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Posts posted by Cliffworms

  1. It would be intersting to be able to join ONLY one order, the question is, how would the other temples react to you? Also how would they react to the Knights of the Nine? Also, would there be grounds for being "kicked out" of the order? If so would you be able to join others at that point or re-enlist?

    Only need to do this for the Daedra after XD

    Edit: Umm how did you pull off that intro bit with the torch?

    Yes, one religion/order only. And if you join a religion, you can't join its associated knightly order. So there's a faction for the priests, and one faction for the knights.

    The reactions you get from other temples/factions would be the same that I set for the NPCs. For example, the School of Julianos, is not in good terms with the Mages Guild. (Both seek knowledge, but view it differently), so Mages Guild members would not like you. Or, Dibella is enemy with Sanguine's worshippers, so joining the House or the Order of the Lily would make you enemy with Sanguine's worshippers. Meaning you can't complete this Daedric side-quest.

    The Knights of the Nine are treated differently. I had to adapt the lore to fit with Daggerfall's. The Knights of the Nine share a neutral relation with every god/order and are not accepted within the priests' quarters of every temple. They can wander inside the Undercrofts safe and sound, but are not allowed where the priests sleep, eat and study.

    As for being kicked out, there are the obvious ways, such as stealing, killing, assaulting. That would get you kicked out forever. No second chance. And you could not join another religion/order since you were already affiliated with another one. Or maybe you could join only the religion's friend/ally only.

    Daedra Summoning does not allow you to be a worshipper though. :P

    It only makes it more interesting to visit the Shrines.

    The trailer's intro is Daggerfall's introduction video, when Uriel Septim VII and Ocato speak to you about the task ahead. And, luckily, he says "Close shut marble jaws of Oblivion" in it, so I could take the "Oblivi" part and stick it to "Fall" so make him say the project's name. :cookie4u:

    although the churches would always accept someone coming back, even for murder, proof of this is in the book "Ten Commands Nine Divines". XD

    Will we get our gods priests robes/armor when we join a certain chapel?, just wondering. ;)

    Wonderful work, wonder what it will be like stumbling on all the surprises you left for us to find, the chapels look very holy and sacred! :cookie4u:

    Cliff, I also want to thank you personally for the sounds mod, some of those sounds will be very very useful to me, now and in the future. :cookie4u:


    Well the Nine Divines are not unified anymore, and I pretty much scrapped the "commands" that all religions share, with Losing my Religion. :)

    Each religion view things differently and have their own commands. Well, Stendarr, god of Mercy, would most likely give a second chance. But the other gods would not. And the knightly orders never give second chances, whatever the crime. :)

    And yes, that would get you the robe/armor of the chapel/order. The full equipment. Of course, being first rank would get you a low-rank robe or the basic chainmail of the order. IF I ever do quests for them (And I mean IF), they'd not consist of fighting a greater enemy, like the Fighters Guild or Mages guild questlines. And there would be no way you could become the "leader" of the faction.

    Surprises in the chapel? Yes there are. It is rumored that one of them has a vault where the gold and sacred items are stored...

    Glad you like the sounds mod. And, yes, feel free to use them in your mod. They are free for the taking! ;)

  2. Thanks both of you! :cookie4u:

    Yes, the religions now have a bigger impact on GamePlay. I'm still thinking if I should allow the player to join one of the religion/knightly orders as a novice/recruit only and then allowing the use of the temples' best services to faction members only. This way, there would be an even better reason to be a believer. The player would have to choose his religion well, since they all don't offer the same service and some are rivals... Maybe in a future version. :cookie4u:

    THis being said, I have released Oblivifall's first Trailer. It shows visual shots from Losing My Religion, Something's Not Right, Better Inns and Daedra Summoning.

    After having watched the trailer, make sure to watch Daggerfall's Official Trailer released in 1996... and spot the similarities between both videos. :cookie4u:

  3. Losing My Religion is getting even closer to release. Here are the news:

    I've finished implementing the healing service and the donations.

    Like in Daggerfall, giving a donation not only improves your relationship with the god's faction and its associated knightly order, but it can also result in receiving a blessing if you give a large amount of money.

    Depending on how much you give, the blessing has three "versions". Minor, Normal and Major. The largest sum the player can donate at once is 1000 septims.

    The blessings you get when donating are slightly better than the ones you receive by preaching at the wilderness wayshrines, and much better than the one at the Altar.

    Changes to Oblivion's blessings have been done as well.

    The wilderness wayshrines do not restore damaged stats, health and cures diseases anymore. They only give you the god's blessing.

    Blessings now match Daggerfall's. Here are the replacements:

    Akatosh: Speed (No Change)

    Arkay: Health (No Change)

    Dibella: Luck (Instead of Personality)

    Julianos: Intelligence, Magicka (No Change)

    Kynareth: Endurance (Instead of Agility)

    Mara: Personality (Instead of Willpower)

    Stendarr: Endurance (At the Wayshrine), Temp Fame Boost (Via Donation Blessing)

    Talos: Strength (No Change)

    Zenithar: Mercantile (Instead of Luck)

    In another chapter, the Order of the Hour HQ will prove to be fun to explore for thieves and legal adventurers alike.

    Visitors are allowed only on the first floor of the Keep, where Akatosh's chapel and priests are. The other areas are restricted to the members of the Order.

    If the player is caught exploring the rest of the headquarters, the knight who engaged the conversation will escort him outside the castle. The player can refuse. Upon refusal, the player can be thrown the keep's dungeon. Again, the player may refuse and attack the knight. Which is not a really good idea, since you're then facing the whole Order against you.

    Being sent to the Keep's jail does not add to your criminal record. When sent to jail, your equipment is removed from you (Except a lockpick, if you have one). Like cities' jails, you can "sleep it up" or evade. But know that your equipment is not stored in a chest located in the dungeon. It's somewhere in the keep and you have to find out.... Servants can sometime be excellent candidates to get the answer you are looking for... :)

    If you choose to simply get escorted outside the keep by the knight, you then have one last change of getting caught inside the keep's restricted areas. If you get caught again, you are banned from the Keep and you'll be arrested (sent to the dungeon) on sight, if you do not decide to kill them all of course, even if you are in the areas where visitors are allowed.

    But if you have Speech, or you are friendly enough with the Knight, you can convince him not to tell his friends that you've been caught, and so you still have your two chances left.

    Watch out, though, the higher ranked members of the Order do not take too kindly to intruders, and some show no mercy, preferring to throw them in the dungeon right away rather than giving them a last chance.

    As for what's left to do for LMR, here it is:

    - Finish dialogue for the Order of the Hour's HQ. (A couple of lines left)

    - Finish the Kynaran Order's schedules (4 NPCs left)

    - Tombs and epitaphs (11 left)

    - Outfits for Dibella (4 Outfits left to find)

    - Finish Statues in the Order of Talos (3 historical characters to find/make up)

    - Adding beards to some of Julianos' Worshippers (Because some really need to be beardy)

    - Knights of the Nine integration (Will be done last)

    Soon the citizens of Cyrodiil will bask in their gods true glory! :D

  4. OBLIVIFALL : Vengeance of the Classic

    Ambiant Dungeon SFX

    Download @ TES Alliance

    Download @ TES Nexus

    In Daggerfall, an element that added to the scare factor were the creepy sound ambiances. You could hear doors opening in the distance, zombies moaning, rock sliding, etc.

    I have designed 17 sound ambiances that fit each dungeon theme that sound similar to Daggerfall's. Each sound is different and have a low volume so that you won't notice that it is played in loop.

    The common ambiances, which include Ayleid ruins, forts and caves, have three variations each. Haunted, daedric and standard. Caves also have a "wet" variation when the place is submerged or near water sources.

    The other ambiances include sewers, mines and narrow tunnels.

    Have fun playing in a more Daggerfallesque dungeon experience!


    Narrow Tunnels: The tight, narrow tunnels inside caves, where rats, bats and smaller insects hide. Where you can hear the rock around you cracking.

    Mines: Deep mines are sustained by wooden structures which make the rock stable. Thus, in mines, you hear the wood cracking and some pieces of stone falling. Bats also tend to live in the darker section of the mines.

    Haunted Fort: Inhabited by the undead, haunted forts should not be disturbed. There's a constant, low moan in the distance while you hear movement ahead. Wait...was that a zombie's moan in the distance? And is this a door opening?

    Sewers: Home of rats, bats, nuisances and darker creatures, the sewers are a wet and humid place. Some zombies even inhabit such places and may be heard in the distance.

    Wet Cavern: When deep under the ground, an explorer will most likely stumble upon flooded sections of a cave. Water drips, bats flee when light is seen, rats scurry around in the shadows. Huh? Is that a boulder falling ahead?

    Daedric Caverns: It should be easy to know when one explores caverns inhabited by daedras and conjurers. Dark voices can be heard, a mystical aura floats around and the wind does not sound natural.

    Standard Ayleid Ruins: Standard ruins are homes of mystical creatures, bandits or nuisances. Yet, they still hold the Ayleid's mystical aura. Maybe it's the welkynd stones' chants?


    You need the latest version of Oblivion.


    You do not need to start a new game to see the changes.


    - Will not conflict with any sound mod.


    Distribute this mod as you wish. Just give the credits to me for releasing the plugin.


    V1.0: Initial Release


    - The Daggerfall Dev Team for the best cRPG ever created.

    - Bethesda for the Oblivion CS.

    X. Oblivifall modules and Daggerfall-related mods by the Community

    To know which Oblivifall modules have been released or are in the works, either search for the word “Oblivifall†on the website where you downloaded this mod, or visit the project’s official thread Here.

    If you want to extend furthermore your Daggerfallesque experience, I recommend you to take a look at the Daggerfallesque Mod List in this link: Here.

  5. Yesterday, a thought occured to me while walking around an Oblivion dungeon.

    Daggerfall had awesome sound ambiances when exploring dungeons. You'd hear doors opening in the distance, rocks cracking, switches being activated, moans and the likes, which greatly helped to make you on the edge.

    So I launched my sound design software and created those ambiances:

    Narrow Tunnels: The tight, narrow tunnels inside caves, where rats, bats and smaller insects hide. Where you can hear the rock around you cracking.

    Mines: Deep mines are sustained by wooden structures which make the rock stable. Thus, in mines, you hear the wood cracking and some pieces of stone falling. Bats also tend to live in the darker section of the mines.

    Haunted Fort: Inhabited by the undead, haunted forts should not be disturbed. There's a constant, low moan in the distance while you hear movement ahead. Wait...was that a zombie's moan in the distance? And is this a door opening?

    Sewers: Home of rats, bats, nuisances and darker creatures, the sewers are a wet and humid place. Some zombies even inhabit such places and may be heard in the distance.

    Wet Cavern: When deep under the ground, an explorer will most likely stumble upon flooded sections of a cave. Water drips, bats flee when light is seen, rats scurry around in the shadows. Huh? Is that a boulder falling ahead?

    Daedric Caverns: It should be easy to know when one explores caverns inhabited by daedras and conjurers. Dark voices can be heard, a mystical aura floats around and the wind does not sound natural.

    Standard Ayleid Ruins: Standard ruins are homes of mystical creatures, bandits or nuisances. Yet, they still hold the Ayleid's mystical aura. Maybe it's the welkynd stones' chants?

    I have created variations of each dungeon theme. Undead, Daedric and Standard. Caves also has a "Wet" variation when a dungeon area is partially flooded.

    There are 17 different sound ambiances, which are played in loop inside the dungeons, in addition to the game's sound effects that are already there. They mix perfectly.

    Expect a release soon, since it's a quickie. I have to add the ambiance to each dungeon, but it shouldn't take too long. :hugs:

  6. Hehe, well it's your project. As long as you like it from your point of view that is what counts. :yes:

    I was merely throwing ideas, you then incorporate them in as you see fit. :lmao:

    (But I must admit that I'm happy to see some elements from the original Dark Brotherhood Chronicles finally seeing the light. I'm sure some of the original team's members would be happy to see this. I lost track of them though)

  7. I'm back from a long holiday vacation. I read the messages, but didn't have the time to reply to them. :P

    It's great that you are back, Manta! As I was on vacation, I did not start CS work, but I did drew a very basic map with paint, only to help me when I would build it.

    But seems like it's mostly all done, so no worries. :D

    Oh, you decided to take the insane silencer, Arthmoor, great! :)

    I decided not to invest in a good microphone right now, but should you be interested in having voice acting, that is not a problem with TESA. :)

    Awaiting more Arthmoor goodness now... :D

  8. I do not think what you want can be accomplished with just placing a leveled monster marker. They are hard-coded in the game to work one way, and only that one way.

    I do have a question. How are you 'disabling' the unwanted NPC's? For a leveled marker to work, I would think you need to perform a 'kill' on the NPC before disabling it. That way the marker knows it can later respawn if necessary. If you just disable NPC's your game will soon bloat in size with all those disabled NPC's.

    My suggestion is to get rid of the leveled markers and create your own markers that use script to control when it creates another NPC. But, I can not think of any good way (other than making unique NPC's for each and every marker) to have the spawned NPC let the scripted marker know its now gone.

    So, let me know more about what you want and what you think about what I have said.

    Thank you for the answer, Willie Sea.

    You see, I was trying to mimic Morrowind Comes Alive's script used on its random NPCs spawned on Leveled Markers. By reading your post and checking MCA's script, I noticed that only one function was different between Oblivion and Morrowind's scripting engine: "SetDelete". This function removes the associated reference and, in the case of leveled NPC Marker, it will spawn a new NPC from that marker. And that seems to be how Morrowind's markers work. As soon as the spawned creature/NPC is purged from a cell reset, gets removed by the player (Dispose of Corpse), or has the "SetDelete" command on it, the Marker automatically spawns a new NPC/Creature when the player returns to the cell.

    So, this being said,are you suggesting a Quest Script that would control this? With X Markers replacing the Leveled Ones? And, finally, dummy cells in which the NPCs would be located, with unique ID names to control the respawn via the Quest Script?

  9. Hi!

    For Oblivifall - Better Inns, I'm placing leveled creature markers inside taverns, streets, temples, etc. The NPCs spawned by the markers have a script attached to them that remove them from the world under certain conditions. For example, if the NPC is spawned inside and the player leaves the place and goes away for a certain number of units, the NPC will disable himself. But what I can't seem to do/find is a way for the leveled creature marker to spawn a new NPC when the older one has dissapeared, with the Chance None setting to stay, so that there MAY be a NPC spawned, or not.

    Basicly, somehow re-enabling the Leveled Creature Marker instead of waiting the in-game 3 Days respawn time.

    My thoughts on how to proceed:

    To let the Leveled Creature marker know that the NPC has disabled himself: The script on the NPC sets a Quest variable to 1. The leveled creature marker checks the quest variable each time the conditions are met (Player enters the cell, for instance) and if it is at 1, it spawns a new NPC.

    Though the problem with calling a quest variable is that some leveled creature markers appear at more than one place at a time. So I think that giving a quest variable will make other markers think their NPCs has been disabled, and they'll spawn more. Soon, we'll have hundreds of NPCs everywhere.

    So! in short:

    - The function for a leveled creature marker to spawn a new NPC from its leveled list.

    - Finding a way to let the marker know his latest spawned NPC has been disabled.

    Those are my questions. :pints:

    Other than those two things, the NPCs script work wonderfully. They disable themselves during the night (For non-thief NPCs), or simply dissapear if you go away for too long, simulating the come and go of the NPCs.


  10. Great! Let me know when you'll want me to start on it.

    About the design/theme, if the sanctuary is located under the drug dealers house, I don't think that seeing Ayleids pieces could fit. But it could be a mix of both Fort tiles and Cave tiles. For instance, (brainstorming mode: Active) it could start as small narrow cave tunnels leading west, towards Leyawiins. So instead of having direct access to the sanctuary from the city itself, it would be from outside it. The tunnels then lead to the Fort theme, where the sanctuary actually is.

    On some of the cave walls, bits and pieces of Leyawiin's city walls could be placed, so that the player gets the feel that he is really under the city now. If direct city access is needed, perhaps using a grave as an entry point could work? If we're talking lore/world wise, the grass and dirt in front of the one of the tombstones is fake. And should the Assassin say at a low tone :"Sanguine my Brother" in front of the tombstone, the dirt/grass can be pulled out and a trap door is discovered under, unlocked. All of this can be described via a MessageBox.

    I noticed in your first post that the Anvil sanctuary is occupied by bandits. If you are still interested in having a sanctuary that has been purified by a paranoid speaker, Leyawiin could be the one. Maybe even encountering him inside the dark, lifeless halls. Mumbling to himself, sitting in a chair in the middle of a room, with a light-source behind him so you only see his silouhette.

    Other brainstormed idea concerning the purified setting:

    Arquen tells you that the sanctuary is still operative and asks you to go present yourself to the speaker, so he can see you in person. Upon arriving on the location, seeing a dead Dark Brotherhood brother/sister will make the player go "Okay, so something's wrong here."

    If the speaker is still inside, alone, mumbling, the player could hear him sometimes from afar. For example, there's a corridor that leads to a room. It's pitch black, yet with a torch or spell you can see the door frame at the end. As you advance, you notice that you are getting closer to the mumbling.

    "It had to be done. It had to be DONE! Lucien was only the beginning. The beginning! Then who? Belisarius? Arquen? ME!? Cheydinhal purified yet Lucien dies. One traitor? TWO!? Or even three! One traitor cannot act alone. He inspires OTHERS!


    Thus, the Leyawiin sanctuary could be place of insanity, paranoia and creepyness. A place to put fear in the player as he uncovers the dark fate of the sanctuary.

    I'm planning to get myself a good microphone to join the voice actors' guild. Should you take these ideas, I would love to do the madman's dialogue.

    (Brainstorm mode: deactivated)

  11. Interesting video. Might I ask (a bit off-topic, but still... tongue.gif ), how did you take the video in Oblivion and did you edit it afterwards? I'm planning to record in-game Oblivion but unsure what software to use and how is the outcome?

    I used Fraps to capture the in-game shots and then edited it with Adobe Premiere Pro.

    There's a shareware version of Fraps available on their websites, but you are limited to 30 seconds for each clip you record, and there's a small "Fraps.com" in the upper corner of each recorded clip. If your editing software allows you to scale your video, you can zoom-in just a little bit to remove the annoying "Fraps", or make a fake widescreen effect by adding two black bars on the top and bottom. :clap:

    For the flaming text in the intro, I copied

    in '96 and remade it. :pints:
  12. Hail, Reneer! :clap:

    Good to see you here in the Alliance. I use many of your mods and follow their progress closely (Though I must admit I follow them as a lurker. :pints:)

    In any case, welcome to the Alliance! Feel free to upload your mods here. Better have one mirror than none, me says. laugh.gif

  13. I see, I was curious because I use Roberts V5 and HGEC.

    Then you'll be fine with the outfits. :clap:

    Speaking of which, I have to go hunt again for more Dibella outfits. But outfits that show less skin, that are more exquisite and beautiful.

    Every priest outfit are part of Oblivifall's Master File, the file that contains everything shared by more than one Oblivifall module. So every outfit/armor from Losing My Religion will be seen on Better Inn's NPCs as well. :pints: (And yes, Si-Shen, that includes Dibella's Red Outfit that you love so much. :santa: )

  14. I'm willing to wait until after New Years, but after that I'm going to move ahead with things even if that means building Leyawiin content for it myself because this thing has been stalled out long enough and I know I for one would like to see this get released.

    If this happens, would you be willing for me to build it? Somehow, building Losing My Religion's chapels bring too much holyness in me and to keep the balance of things, building another sanctuary would be excellent to return to the state of neutrality. :clap:

  15. As a mod user, yes I love mods that make use of OBSE/MWSE/FOSE. Simply because these mods usually bring new gameplay options/functions that are not present in the CS. When I see the OBSE tag in a mod's page, I take a look to see what new things it might bring me.

    Like Rider said, some mods also introduce brand new gameplay elements with hard usage of the in-game scripting, and those are mods I favor as well. For example, Mad Max has been able to script a sailable Galleon with Morrowind's scripting engine. For a long time, most of us who heard the term "sailable boat" and "Morrowind scripting" believed it could not be done. He proved us wrong!

    So, if you need OBSE to continue working on your mod, or to make scripting easier, why not?

    I don't read a single reply to your OP to warrant this comment, no one was raging or replying as if toes were stepped on. :thumbup:

    You asked and we offered our opinion. Mine is to use it if you need it and not worry about whether or not you will lose downloads for it. :poke:

    Not enough smileys in our replies, me thinks. :D

  16. Thank you for the feedback on the video. :poke:

    Nice Video Cliff... just one question, did some or all of that music come from Neverwinter Nights? I know one bit definatly came from the game as I played it a bit more then I played OB lol.

    Question as well about the armours, I assume they are set for the regular body, or are they and the clothing set to work with a body mod?

    The only song that comes from Neverwinter Nights is the one that starts with the Kynareth shrine, the last song before the credits.

    The others are sound ambiances that come from Baldur's Gate 2 and from DarkNinja's Cathedral Improver mod. I never got into Neverwinter Nights. I'm a big fan of Baldur's Gate but there were many features of Neverwinter Nights that turned me off. Like the fact that companions are actually "henchmen" and that level design is built for online play (Taverns that are too big, houses with super wide corridors, etc.) :thumbup:

    Yes the armors work for the regular body meshes. The Dibella male priest's outfit (The kinky chain one) is made for Robert's Body (the latest version). Though only the hands stand out odd as the chest and the rest of the body comes with the mesh itself. But I will fix it up for full compatiblity with the regular body mods.

  17. That was an extremely informative post Cliffworms. Thanks! Exactly what I hoped to get from posting this topic - even though I wasn't really sure of what I was trying to ask at the time. XD I didn't realize that just remixing music bypasses copyright laws (but I guess it's obvious, with all the remixed stuff around these days).

    Yes, I agree. Oblivion sorely lacks on the ambiance.

    If I ever need custom ambiance or remixes, I will come to you. And I know I will at some point. :unsure: Probably soon!

    What software do you use to do the remixes?

    You're welcome Rowan! XD

    I use Sony Vegas for doing remixes and creating sound ambiance. It's not the best software on the market (Best being Nuendo and QBase), but it serves my needs perfectly!

  18. Another way to "bypass" the copyrights law is to remix the music yourself.

    It is something completely legal. As long as your remix is not exactly like the original.

    For example, for my Better Inns module of Oblivifall, I took tavern musics from Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate and other games. If I had taken them alone without modifications, I could not have done them.

    So, instead, I've decided to create a sound ambiance around the songs, so that you really believe you are in a full tavern. Link

    That way, someone who wanted to use the music and rip it from my mod can't do it, because the sound effects come with it and can't be removed.

    Other ways of mixing, is doing the same thing that Skydye did for his musical compilation packs for Morrowind. He took many tracks and songs from games & movies, and made one large music file with it, mix and matching them.

    Concerning sound effects, it's a must! :P

    I found out that in Oblivion and Morrowind, there are barely atmospherical sound effects, and it kills the atmosphere for me. There should always be a sound playing in the background, may it be a low frequency "hum" sound, or ambiant sound effects such as people talking/walking/doing things.

    In "the real world", when you turn off all music, you always hear a little something. In Oblivion, if you turn off the music and you are inside a place, you'll most likely hear nothing at all. Not even a low-frequency sound. And that kills it for me.

    All of this being said, if you ever need someone to create sound ambiances for you, I can do it. It's one of the things I do as a job and I'm always glad to use my little studio for it. XD

  19. Question time for me. XD

    I have a NPC whom I tasked to sweep the floor at several markers in two cells

    To choose at what marker he'll sweep, I've put a GetRandomPercent on each sweeping package and the NPC randomly chooses which place to sweep.

    Since I want the NPC to sweep when he's not doing important things (Eating, Sleeping, Preparing Food), I've put the sweep packages at Any Day of Any Time.

    Problem: When the NPC starts sweeping an area and the animation is done playing, he'll automatically go sweep somewhere else. Then, on the way there, he'll go back to his previous location and upon arriving there, return again to the other marker. Meaning that he constantly walks away, turns around, walks away, turns around, confused.

    I guess that's because he's constantly updating his packages and always randomly choosing a location to sweep.

    My solution 1 that didn't work: Set the sweep packages as "Must Complete" and give them a 1hour duration. Didn't work because the NPC constantly swept the same marker, ignoring the other places (Even after one hour)

    My Solution 2 that didn't work: Taking the flags given to a Shivering Isles NPC who's tasked with sweeping 4 markers. That is: "Must Complete" & give a "Count" of "5" in the target tab.

    What didn't work: Instead of running the sweeping animation 5 times, he did it once and started the problem stated up (Where he walks back and forth, confused)

    My Solution 3 that didn't work: Use same patterns as solution #2 but with the removal of "Must Complete". It gave me the same outcome.

    What else should I do? :P

    I want the NPC to randomly choose between his 8 sweep markers when he has nothing to do. After having swept the floor for a while (5 times), he chooses another marker. He must also stop sweeping when he has more important things to do. That means he should go to sleep, eat and prepare food when he's told to, stopping his sweeping.

    Thanks! :P

  20. Here are three new screenshots, showcasing three Dibella worshippers' outfits.

    Dibella's Diviner, wearing Gizmodian's Sorceress Outfit

    Dibella's Healer, wearing Kikai and AlienSlof's Kinky Chainmail Outfit

    Dibella's Donation Collector, wearing Puff's Princess Leia Outfit

    Concerning the Healer's outfit. Yes, the Healer is naked under the chainmail skirt and will show nudity, no matter if you have a body mod or not. And that will not be changed. Remember, in Daggerfall, some of Dibella's female worshippers were naked. In Oblivifall, he'll be the naked one. :thumbup:

    For those who might be sensible to it, his family jewels are well hidden and unless you crouch to look under his sleeves, you won't see them.

    Note that if I ever make an add-on to LMR that adds the beauty cults of Dibella around Cyrodiil, including the one about physical beauty, that nudity will be included. But that's an add-on I'll do as a separate file, depends if I have the time or not.

  21. Oh nice work Cliff and great to see this thread pop back to life!

    Hehe sorry for not having kept it updated for a while. I was busy conquering Europe, killing Supermutants and hunting down zombies. :thumbup:

    I wonder whether you are interested with the Medieval Armor Resources? I think the variety of new armors offered by it will spice up the knights of each Nine Divines.

    Thanks for the suggestion! The problem with these beautiful Medieval Armors is that most of them have the France/English/Holy Roman Empire symbols on them.

    Concerning the Knightly Orders, I'll see how it goes, but I believe that for the first release I'll stick with showing only the Order of the Lilly, Order of the Hour and the Kynaran Order's HQs. I wouldn't want to keep the chapels waiting. :P

  22. Thank you Emma for the kind comments!

    You know, my Morrowind game is very "Emmafied" as well! My good-aligned characters always take good care of the poor homeless kids in Ald Ruhn.

    Hehe, I remember when I first installed COM, I didn't know that I was assigned to the Wood Elves. The first time I passed by the teenager outside Vivec, he said "I don't like you!". I literally jumped of my seat and stared at him, surprised that I just heard my own voice telling me that. :thumbup::P

    Those screenshots are beautiful! Nicely done! I think the problem with creating children for Oblivion is that they cannot have their own body mesh, making the boys as muscular as grownups and the same for girls.

    I'll be curious at this companion you are currently designing. I really love the Wood Elf thief you designed for Morrowind. Mischievous, but a favourite of mine! :)

  23. Emma! Hail!

    I do remember you indeed. I did the Wood Elf Teenager voices for Children of Morrowind back then, if you remember. :bagged:

    (I always chuckle when I pass by the Wood Elf outside Vivec's Foreign Quarter and hear me talking.)

    I use almost all mods hosted on your website. They brought and are still bringing tons of fun to my Morrowindesque experience.

    Welcome to the Alliance!

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