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Status Updates posted by Johnn123

  1. oi! the bethsoft forums are down! What gives?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. InsanitySorrow


      Problably Hana, she loves breaking things.

    3. donnato


      Yup, says it`s down for maintenance

    4. DarkRider


      IPS v3.2 is out, they may be upgrading to stay current.

  2. Anyone else notice there is no daedra other then atronachs and dremora in Skyrim?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Vouivre


      I'm beginning to wonder if it was more sealed from dagon and not the others...

    3. Nekronom


      I do believe it was only sealed for Dagon, multiple daedric princes make a physical appearance in skyrim (take it from a character who is the hand of the daedra :))

    4. the-manta


      I think this could do with a thread, there's a lot of discussion to be had.

  3. Is disapointed...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. lonewolf_kai


      Hmm, good point. But still, the hint system just doesn't work. We men are too stupid...errm... straight forward for it. :)

    3. Johnn123


      sigh so true Kai and Greenie :P

    4. greenwarden


      Nah, men aren't stupid. What is stupid is the double standard that society enforces when it comes to communication skills- we end up spending the rest of our lives overcoming them in order to be close to the people who stand to matter most.

  4. Anyone have a hammer? The CS is being mean again and its need to be taught a lesson!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. vometia


      I just read this as "hamster" /again/. I'm starting to feel a little perturbed.

    3. lonewolf_kai


      That wouldn't be Giant Space Hamsters would it be?

    4. vometia


      Ah, space hamsters! I knew my cabin in ME2 was missing something; I'm off to do some shopping!

  5. Goin job hunting, wish me luck!

  6. Well 30 mins into my new save I am back to being anti-thalmor. Find some of my "friends" and what do they do? Attack me! Lets just say the Storm Cloaks have a new mage XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vouivre


      Something I found even more funny was apparently my first thalmor encounter on one character I already had execution orders set against me. I'm like... man.. I must really be hated. I seriously wanna invade their home show them how it feels.

    3. Xinimator


      Funny thing....nobody ever ordered my execution. XD I even went and killed probably 30+ Thalmor...

    4. Vouivre


      They must -really- like you.

  7. Venting on the TESA status seems to work! :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Johnn123


      yup i did Kai :)

    3. lonewolf_kai


      Hmmm. Maybe I ought to try venting then...

    4. Johnn123


      Seems to work my friend! :)

  8. Im being harassed by a fly, help me!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Beana


      Vacuum!!! I swear it works lol... they cant fly away!! its like one of those blue lights..

    3. Johnn123


      lol im tempted Beana, if it dont stop i will >:)

    4. Johnn123


      HAHA i got him with a kung fu magazine!

  9. me wants New Vegas! Wish it didnt cost so much D:<

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vouivre


      I got it and FO3, only thing I didn't grab was the players guide for FO3 >.< next week I guess.

    3. Witty


      Bring on ES5!

    4. Johnn123


      ESV! :D or Halo 4 would be cool to :-)

  10. I have finally figured out how to use Facebook XD Dang this is addicting!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Beana


      lol thats brilliant Rider!!!

    3. Yevic


      Yay facebook army!

    4. Johnn123


      Heheh to true Rider

  11. Has xmas-ized his avatar

  12. So who's up to UV Mapping for me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Johnn123


      That scabbard you made me. Theres one nasty face that wont let me find its square so I can select it

    3. InsanitySorrow


      It's playing hide n seek...you gotta find it.

    4. Johnn123


      Well its not in my inbox so where could it be?

  13. I got a puppy :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. donnato


      Very cool John...someone to help with your modding...lol

    3. the-manta


      Pics or it didn't happen! :D

    4. Johnn123


      :lmao: Not quite Don XD more like postpone :P
  14. Is a disapointed Patriot...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. donnato


      heheh...I feel your pain...I won the 1/2 time but lost the overall...bummer.

    3. DsoS


      I just about threw my remote control through my 40" lcd, I was very very upset... I can't believe they didn't catch the 2 or 3 passes in the last minute. I can understand the very last past to the endzone.

    4. charlescrowe


      i used to watch the superbowl, but then i remembered i don't care for sports :P

  15. Learning to weight paint properly so i can make dinosaurs for my mod :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Johnn123


      me too! always wondered why noone ever made any, other than siika's triceratops

    3. StarX


      A few days back someone made a T Rex!

    4. Johnn123


      i know, i already grabbed er ;)

  16. My eye is twitching and im not sure why...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. donnato



    3. Meo


      When is the last time you kill something?

    4. vometia


      That happens to me sometimes. I think the cause is usually other people.

  17. Just noticed we haz emotes in the status updates! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. the-manta


      Just noticed? Half the updates are smilies now XD

    3. Johnn123


      haha thats how i noticed Manta :P

    4. Dollparts


      My eyes thought your status said "Just noticed we haz emoted in the stupid update" Lol Dur..

  18. Dog has gas... oh joy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DarkRider


      And just think, its only puppy gas. It can get much worse...MUCH

    3. Cydonian_Knight
    4. AndalayBay


      ROFL. I'm still waiting for someone to create pet food that makes things smell so much better afterwards...

  19. I ad better get my butt into gear in the main quest, RST soon!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lonewolf_kai


      lol, oh okay. :D I actually just finished the MQ for the first time last week is why I was asking ;)

    3. Johnn123


      Lol nice Kai :P Tis fun eh?

    4. Brozly


      I've got The Same problem, wouldn't be so Bad except All the extra gates. (and they destroy a few Shrines as well)

  20. Thank you Beth for getting rid of the ability to let me use the LAA patch -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Johnn123


      Oh ya Kai, with it my game wouldnt crash, without I would crash every hour or so...

    3. lonewolf_kai


      Uh oh. I take it they put out a new patch for Skyrim that messed it up then?

    4. Johnn123


      Yup they updated the .exe so it no longer be used...

  21. Has decided my released mods and any future mods will only be available here on TESAlliance! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. darthsloth74


      Well thats a good idea considering all the mod rehosting thats going on at the moment. Though you should still think about having a mirror for worst case scenarios.

    3. Dollparts


      Or do what feels best for you John, since they are YOUR works and it is fully up to you what is done with them and where. Got my support, for anything you might need it for.

    4. ThomasKaira



      This. My reply is simply a strong recommendation. If you do not wish to use any other mirrors, that is your choice, and it would be very wrong of me to say otherwise.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hanaisse


      Heh, it needs a patch, that's what we're waiting for :P

    3. ResolveThatChord


      There's a mod called "thu'um infinium" that uses voice commands for dragon shouts. Heaps of fun, but annoying for roomates.

    4. Johnn123


      I guess this is another free item they're releasing from game jam eh? :P

  22. Chocolate milk is the nectar of the Gods

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Johnn123


      Well in 1 yr for me it WILL be :P

    3. StarX


      Hehe, stick with the chocolate milk until than!

    4. Johnn123
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