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Status Updates posted by Lanceor

  1. Skyrim Collectors Edition just arrived from the States. Back in 5 months. XD

  2. Quest Completed: Morihaus has led the Alessian army to squash what little resistance remains in the Ayleid seat of power. The Tower of White Gold has fallen.

    1. the-manta
    2. donnato


      Wow Lanceor this is looking , and sounding teriffic..

  3. Spent 2 days debugging a wall of script... only to find out bugged item MS08FakeKey was the culprit causing the CTD's.

    1. Citrus


      It's always Beth's fault. No matter what.

    2. ResolveThatChord
  4. Good: I got RAEVWD, QTP, OBGE Liquid Water, Godrays, 4096x4096 LOD textures AND 8x anti-aliasing to all work together. Bad: 3GB of VRAM is not enough.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lanceor


      Really? Oh carp...

    3. DsoS


      sadly yes :( ... I've been looking for a new card for that reason there. Thinking about an AMD EyeFinity card or something with 4Gb of VRam, but usually not cheap. Good luck with it Lanceor :highfive: (I bet it looks awesome... We want pictures!!!)

    4. Lanceor


      Pictures are in the Gallery. ;)

  5. Lesson learned: Do not back up you entire hard drive onto a USB drive in one go. You'll overheat the USB drive causing it to crash.

    1. Lanceor


      Okay, add "Wireless Routers" to the list "Stuff that Lanceor overheats"

    2. Citrus


      Damn. How much data was it?

    3. Lanceor


      I was copying rather than moving, so technically no data was lost. But I didn't trust the integrity of the data on the USB drive so I formatted it and recopied the stuff in smaller chunks.

  6. Thanks to a buggy script function, I have to completely redo the way they Crusader Relics will work. :dizzy:

  7. 8 Crusader Relics x 9+ level tiers x 3 levels of power-up x 2 choices of flames on or off = lots of different Crusader Relics

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mannimagnus


      "Lots of different Crusader Relics"? More than lots! lol That's 432 of them...sorry for doing the math if you haven't already. :P I don't envy you. XD Good luck! :)

      And yes, perfectionism is a curse. As someone with a case of OCD I couldn't agree more. XD

    3. Lanceor


      I forgot to mention Light and Heavy versions of the armor....

    4. Lanceor


      I also forgot to mention shiny and non-shiny versions...

  8. Blue screen of death - the foundation of Microsoft's entire suite of fine products.

    1. EruditeDragon


      You're telling me... just had one earlier today. Windows supposedly thinks it's a hard drive issue, so I'm doing a backup (doubt I need to, but hey). I "love" working with MS....

  9. One small glitch and kaboom! The entire Cyrod worldspace becomes an insta-crash zone. Thank the Nines for daily backups...

  10. How to cook a processor: Script a big battle between the Knights of the Nine and a bunch of Aurorans.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. donnato


      ...cover with warm towel...let rise until volume doubles...

    3. Mysterious Mr. Bear

      Mysterious Mr. Bear

      I saw that image, looks amazing!!!

      ...ly impossible for my computer to manage :P

    4. Darthkenobi


      cooking french toast for for those who are oven and cooking challenged step one place bread on top of cpu core step two do something requireing a lot of cpu cycles for example movie conversion or that brand new state of the art game on maxuimum setings for best results there may also be a strange burning smell do not worry you are not burning your french toast when your computer stops functioning you know that your french toast is done and be carefull of the flames coming from inside your com...

  11. W00t! I haz interwebs!

  12. Internet access is spotty - might be offline for extended periods.

  13. Completely stuck on quest 6, maybe because of modders' burnout. Gonna jump forward and do some fun stuff before coming back to quest 6.

  14. Sick of castles. Now back to scripting.

  15. All scripted out. Time for some castle building instead.

  16. Sit. SIT! Siiiiit.... Good NPC!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhoGuru


      ROFL Did that actually work? cause if so, we need to start an NPC training class! XD

    3. the-manta


      Ahh, if only... *sighs wistfully*

    4. ZuTheSkunk


      It reminds me the Oblivion's E3 video showing Estelle Renoit interacting with her dog.

  17. Finally back to where I was before I hit the big setback a week ago. Screenies coming soon.

  18. Anduril Reforged has been translated into yet another language - this time it's Chinese!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. donnato


      Congrats Lanceor.

    3. washington


      That's greatl Or should I say Ha-o! :)

    4. ZuTheSkunk


      Omg! And I don't even have a version for my own language...

  19. 8514 cells done, 3642 to go.

  20. In your opinion, what colour should Morihaus be?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beana


      And a pink bunny companion that yells.... YESH YESH

    3. Johnn123


      Oh yes, a bright pink Morihaus is just the color he should be!

    4. Lanceor


      As you wish.... :P

  21. Andúril Reforged is now available in German!

  22. ...is addicted to APPLY_HILIGHT.

    1. InsanitySorrow


      An effect I never use :P

    2. StarX


      Me neither. Sorry... ^^

    3. Meo


      Its a good thing.

  23. Just found out that his MoBo supports a maximum of 3.2GB of RAM...

    1. DaMage


      oh darn....

    2. Meo


      3.2? thats one picky MoBo.

    3. Leodoidao


      Save money for a better one??

  24. World > Worldspaces > Tamriel > Duplicate... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1. Meo


      if you want to kill your pc, thats your prerogative. Murderer.

    2. Lanceor


      Took about 30 mins. Saving the esp takes about 10 mins. Loading the esp takes about 15 mins. ;)

    3. Lanceor


      I need more RAM... 2G aint enough. This esp is very crash prone.

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