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Everything posted by AndalayBay

  1. She didn't - I peeked at her profile I thought I had seen something somewhere else that suggested that too. Yeah, careful IS, we're invading the Oblivion modding scene
  2. Actually Helborne is a "she" We contacted her on Nexus to get permission to use her Chitin armour in our mod. She responded quite promptly (and gave us permission ), so if you need to contact her, you can do it on Nexus.
  3. Re. OBMM - that's not true. You can install anything you like with OBMM. You just need to create the omod which can be done in a few simple steps. There are a lot of mods, especially anything by TheNiceOne, that are packaged as BAIN compatible with omod conversion information. That means that it's really easy to make an omod out of them and they may even have an OBMM script to help with the installation. Once you are comfortable with Oblivion mods, you may wish to give BAIN a try. BAIN does keep track of mod assets better, so if you remove a mod that overwrote some files from another, BAIN will restore the files that got overwritten. With OBMM, you will have to reinstall the original mod that got overwritten. Tomlong's website has a lot of information about installing mods. In particular, this page explains how to create omod's.
  4. Maybe they weren't doing the cleaning properly because, as Arthmoor said, that kind of edit is not an "identical to master" record and FO3Edit should not be removing it. Now if the player selected ModGroups when cleaning, that will screw up the process, although even that doesn't usually remove records that it shouldn't.
  5. Sorry to resurrect this rather old thread, but I just wanted to say that actually you can use the existing voices to create new dialog It's called Oblivion Dynamic Dialog Creation and VOILA - Voices of Imperial Legion Amalgamated uses it quite successfully. With VOILA, you can get arrested by a Nord or a Redguard - it works! It's really funny to hear Burd give the usual arrest dialog. It isn't exactly the same, the dialog is a bit different because it has to be compiled from other lines that have been recorded for male Nords in the game, but the resulting dialog works quite well. I don't think ODDC is very easy to use though...
  6. Ama and I have been having more discussions... Khett, have you actually extracted the vanilla textures from the BSA or are you just relying on them being in the BSA when the mesh is used in-game? Ama was able to replicate the issue when the directory didn't actually exist, so the texture wasn't in the exact path as it was referenced in the mesh. She was working on some of my stuff from one of my mods, so she didn't replicate the entire directory structure. We'll guessing that Blender might tack "textures" on to the front of the path if it can't actually find the texture file in the specified path.
  7. I passed this along to our modeller and it only seems to happen if you use the vanilla paths. We are now putting all of our resources in a directory structure specific to our mod and we're not having the problem anymore.
  8. One of our modellers is having this problem too. I've chewed her out a couple of times because I get meshes or textures from here that will have several extra "meshes" or "textures" folders at the start of the path. Now I notice that in Washington's screenshot of the Blender settings, there is something called Relative Paths Default - is that the problem? I suspect that if that is set, Blender will automatically tack "textures" on to your file path. Now why it doesn't do that for your custom textures, I don't know. I also know absolutely nothing about Blender, so I'm taking a stab in the dark
  9. PyFFI stands for Python File Format Interface. There are several things that it can do apparently, although I've never used them. I would say it's most common feature is it's ability to optimize meshes. This is what is meant when someone talks about "PyFFIing" their meshes. It can only optimize meshes - i.e. NIF files, not textures. There are a lot of people that swear by it and have actually extracted all of the vanilla meshes from the archives (BSA files) and optimized them. I haven't gone that far, but I always PyFFI the meshes in my mods. It doesn't hurt and is supposed to improve performance. The easiest way to do it is to copy all the meshes you want to optimize to the In folder in your PyFFI folder - usually utilities\toaster\in under your PyFFI folder. Then you just right click on the obivion_optimize.ini file in the toaster directory and select Run PyFFI. It will chug away and copy all the optimized meshes to the out folder. You should optimize any meshes you distribute as part of any mods you create. If you do, you should mention it in the readme so players know they don't have to. If you are using a mod that has a lot of meshes, it might be worth doing if the author hasn't done so already. And you can try doing it for the vanilla meshes too and see if you do get a little better performance out of the game.
  10. Oh, gods no - what have we unleashed? Now we know what Lanceor watches in the early hours of the morning...
  11. Clearly... somebody has been watching waaaayyyy too many infomercials Please, Zu, adopt these in moderation Mind you, you could say your mod is a replacement for the Annoying Fan. Then you'd just need to get your guy to follow the player so he can show him Dive Rock I do have to admit though - I really like the "this sword has not one but two edges..." That's priceless
  12. That looked like QTP 3 as near as I could tell. I don't run it anymore, but that's definitely sharper than normal.
  13. Yeah, you've done both Just pick one and remove the other. Also the Archive Invalidated BSA method from Nexus has a bug: have a look at the sArchiveList in your Oblivion.ini - see where it stuck ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa? It should come first. That will load the vanilla meshes first, so you're not going to see anything. I recommend you remove ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa from your data directory and edit your Oblivion.ini file to remove that entry from your sArchiveList - basically make it look like I have in my second example. Lastly, just do a quick check to make sure you have a BSARedirection.bsa file in your Oblivion\obmm directory. I don't use the one from Nexus anymore. I use Wrye Bash or OBMM. To use the method in WB, you need to activate the Installers, right click on the Packages heading and select BSA Redirection from the menu. If you don't use BAIN to install your mods, stick with the method from OBMM.
  14. Well, if you've done it right, you should have a line like this in your Oblivion.ini file: SArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa [/xml] There should also be an ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa file in your Data directory. If you used the OBMM method, the path will be slightly different, but once again you should find a dummy BSA file in the directory listed in the SArchiveList. The SArchiveList is relative to your Data directory. Btw, I'm not sure about the OBMM instructions posted above. I think that's the old method. I just click on Utilities, Archive Invalidation, make sure BSA redirection is checked off and click Update Now. That's it. Done. You'll wind up with a file called BSARedirection.bsa in your obmm folder in your Oblivion directory (not data) and your Oblivion.ini file will have: [xml] sArchiveList=..\obmm\BSARedirection.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, ... other bsa's
  15. Another question: Greenie when you refer to "Smooth egt for vanilla races by CapsAdmin." Do you mean his Vanity Pack? I can't tell by reading the description for that if it's the one you mean or not. I've already got Shady's Improved Facial Textures, so we're good there
  16. OBMM does the exact same thing as Archive Invalidation BSA - it just puts it in the OBMM directory and changes the path in the ini. I suspect your problem was the fact that you had an ArchiveInvalidation.txt file as well.
  17. Yeah, I was only referring to the face textures.
  18. Great! I never would have found that since I use Robert's Male and Female - I never would have thought anything in HGEC would be compatible.
  19. Thanks for the tips, Greenie. Can you provide a name for us to search Nexus for Navetsea's? I tried searching and nothing came up. Or are they not on Nexus? I find I get a rather pronounced golden lip effect with Enayla's, so I'd like to try a different set of textures.
  20. Oh, no, I meant trying to get programmers to use somebody else's code! It's like pulling hen's teeth! Arghhh... "What do you mean it's going to take 3 months to write that? There's a library right here!" "Yeah, but I can't be bothered reading that. Besides the code is crap..." I was often hired to create code libraries for companies, but if the management support was weak (which it usually was), the libraries never got used. My point of view is a little different because I've always worked as a consultant, so I'd be pulled in when there was a mess already and would be expected to fix it! Beth's code is suspect in many cases, but I find their process is usually ok. One of the main ones is how to convert an existing house so that it can be used by a mod. The safe was to do it is the same way Beth handles such cases, whereas I've joined teams where all they did was rename the existing house! And do a very good job of breaking the game in the process... So basically, like you, I recommend having a look at Beth's code to see how they handled something and then look at improving it with better technique Sounds like our backgrounds are quite similar
  21. Yeah, I wanted to get my hands on the extended edition (or whatever it was called) of Dragon Age: Origins before starting on the new one! Also, I like to save all my game purchases for my birthday (I ask my hubby to get them for me), but there's no way I can wait until December!! I've already told my husband that I want the CE of Skyrim and he must get it as soon as it's available
  22. Also, to get OBSE to load with the Steam version of Oblivion, you need to enable the in-game community setting.
  23. Well, that's how we'd like it to work in the real world, but my experience has been that's there's way too much ego in the IT industry for that to be a reality And when it comes to Oblivion scripting, I always recommend that people do stuff the same way Beth did when possible. I still like to believe that they knew what they were doing and they had a reason for doing it that way! ... professional programmer/systems analyst consultant for over 20 yrs... Getting there with some of the java libraries though...
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