undeath. Malori's facial features are sharp, yet feminine, marred slightly by a faint scar on her left cheek, and more noticeably; a facial brand given to her by her husband's shadow.


    A pair of silver-plated scimitars given to her by Raurke as an anniversary gift; these never leave her person. Like most typical Bosmer, Malori carries a bow; hand crafted by her friend and mentor, Halligan Thrane as a wedding gift.


    Like her husband, Malori found herself in Skyrim following a 90 year sleep in an unnamed barrow on the southern border. Malori first met Raurke when she was imprisoned in an underground compound that housed the Revenant court, sharing their jail cell. The result of their imprisonment left Malori slightly mad; Her and Raurke's souls were sharing the same body for 5 years while she trained for combat with the Redgaurd Vampire Haligan Thrane. Twenty years after the events that took place in the original Tales, Raurke and Malori wed in her ancestral home of Valenwood, and has since remained with him devotedly.


    Mentally, Malori is still only 18; having gone slightly mad from her earlier days with Raurke which resulted in a psycholigical obsession, she devotes herself almost blindly to him (sometimes to his annoyance). More likely to talk to animals than people, Malori almost never converses willingly with people, the exception of course being her husband. She can be a bit of a handfull; one moment childishly excited about something small, and the next almost murderously serious about the task at hand. Malori is more likely than Raurke to go feral in serious combat.

    Abilities of note:

    A naturally talented markswoman, and can be a deadly unpredictable undead beasty in close combat. Shares almost all of Raurke's Revenant abilities, save for the finer arts of magic and self-control.

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