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Everything posted by TigerCubofPNW

  1. So, after a series of repairs and such to my Skyrim, things are now looking correct both in the main mod and the tidbit mod I sent you. I am endlessly grateful to you for helping me run down this issue, as it was driving me completely bonkers. I am still confused why mods that have custom world spaces don't have any LOD texture files or folders. Is it just that they didn't want to, perhaps? Just want to be sure there isn't a step I'm missing. Thanks again!
  2. No, I'm having the issue with the part I sent you. Like I said, it's my Skyrim. It does love to task me. But I never would have figured it was the issue without your help
  3. I appreciate you taking the time to look into it LotM. I wish it were that simple. But unfortunately, it didn't fix the issue. However, since it's working on your end (thank you for that) then there's something screwed up with my Skyrim. So I can now shift my diagnostics to that. Appreciate all your help.
  4. I've copied the world space to its own esp. Something weird happened to one of the cells during the copy, which may be linked to the issue with the world space being corrupted. In any case, it's basically representative of the issue. You can see the world space in CK, but if you COC to it in game you get nothing but sky blue and lock up I appreciate the help and input LotM. I really do. I just don't think there's a solution.
  5. Made Worldspace from scratch. All settings are identical or at least comparable to similar World Spaces Skyrim loads fine, is fine, all is well until I try to enter the exterior cell I made through any of the three doors leading to it I have no idea what you mean about counting cells There is no lighting in the exterior cell When I COC to the world space, the game locks up. I'm staring at a sky-blue screen, but not the actual sky. All controls are suspended. I can't do anything but go to the console and teleport back out. I've generated a new "test" exterior cell, gone to it, no issues, so my method for creating exterior cells is fine. I've also been to my exterior cell some time back and there was no issue. So I am left with the conclusion the worldspace has become corrupt, which is inexplicable and if something like that can happen, then well why go through the effort again?
  6. Oh well, no problem then.... *eyeroll* Thanks at least for replying. I've spent days sifting through threads looking for any ideas, trying different fixes, performing a variety of diagnostic tests. Best case scenario, I have to chuck the current worldspace and build a new one from scratch. For no reason. That may or may not work, and it may only work for a bit until it decides not to. But that's a week of my time CK doesn't get to have. So, into the trash with the mod!
  7. I am so lost. I created my custom worldspace. But now whenever I try to enter it, I get immediate CTD. Navmeshing is all done. So the only thing I can think of that's causing it to freak out is I need to create LOD Thing is, I've created custom worldspaces and gone into them before and not had this CTD issue But anyway, I venture into the horrifying world of creating LOD and in addition to the 67 programs I need, apparently this process creates a bajillion weird-ass files. I look at some of the custom worldspace mods I've downloaded, the only thing in them is an esp. No weird-ass files. They work just fine. So... Is LOD really needed? What the hell is going on? If the LOD isn't causing my CTD, then what is? Someone who knows how this works please help me. Please?
  8. To my knowledge, no. If there is a way, I'd be keen to hear it. But from what I can tell, all the animations for walking, running, sneaking etc are all set, hard-coded. You can replace a set by using the exact same animation names, but then that jacks up the creature whose animations you overwrote. What I'd do is make my own crafting station. It would be cheap and easy to do for the player. You can take any object in the game (or make your own, if you have that ability) and turn it into an activator. Then when the player activates the object, you'd have the crafting menu you want appear. If you want an NPC to "use" it, then I'd place a "TableLean" furniture marker next to it so the NPC appears to be crafting.
  9. Not what I was looking for, but thanks for the reply ladyonthemoon
  10. I'm throwing this out there because I am completely desperate. I swear, the things that Bethesda makes difficult will never ever make sense to me. I want to make an actor look bloody. One would think, in a game featuring hungry wolves, battle axes and big effing swords, this would be as simple as putting in a code like Actor.AddBloodEffect But this is Bethesda, so a 90 step process is required. I have studied and researched and poked and prodded and cried and taken a lot of meds and in the end it seems to come down to decals, which can be applied via Shader Effects or through JContainers. My efforts with both have been laughable. Does anyone here have any familiarity with this? Because I'm at the end of my rope
  11. No worries. I've got my plug in working, so I know that I'm using the LAL scripts properly. The big thing I'll be curious about is if that script compiles for you. Arthmoor ignored me when I asked on the main mod page, so I really have no idea how to make things work other than the hacky way I used.
  12. I'm currently struggling with LAL myself, so we can commiserate and maybe I can help you. For your scripting issues, are you running Mod Organizer? Are you running CK through Mod Organizer? So, for the coding part ChargenQuest.SetAddonQuestStage(Int, Quest) So, you know the part in LAL where you talk to the statue? You need to create a dialogue line with a line of dialogue for the statue. Make sure you use the condition GetIsId for the statue. Just go into one of the lines of dialogue in the Chargen quest to copy the property, easiest thing In this new dialogue, you need to create a script, or papyrus fragment. In the Topic Info box down at the bottom, you see Papyrus Yes? Type in something like ;Script Click accept and Ok and whatever to completely exit the dialogue Go back into the dialogue and you should now see a script is there, starting most likely with TIF Open that script. You need to add two properties ARTH_LAL_StartQuest Property ChargenQuest Auto Quest Property YourQuest Auto (With me so far?) Then the line ChargenQuest.SetAddonQuestStage(Int, Quest) should go right under where the ;Script line is. Int should be replaced with whatever the starting stage is for your quest. Quest should be replaced with YourQuest. Now if what happens to me happens to you, it will not compile. Looking into it, I have not a single clue what the eff Beth did. But the trail of broken scripts leads right back to their front door. Anyway, if it compiles, yay for you. Fill the properties for the script (You know how, yes?) If it doesn't compile, then well I used a virtual sledgehammer to force mine to compile. I have no idea if it will make the mod fail in game. Not at a testing point yet. If it works, and if you need it, I'll try and help you with it. Now in YourQuest, at that starting stage you chose for Int, you will be putting your code for the clothes, the mace and where you want your character to be You go to that stage and you see to the right a box for Papyrus code, yes? You will need to right click on the Note part and add new. You probably know what that is You need to again put something in that box like ;script. Doesn't matter what. That just makes CK generate a script. Then you need to create and fill your properties for Miner's Clothes, Iron Mace, Gold (Hint: Gold is a MiscObject) and an ObjectReference Property for your Xmarker. And, I think, a Quest property for Then you can add scripting to the fragment which should look a little like this Game.GetPlayer().Moveto(Xmarker) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(IronMace) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Money) Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(MinerClothes) ARTHLALRumorsOfWarQuest.RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.25) So... Maybe that helps?
  13. I can't say for sure if this will work, but there is an Event OnPackageStart. If you used that with the PlayerFollowerPackage, you might be able to detect when someone becomes a follower. I've not had a lot of luck with OnPackageStart, but maybe that will give you a starting point
  14. It's possible. It would require a little "cheating" but if I were going to do it, I'd create an invisible NPC using FoxRace that would exist in the same space as the Activator. Then there would be some coding to do. Basically, I could make it work, and if you're still interested, I can lay out a game plan.
  15. Printing the contents of the Actor variable? Not sure what you mean. I went down the rabbit hole of using GetFormID which returned a FormID that in no way resembled the FormID as seen in CK and in Tes5Edit. That disturbed and confused me, but I decided to stick with the FormID that show in both CK and Tes5Edit. And your comment suggests that was the right thing to do. I did copy and paste the FormID from TesEdit. I replaced the first two numbers with 0x. No love. I deleted all the 0's after x, making it 0x13478. No love. I tried all manner of different variations. Nothing. ETA: Well, that's curious. The BaseID works fine for most objects, but an Actor, or at least a Unique actor, seems to require the RefID.
  16. Yeah, that was my assumption, but I verified, re-verified, triple and quadruple verified that all my numbers and letters are correct. That's also why I tried using different NPCs. I figure I can't get ALL the FormIDs wrong I could name her "Sasquatch" and it wouldn't matter. There is no property for Delphine. As in, there is no line in the script Actor Property Delphine Auto Actor DelphineRef is just an Actor reference, much like when you create a Function "Function SomeFunction (Actor ActorRef)" It doesn't matter what you call it. So there is nothing for the script to go looking for an Actor named Delphine anywhere. So, it looks like you're all as stumped as I am. Okay, anyone know any code I can use to search the list of NPCs? Like, a line of code I can put in an OnGameLoad Event that will search through all the NPCs in the game? Because I can use a String Property to match the character name I'm looking for. But I just have never found any code that searches all NPCs in the game. In a cell? Sure, but that would be a cumbersome, script-heavy way of doing something that should be simple.
  17. Okay. Fine. But that does nothing to address the code. which as I said fails in the same way when I try it on NPCs in mods. It's teh code that I'm asking about
  18. As I said in the original post, I need to get an Actor from another mod, but when that failed I went back to basics and just tested the code on a vanilla NPC with the same results. This way, people can look at the code and even test it if they so desire with the entanglements of downloading other mods.
  19. Uh, yeah, I read that page, but it was the one I linked to that actually used Actor. Before seeing that, I thought the issue might be that Actor was not a viable option for GetFormFromFile Um... Okay? I don't see why, in this context, that could help you, since there are no properties involved but here it is... Scriptname TIGFollowerSearch extends Quest Function FindFriend() Actor DelphineRef = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00013478, "Skyrim.Esm") as Actor If DelphineRef string name = DelphineRef.GetLeveledActorBase().GetName() Debug.messageBox("Your friend's name is now" + name) else debug.messagebox("CK still hates you") Endif EndFunction CK still hates me, all the time. The Actor, in this case DelphineRef, doesn't ever ever fill. Things I've tried Using If ( DelphineRef ) Using 0x13478 0x013478 0x0013478 0x00013478
  20. Okay, I've researched, I've tested, I've hammered and I give up. I need to use GetFormFromFile to grab an Actor reference from another mod. The code is not complex, and yet it refuses to work. I thought maybe it just doesn't work on Actors, but this page in the Wiki specifically uses it to get an Actor reference. So I went waaaay back to basics and tried to get the code to recognize an Actor from the vanilla game and still nothing. here is the very very basic line of code: Actor newCompanion = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00013478", "Skyrim.esm") as Actor Actor newCompanion comes back as None no matter what I do. I've tried every combination and sequence of 0x0000(FormID) all with no success. The code is straightforward, simple and easy. It's not the Form ID since I get the same results no matter if it's a vanilla NPC or one from a mod. It's not that I'm referring to an Actor as the Wiki itself says to do that. I have no idea what else to even try. According to everything I see on the interwebs, it should just work. But of course, this is CK so the laws of reality tend to take a vacation.
  21. LadyoftheMoon's suggestion should work, I think. However, if you are looking to do more than the usual, just ask. I've mastered the Brawl quest and I know how to integrate it into your own quests if that's your desire. I use it to have NPCs demand the player beat them to earn their respect, as an example.
  22. erase the functions from memory Please elaborate
  23. It's my understanding that we never, ever, ever EVER change the base game. Like, we make a mod that changes a character's appearance, we don't change the character's appearance in Skyrim.Esm. (Don't think we even can. Bad example, sorry). With that in mind, I'm seeking the community's counsel on how truly bad it is to add to vanilla scripts. Not change the code in them, but add your own code to them. To my thinking, this is very very naughty. And can lead to one of Skyrim's little fits. Yet I just explored a mod (Moonlight Tales) that did that very thing. Since it's my general feeling every modder out there is wiser than me, this gave me pause. Is changing a vanilla script NOT the end of the world?
  24. I tried just re-unpacking the rar file, no joy. Finally just did a wipe and re-install, since I couldn't think of anything else to do. That seems to have fixed the problem. No idea what the heck happened.
  25. Okay, I no longer seem to be able to edit posts so... Here's some new information that makes me really scratch my head. If you go to the quest DialogueFavorGeneric, go into the FavorDialogueScript and hit Save, it throws the same error. It won't compile. I had a friend try it on his CK and he had the same thing happen. A vanilla script should not fail to compile, should it? Doesn't this point to something very wrong in CK?
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