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Everything posted by WhoGuru

  1. Thanks much! Just have to wait for Mage to get out of school for the day now! In Australia that is so....could be 5 this morning before he's back! *sob* Playing through it again, I just noticed he's left in the acting cues for the voice actor! LOL Gonna have to have him take those out of the text. It looks silly with things like (slighted scoff) and (boisterous laugh) stuck into the text! I think maybe it's beta testing time! Now to find some willing victims...I mean volunteers.
  2. Almost ready for release!! We have a complete version of the mod now. Just have to fix a bug with the final dialogue. Some of the lines are playing out of order with the text. Soon as Mage gets that fixed, we're done!! WOO HOO!! It was a hell of a trip to play through the completed mod just now, even with the dialogue mix up. Wow. we done good.
  3. Vereta poured over the markings, referring to several books at a time. The wizard peered over his shoulder, dripping gravy from his stew on Vereta's shoulder, which then splatted onto the page in front of him. "Oh, now really!" Vereta said in disgust. Without a word, he grabbed the wizard's tattery sleeve and used it to wipe the gravy from the page and then his shoulder. The wizard cackled, a bit crazily and danced away, pirouetting with his stew on the way back to the bar. "Any luck?" Red asked. Vereta nodded and looked up with a smile. "As a matter of fact, I think I know where we should start!" Red cheered and William stirred himself to clap Vereta on the shoulder. He had been oddly quiet, even for him. His musings about his new state held far more promise than a possible treasure at the end of a cross country hunt. Then again, he thought to himself, this search would probably afford many opportunities to test his new theories, either on traps and such or on any ill fated assassins still hunting his friend. "Where do we begin?" He asked V with a sudden smile. "Somewhat west of here I believe." He pointed to the map and himself blew upon it to bring up the detail he wanted. "There." He said, gesturing as the icon of a cave slowly faded to life and then out again. "Shouldn't be more than half a day from here I think." Red clapped her hands together and smiled. "Let's get started then!" She helped Vereta return his books to his mystical bag and carefully rolled the map into a tube, extending it to William. "Want to keep safe hold of this?" He nodded, and appreciated the gesture from a thief who had trouble letting go of precious things. "Of course." He tucked it carefully within his shirt and rose.
  4. William and the others peered closely at the map, often pointing out features as familiar, but never quite deciding where it was. Red was fascinated, and looking forward to an honest straight forward treasure hunt. Perhaps it would take her mind off her own bizarre troubles, and maybe while she was gone, the assassins would lose interest. She shook her head at her own naivete. Of course they wouldn't lose interest. They were assassins and likely someone had paid handsomely for their time. Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, she focused on the map once again. William noticed Red's attention drifting to and away and back again. He assumed her recent encounters in the city were dividing her attention. As they should, he thought. No one should take a mark on their life lightly. He too turned back to the map and studied it. Vereta had amassed a surprisingly tall pile of books next to his seat. In fact, a mug of Meade was balanced atop it at his elbow. "What good is a map to unknown treasure if you can't figure out where to start from?" Red commented and blew out an aggrieved breath. As the warmth from her breath passed across the parchment, something happened. Color began to bleed across the map where her breath had touched, filling in small details and then, as quickly, it dissipated. "Wow." Vereta whispered. "I'd heard of life sensitive maps but never seen one." He quickly pulled a book from his pile about halfway down the stack. The tower toppled and Red just saved his Meade from going with it. "Oh, thank you." He said absently and flipped the book open. "Here!" He said, excited. "The parchment is enchanted to react to the breath from the lungs of a living being. It detects the breath of life and should reveal its' secrets." William nodded, well intrigued now. "Shall I?" He asked. The others nodded. Even the awkward wizard had drifted back to their table, bowl of stew held crookedly in his arm. He slurped from his spoon, coloring his beard and watched eagerly. William took a deep breath and gently blew across the parchment, swiveling his head back and forth, doing his best to extend the breath as long as possible. To his surprise....nothing happened. No colors appeared as they had when Red's breath had touched the paper. Puzzled, he frowned and blew harder, making the paper rattle with the force of it. Still nothing revealed itself. "William." Red said softly, and touched his arm at the wrist. A soft sigh escaped her lips. "You're alive if that's what that look on your face is for." She smiled. "It must be the water from those horrid falls. They must have changed you in some other way we can't yet see." "Of course." Vereta nodded, smiling also to reassure the assassin who's face had darkened with something very like fear for a moment. "The magic that added years back to your life must be a part of you still. The two magics are not compatible. That's all. They're canceling each other out." William felt some peace return to him. For a moment, he had been extremely shaken. He took Vereta's explanation to heart and sat back to ponder this new development. Red leaned forward. "I'll have another go then." She said. "Vereta, you watch, see if you recognize anything." He nodded. Red followed Will's example, taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly across the parchment. Colors oozed across the map, following the path of her breath and shortly details began to appear; Caves, fortresses long forgotten and as she neared the far corner of the map, something that looked suspiciously like their little town. Vereta fairly bounced in his seat. He'd taken paper and quill from his pack and was busily transcribing all the Red revealed. Around the border of the map, as Red paused and took another deep breath, runic symbols began to appear. Vereta pointed and Red nodded. Again she blew across the landscape, this time paying attention to the edges and V copied them down as fast and accurately as he could. Finally, Red's breath ran out and she wobbled at the table's edge, dizzy from lack of oxygen. With a laugh, she dropped into her chair, head in her hands. "Someone else's turn now, I think."
  5. Red limped into the tavern, a grim look on her face. Dark stains spattered her leather jerkin and a smear of something equally dark rode her crooked chin. Saying nothing, she went to the bar, leaned over and pulled a flask from behind the counter. The barkeep wisely said nothing and wandered off to clean a table with a raised eyebrow at William. Echo and Vereta wisely chose to stay back. She looked dangerous and not happy. "Red?" Wil asked carefully. "Something wrong?" She didn't answer right away, instead taking a healthy swig from the flask and then, resting her elbows on the bar, balanced her smeared chin in her hands and looked sideways at William. "I've had an interesting night." She said simply, taking another drink. "There were assassins in the town. They were hunting me." Wil started, eyes going wide. He had heard nothing of a major contract being taken out on Red. She swigged the liquor again and William frowned. She was sure to be drunk soon if she didn't slow down. "How did your meeting go? I gather from the stains on your clothing and face, it did not end well." With that, he took a rag from the bar and handed it to Red, motioning at her chin. She wiped, looked and saw the red stain and grimaced. Wiping the rest of what was obviously blood away, she laughed suddenly and seemed to relax. "I found my secret entrance." She said on a chuckle and finally set the flask on the bar, no longer wanting to drink the night away. She told William of how she had come to find the passage and how she had slain two of the assassins to use it herself to escape when the guards heard the commotion. "Do you not fear the old man will make it's presence known?" He asked softly, also wondering if he would send the guards after Red herself. He did not sound trustworthy. Red's face fell and she sighed. "I couldn't save him." She said sadly. "He never had a chance. When they jumped me, he took the first blow." She asked the barkeep for Meade this time, smiling to make up for her earlier rudeness. The daggers were poisoned and Istirus, he was old and half mad." "I see." William pondered her story, and the surprise of her besting two highly trained and unusual assassins. There was more to her than he'd seen. Her clothes told of a short pitched battle. "So you were able to learn nothing of these odd assassins and why they're here?" "No." She smiled and it was not a friendly smile. "I did attempt to...elicit some information from the one who survived." She said and laughed. "He took his own life rather than talk to me. Shame." With that she rose. "I'll be back. I must clean some of this off outside." To her surprise, Vereta rose with her. 'May I help?" He smiled, seeing the worst of her mood had passed. "I'm good with stains...magically that is." and laughed. Red laughed too and welcomed his aid. Together they stepped outside and William wondered at these strange events and if there was someone who might no more. Red and Vereta came back several minutes later in time to see the strange little wizard crash from his stool and William found what appeared to be a map in the bits.
  6. Red stood inside the castle door for a moment and simply listened. Wouldn't do to get caught here after all she'd gone through to get in. Hearing nothing, she crept further down the hall where it crossed the main corridor to the throne room. This was always the risky bit, crossing that expanse of hall without being seen in order to reach the servant's quarters. More, she was frustrated and a bit scared, she had not planned on this little excursion taking so long. Her trip back out of the town was bound to be just as eventful, more if she fell afoul of those strange assassins. For the moment, she pushed those concerns away and peered around the arch of the door to either end of the great hall. The guards were absent from the audience chamber, the Count and Countess having retired for the day. At the other end, by the great doors into the castle, the guards were not where they should have been, at the doors and looking in. Instead, they were off to the side sharing gossip no doubt and Red smiled. She liked it when they made her job easier. Waiting for the perfect turn of both their heads, she timed her run perfectly and they never had a clue anything was amiss in their little world.The doors to the servants quarters were locked as she expected. The Castle Steward kept them so at night to ensure the staff were not tempted by the riches above them. She took the extra few seconds to re-lock the door behind her, should anyone check and crept down the stairs in the semi-darkness. At the bottom, she could hear talking and laughter from the servant's dining hall. She chose the opposite corridor and went quickly in search of Istirus. He had a set routine, which made it simple to find him. When the steward locked them in, Istirus retired to his 'room' in the Castle Cellars, as far away from his fellow servants as he could get. It was a mutual decision, the others were none too comfortable around him either. The sounds of voices dwindled away as she descended the stairs, few torches were lit this late and the light was dim. At the bottom, she turned into the cellars amid rows of wine racks and cut between them, silent and aware of a new voice in the half-light. She smiled. Istirus was having a talkative night again, most likely speaking with things only he could hear as usual. She left the wine cellar behind and found the small hall to his room. The door was ajar and she peeked inside and found him as she'd suspected, holding a heated conversation with the wall. "I will not!" He said angrily. "You can't make me." He pounded a fist against the mortar leaving a dent and turning, saw Red. She smiled at him gently, hoping to calm him. In this state, he'd say much but little of consequence to her. "Hello, Istirus friend." She greeted and carefully toed the door open, making no move to enter. "You remember me?" Istirus peered at her face and, taking a step forward, tugged a lock of her hair. "Red." He mumbled. "Shouldn't be here." "I know, Istirus but I needed to talk to you." She spoke softly, watching his eyes shift back and forth while he played with the lock of her hair. "Shouldn't be here." He repeated. "Shouldn't have come." He stepped away finally and stared at the floor. "I like you." "I know." She said and risked a step into the room. "I like you too. Can we talk tonight?" He glanced back up at her again, then down. "About what?" He grumbled, now glancing back at the wall and shaking his head. His senile antics always put her on edge and she did her best to remain smiling and calm for him. "You remember the man you told me to see?" She prompted. "About a secret way into the castle?" Istirus whipped his head up. "I had too!" He said with some heat and again looked back at the wall. "Go away! I wont!" Red was beginning to get an odd feeling, it seemed the night for strange things and even Istirus was unusual this night. "Istirus." She called his attention back. "Is something wrong? What do you mean you had too?" "Shouldn't have come!" He practically yelled it this time and Red worried someone upstairs might have heard. She stepped back to the door to listen. "Should have stayed away! Would have been safe!" He stepped over to her again and quickly tugged her hair again. "Red." He said sadly now. "I like you. You talked to me." "Istirus...wait, talked?" She was confused both by what he said and the look of deep loss that came over his face. "Istirus, what have you done?" A sense of danger suddenly crashed through her senses. She drew her dagger and tried to step away from him. He still held a fist full of her hair and would not let go. "You should have stayed away. Red. Friend." He cried now, a single tear marched down his cheek and Red gasped. Behind him, the wall he had been arguing with swung inward, seamlessly appearing out of the wall and two of the assassins she had seen outside stepped in. "So." She bared her teeth in a vicious smile. "There is a secret passage after all."
  7. Quote Got my avatar to work! Very nice! I love those things. Here's one for ya.
  8. Quote Alright, I'll have to do some reading to catch up, but then I'll give it a poke Sweet! More the merrier! I'll stand you to a pint!
  9. Quote LOL, thanks guys. And I've never done a RP before, but I'll think about it. Same here. I just kind of jumped in. Come in and throw something up! ...ewww that sounded icky.
  10. Welcome from me as well! A fellow writer...we're starting to stack up like beached dolphins around here! Nice to have ya! You should come join us in the Tavern.
  11. Okay, Voice overs are completed! Mage is ready to start cobbling the whole thing together tomorrow into a finished form! He also did end up tweaking the pommel of the sword, making it longer and more natural than the one in the images in the first post. Can't wait to see the new one. Sounds like he's also worked out the enchantments as he wanted, and he was obsessing about that! Oh the suspense.
  12. Red made her way quickly across the countryside and to the outskirts of the town that circled the castle. Most of the town guard were out barricading the roadways in search of Willie Sea. She chuckled softly at their hopeless job. They would never catch him she thought. He was far too slippery for their kind. The town was darkened, for the most part, business hours were done and people had retired to their homes. With care, she stole onto the city streets, keeping to the shadows and alleys. She did not want to be seen entering the castle, if only she'd learned the secret way in from her informant...if he ever had that knowledge to begin with. Once again, her thoughts turned to him and how he had come to lead what must surely have been assassins to her. Badly trained assassins but the intent had been all too clear. Who had decided on her death and why were questions she hoped Istirus had the answers to. As she eased through the back ally of the market, her senses pricked and she stopped, shifting into a nearby shadow, waiting. For several minutes nothing appeared and she thought perhaps she was simply on edge after her recent adventure. Then, almost as silently as herself, she saw a shadow detach from the wall not fifty feet ahead of her. As she watched, a second joined it from a nearby doorway. They were men, she thought, and thanked the Nine for the skill which allowed her to sense them before it had been too late. They whispered to each other for a moment. The street was silent and empty but for them and their voices just carried snippets to her. She heard 'watch' and 'thief' and 'in the city' and her skin chilled as she saw the flash of daggers in their hands. Something was very wrong. She held her place with difficulty, waiting for them to pass on while her mind screamed at her to run. Finally, they returned to the shadows, seeming to melt away and she knew they were using magic to hide themselves from even her sight. Forward was no longer an option, neither was returning to the Inn. Someone wanted her very dead and Istirus was her only hope of finding out who. She had to reach the castle somehow. She retraced her steps out of the alley, every second expecting to be struck from behind. She reached the square and, taking a chance that her hunters were looking in the dark places for her, made a quick dash across into the residential district. Once again cloaking herself in the darkness of a tall building, she took a minute to survey the square behind her for movement. Seeing none, she breathed a sigh and rubbed her leg. Though stiffened from the uses she was putting it too, it did not hurt and she smiled in relief. Taking another breath, she headed through the houses at a tediously slow pace, her senses alert for even the slightest twinge. It took the better part of an hour to make her way across. Twice she nearly ran into more of the assassins, which slowed her progress even more. Knowing they could be anywhere, invisible and watching her made adrenaline surge through her system. She thought briefly of killing them. Once spotting them, she knew where they were hidden and it would be easy enough, but she did not want to take the risk that they were somehow connected, and would know if she attacked. She took nothing for granted when her life was on the line. Skirting the edge of the last house, she found the outer wall of the castle. The Main gates were not her way in, too many questions. For a thief however, there were other doors. With a quick glance around her, she took hold of a drainpipe on the outside of the large house and climbed to the roof. As she passed a window, she could hear a family at dinner, blissfully unaware of the danger that walked their streets this night. Once on the roof, she turned to the wall and said a prayer that her leg would cooperate. The jump was not a long one, and with a short grunt, quickly silenced, she was on the wall and over, dropping into the bushes on the other side. She hurried along the wall and to the small door hidden in an alcove in the corner of the courtyard. Deftly, she used her lock picks to open the lock and slipped gratefully inside and away from the killers on her scent. As Red slipped within the castle, a shadow sat atop the wall where she had jumped and watched for just a moment before slipping away, back into the town and to the others to tell of their prey.
  13. Red watched William head up the tavern stairs, a look of clear intent in his eye. She also watched the Rider, carefully over her mug. She saw his eyes follow William up the stairs and a minute or so later, glance out the window. All the while laughing with Vereta and Echo. She guessed that William had departed for places unknown and for some reason, Rider seemed to have developed an interest. Shaking the thought from her mind, she rose with a soft groan, cursing the Keeper once more. She took her now filled mug over to Shamus and eased onto a stool beside him. "Are you well? Really?" Shamus inquired softly. Red shrugged and smiled. "I feel much improved. I must hope the after effects wear off soon." She sipped her meade and studied Shamus. She saw kindness and danger in his eyes, a good combination in her estimation. The kind that often made good friends. "Talk with me, Shamus." She said, eyeing his whiskey. "I'll stand you to another." She signaled the barkeep but Shamus shook his head. "Thank you no." He smiled to show he meant well. "I must leave early to retrieve the artifact I spoke of. I should retire now I think." Red was disappointed, but nodded. "Of course. When you return then. We would all like to know you better I'm sure." Shamus tapped his glass to hers and drained the contents. "In a few days then." With that, he rose and headed off to his bed. Red wished she could have had more time to question him. She thought he would end a friend but liked to know more about him first. In the meantime, she too drained her mug and , grabbing another retired back to the fire and wondered about the man who had come offering her a secret what seemed like so long ago. He had died quickly and now she needed to decide who to call on to learn more about him. With a sigh as she sat, she realized a clandestine trip to the castle was coming. She had a contact there, in the house staff who might tell her more, but meeting him was risky at best and Istirus was not the most stable of men on a good day. She knew the Count kept him only to keep his wife happy. Istirus had served her family in her childhood. With him, there was always the risk he would run to the guards, forgetting she was a friend. Deciding her recovery had taken enough of her time she rose and looped her pack over her shoulder. Rider raised an eyebrow at her. "Off somewhere, Red?" He asked with a smile. "Fact finding mission." She said. "I should not be gone long." With that, she waved to her friends and left into the night for the castle and her unstable source.
  14. Red sat by the fire, gratefully sipping the honeyed mead which to her tasted of golden nectar, so long had it been since she'd tasted anything so sweet. The warmth of the coals was slowly dissipating the aches in her bones from the poison and she thought, someday, she might actually feel herself again. Carefully, she pondered what Shamus had said. The thought of something or someone even more powerful than the Lich gave her pause. The ache in her leg reminded her how close that one had come to ending her and her friends. The others seemed to be contemplating this as well. Soon enough, the noise level rose again, as if, for this night at least, they would enjoy their freedom and their lives. Smiles shown on each face, even that of Shamus. He fell into their little group with surprised ease and was quickly welcome. The smile Rider often wore gave her pause. It was a contemplative smile, the kind that set her wondering. That was a problem for another day, she decided and thought what they really needed was a song. Rider seemed to read her mind. He rose, raising his mug with a grin. "Red!" He toasted her. "Give us a new song, something to celebrate the gift our lives this day." There were cheers all around, the thumping of mugs on tables and a chorus of 'hear! hear!' from those in the tavern. She rose stiffly, giving her leg an absent rub and bowed. "To us then! "She too took a deep drink and ordered her thoughts to compose. On the spot was always the hardest and the most enjoyable challenge. A thief must always be ready. She took a deep breath and began: Five friends went to Oblivion to save their Tavern dear while in that realm of fire and ash a monster taught them fear He took them to his darkened land and lost one from the other to search and find where freedom lay they fought and sought each other. One fell afoul of Spiders bite another sat with ghosts while more were chased by darkling things and harried by their host. When all seemed dark and hope was lost A spirit told one how to end the evil's reign and leave the trap when friend called Now! The party faced the Lich and fought though two fell near to death when new friend they had never known appeared and gave them breath The evil died and hope regained their lives saved at the brink, to sit in Tavern, home and warm with friends now safe and drink! Carefully, she took her bow to a chorus of cheers and laughter and settled herself in the chair again. William leaned across to her. "Still stiff?" He asked, a breath of concern in his voice. She nodded. "It will pass...I think. Too long with that venom in my blood." With that, she thumped her now empty mug on the table. "Barkeep! My throat is dry and I have sung for my meade this night!" More cheers followed and she once again settled to enjoy being home and safe with her friends.
  15. WhoGuru

    Hello there!

    Greetings!! Welcome to the Alliance! Huzzah! New faces! Hmm....do we do civilized around here? lol On occasion. Nice to meet you! I'm a writer myself and absolutely lost in the CS. I have the easy job.
  16. William, Red and Vereta walked quickly down the tunnel, Vereta's lamp providing light for them all. It was dark and damp and as they walked on, they began to hear the rushing of water. Red lagged behind the other two and, realizing this, jogged to catch up with a hiss of pain. "Red?" William turned, concern on his face. "I'm fine." She lied. "Took some bruises diving off a cliff earlier." and she grinned. William seemed to accept this, though he saw the look Vereta shot her. Time was short, he felt and he turned back to the tunnel. Whatever it was, she was obviously not willing to discuss it now. They were now nearing the sound of rushing water and came to an aged and moss covered bridge crossing an expanse of underground river. Upstream stood a tremendous falls, which had been the water they were hearing for the last hour. "Wow." Vereta wondered and stepped up to look at the bridge. "Seems sturdy enough." He remarked and just as he moved to place a foot on the first plank, a trio of voices was heard yelling and gurgling from upriver. The three stepped to the edge in time to see a shoddy looking canoe appear at the top of the falls and then drop, spilling it's contents into the water. Three bodies swirled in the water and William and Red leaped out on the expanse of the bridge. Together, they raced to the middle and lay down, arms out and ready to catch the survivors as they were pulled past by the current. Red thrust her arm into the water and, to her surprise, came up with a sputtering Echo. Wet and obviously not happy, he grasped her arm and began to pull himself up onto the bridge. William likewise had taken hold of what turned out to be Rider just as he was pulled under. "William!" Rider gasped and thanked the gods for his safety. He'd thought they were done when the boat crested the top of the falls and flipped. William heaved him upwards and suddenly a drowned looking...something, exploded from the water and latched hold of William's face, squealing in delight. "My is not drownded! My and we is not drownded Rider!" It quickly climbed away from William's seeking hand and lept to the bridge, giving a mighty shake and sending water flying everywhere. "Rider." William growled, rising and helping his friend to his feet. "You have a new friend." "Well...yes." Rider grinned, somewhat embarrassed. "Crockit seems alright." He reassured William. "He's saved me twice now, and Echo." Looking over his shoulder, he found Echo giving a very wet hug to a somewhat resisting Vereta. "He said he was leading us to the Burned one. Must be the Keeper we think." William accepted the information and the new party member with equanimity. "Agreed. This path should lead straight to him." And he quickly brought them up to speed, explaining about the heart and the shiv and the need to destroy it at the right time. The group, now reunited, crossed the bridge quickly and re-entered the tunnel. Red did her best to hide the limp that was steadily growing heavier with the poisons spread. She saw Vereta whispering to Rider ahead and, as she expected, he cast a worried glance back at her. She shook her head and looked away. Rider accepted this from her. There was nothing to be done now and they were too close to escape. Resigned, he continued on and soon, the tunnel began to expand, growing until it emptied into a massive chamber. The walls were sheer and obsidian black. All manner of artifacts from what must be previous captives decorated the walls and floor and in the center of it all, hovering lightly above the floor, the burnt and disfigured Lich form of their Keeper. The Keeper hung above them and grinned. 'You have arrived." His voice filled the cavern sharply and he laughed. "This will only be a short interlude for you. I have allowed you to find me. Soon you will begin the game again." He waved his arms, throwing great bolts of lightning above their heads, making them duck. "I am not done playing with you." Rider grabbed Will's arm. "The heart, how do we find it?" William shook his head, he searched the chamber with his eyes, so sure he'd been that the Keeper would keep the heart here. "Keep him talking. It has to be here." Rider nodded and to his surprise, Vereta stepped forward. "Keeper, why did you bring us? Surely you could have escaped this place by now." He asked meekly, forcing his voice louder. "With all this power, what could possibly hold you here?" He knew William and Red were quickly searching the room with their eyes, in search of the heart. It was their only way out of this place. "Ah, the scholar questions me." The Keeper laughed again. "You assume I am trapped here? No, this is my realm. My creation and I choose to remain, to bring others to use as my playthings, to....amuse me." Another shower of lightning scattered above their heads to booming laughter. "The Oblivion Gate was simply my lure, my means to trap my prey." Realization flooded into Red's mind as she thought of what Elette's ghost had said, how many times the Keeper had tried to slay her outright. She looked up at his disfigured face with the truth on her lips and into his eye. Suddenly, she screamed, doubling over in agony as the poison in her leg rushed through her body, robbing her of speech. She would have collapsed if Rider had not caught her. He held her as she heaved for breath against the onslaught of the poison. Red rolled her eyes to the Keeper and saw triumph on his face. He had seen it in her eyes and was now trying to end her before she could tell the others how close their salvation really was. She weakened by the second, held upright only by Rider's iron grip and her chest burned with pain and heat and speech seemed beyond her. Red was near insensible from the poison now, and ruthlessly held on to the truth. The sigil stone. The Keeper would have needed something of incredible magical power to anchor an Oblivion gate in their realm to trap them. What better than his own heart, transformed to feed him energy and keep him alive. In fact, she still had it in her bag. Now that she thought about it with her fevered mind, she realized it did not have the characteristic hum of other Sigil stones she had taken over the years. It was silent. She shifted in Riders grasp, trying to make her mouth work, to make them understand. What better way to make sure they never escape than to have the means of their release in their grasp all the time. They would spend forever blundering through this hellish place seeking a way out and never think to look in their own pockets! She fought to raise her head and be heard. "Rider." She rasped. "Have to tell..." She was so fevered now, holding onto her thought was difficult. She forced herself to stay calm. The Keeper heard her as well. "Little thief." He grated. "You are still with us. How disappointing." Rider's grip tightened and he moved her away from him. She tried again, this time trying to force her arm to reach into her pack. It wouldn't. She had no strength left, was helpless. "Rider." She breathed his name. He bent his head to her. "Be still, Red. We'll keep you safe." He said, thinking to reassure her. "N..no." She tried one last time, feeling consciousness slipping away from her. "Sigil stone." Her voice was barely a whisper now. Rider put his ear almost onto her mouth to hear what she said. "Sigil stone...my pack...destroy it." "What?" He gazed down at her and she could see he thought she was slipping into delirium from the poison. William came to them and placed his hand on her face. "Are you sure?" He asked. His sensitive hearing had picked up the last of her words. She nodded, barely, willing them to understand. "Heart." She mouthed and this time, she lost the fight. Her head rolled back as her eyes closed and her breath shuddered out. She collapsed in their arms. "Is she..." Rider asked, afraid they had lost her. "No." William's fingers still rested on her face and he could feel the life in her. It was weak, but still fighting to stay. Without a word, he reached behind Red's still form and found her pack. "Soon she will be gone." The Keeper said with joy. "one fallen and so many more to play with." "I think not." William said. He turned from Red with the Sigil Stone clutched in his hand. At the same time, he heard a voice in his head, from where he did not know or understand but it said only one word...Now! The stone was warm, but silent. He realized it was not any sigil stone he had seen before and just as quickly followed Red's logic to it's ultimate conclusion. "Clever." He said to the Keeper who was now raging and with that, drew the silver Shiv from his belt and stabbed the stone, obeying the voice in his mind.
  17. Red and Vereta picked their way slowly down what turned out to be some sort of rock slide. The rocks would often turn under their feet and several times, they went down far faster then they wanted. Finally, they reached the bottom and both stopped, listening for signs the other denizens of this forest had heard the noise. "All quiet." Vereta whispered. "I can't hear anything."Red nodded. "Maybe they're still trying to work out how to get across the ravine?" She rose from her crouch with a grimace and led off into the trees. Vereta noticed she seemed to be walking more stiffly than before and decided to attribute it to the bruising. She was obviously not in a mood to discuss the poison further. As Red reached the tree line ahead of him, she paused in mid-stride. Vereta stopped where he was, not speaking in case it was the creatures come back for a nibble. Red motioned him forward and he crept silently to her side. "Saw something moving by the cottage." She whispered "Don't think it was those things from before. Moved wrong." She pointed and Vereta could just make out the front of the little building through the trees. As he watched, a shadow did indeed shamble into sight and then out again. "Wait here." Red pointed at a clump of bushes at the edge of the treeline, from where he could still see the dwelling. He nodded and slid behind the bush to watch and wait. Red moved stealthily, making no sound as she slid into the trees and Vereta lost her for a moment. He scanned the front of the cottage again and found her slipping around the side as the unknown shadow moved into sight again. He held his breath and waited, ready to run to her aid if necessary. Tense minutes slipped by as V waited and finally, he saw the shadow appear again and then, almost faster than he could see, Red stepped up behind it and away again into the shadows. Confused, he watched her round the house again and then saw the shadowy figure wobble for a moment and then fall forward and lay still. He gasped at the speed and skill which Red had shown slaying whatever it was and gasped again when she stepped out from behind a tree near him moments later. "Come on." She said and started walking away from the cottage. "What was it?" Vereta asked, glancing over his shoulder at the cottage as it vanished into the trees. "A zombie." Red spat on the ground and continued on. "That cozy little cottage was lousy with them, packed in like sardines from what I could see through the windows." She reached the wall and, looking either way, decided to head to her right, away from the ravine and closer to the lake. "If we'd walked in there, we'd be dead." Vereta shivered and thanked the gods Red had spotted the one wandering outside before they'd walked into it. They walked on in the underground forest, staying to it's edges and peering into the trees. They heard the occasional splash from the lake but no sounds that would have signaled where their friends were. Red fumed inwardly, wishing she'd gotten close enough to the Golem's head to slide her blade into its' eye. She was sure it wouldn't have killed the thing but perhaps it would have distracted it long enough to figure a way out, or convinced it to give them up altogether if they were too much trouble. Worse, having angered their keeper, the poison was now active again in her body. She could feel it, beginning to burn a trail in her leg. Soon, the burning would expand again, sucking away her life with it. Again, she told herself it was worth it for the few moments of joy she'd had fighting their foe directly. "Watch out!" Vereta called loudly. Red had been so wrapped in her thoughts, she hadn't been watching her footing and fell suddenly into an algae choked fen. She landed on her face and, fearing danger, rolled quickly to her back. Sitting up, she cleared enough of the gunk out of her eyes to see Vereta on the shore doubled over in laughter. He was trying valiantly to muffle the sounds with his hands. Wiping her hands across her face she looked at them and then down at herself. She was waist deep in muck and covered in green. In spite of herself, she began laughing too. She must be a hell of a sight. With a last chuckle, she picked herself up and began scraping the algae off of her clothes. Vereta offered a hand and helped steady her as she stumbled out of the pool. "I deserved that." She said with a laugh. "For not paying more attention." "Sorry, I didn't warn you sooner.Vereta produced a cloth from his pack and offered it to her. "I thought you saw it until you...well...tumbled in." He snorted again. "Sorry." "No worries." Red grinned at him and began the business of de-greening herself. Vereta touched her arm then, getting her attention and pointed into the trees. Through them, Red could see another building. This one much larger than the last. "I don't know." She said softly now. Vereta took shook his head. "What if it's a trap like the other. It's much larger. There must be three floors." Red had removed the worst of the muck now and passed back his now green sodden cloth. Vereta took it with two fingers and, considering it a loss, dropped it to the grass. "We can check it out." Red said, squeezing algae from her hair with her fingers. The tie she'd used to hold it back had slipped out as well and her hair fell before her face like a green, speckled curtain of red. Irritated, she flipped it behind her ears and looked at Vereta. "You up for it?" Vereta nodded. "What if William or Rider or Echo is in there?" He said. "They could be hurt...or worse. We have to know." "Agreed." Red then led the way into the tree line, Vereta close behind and silent as he could be.
  18. Quote Oh good, I thought I was going mad! Short trip. Tents are fantastic Echo! Love the look you've created. Very Moroccan bazaar kind of thing.
  19. The Golem raised itself from the stone and stood towering over them. Red realised they could see again. In the heat of the moment, she hadn't noticed the crystals once again glowing. She readied her blades, stepping in front of Vereta and waited for it. It was massive, that it had broken no bones when flinging them about was a miracle, as was Vereta's rescue. He was far more powerful than any of them had realized, she thought. The Golem stared balefully down at them with a single, massive red eye and gnashed stone teeth in anticipation. "Single, red eye." She muttered and re-thought her plan to fight. She backed up into V and spoke softly over her shoulder. "How fast can you run?" She asked him. Vereta stared up in confusion. "Run?" He asked, eyeing the monster angrily. "If I distract it, can you get between it's legs and over to the other side?" She grinned, keeping her attention on the slowly advancing monster. "It's him." She breathed to V. "Our keeper. Look at the eye." Vereta did and suddenly remembered William's description of his encounter with the mysterious being in his room. "I can't kill it." Red said grimly. "I'm sure, game's over if it dies so, we out maneuver it." Vereta nodded and ducked suddenly as the Golem swiped a stone hand out at them. Red bounced back up and swiped at it with her dagger. The ancient blade actually removed a chunk of the stone before the creature snatched its hand back. The look on it's face now was one of anger. She had hurt it. "I can be fast enough." Vereta agreed, feeling that now the thing truly meant to kill Red for her insolence. "What about you?" Red tensed, ready to distract it and replied. "I'm a thief, V. Born to the sign of the shadow. I'll meet you on the other side." Vereta had a sudden insight and smiled. Of course. He readied himself to run, hoping to not waist her distraction. Red kneeled down, preparing herself and then made a spectacular leap onto the things arm as it reached out to them again. She ran nimbly up the limb, executing another leap to land on it's shoulder. Vereta took his chance while the Golem was looking up at Red and bolted across the bridge and through it's legs to the other side. He dodged into the tunnel there and called back, "Red! I'm through!" He glanced back out, saw her acknowledge him and hack another piece from the Golem's head. She was aiming for the eye of course and vicious in her attack. She over stayed her welcome however and the Golem got in a lucky strike, sending her back to the bridge with a thunk. Red lay for a moment under the things baleful eye, a smile creased it's face through the stone and it raised a hand to crush her. Vereta frantically tried to think what he could to save her when...she vanished. Red simply disappeared before his eyes. The golem roared in rage, casting about the bridge for his quarry in vain. Vereta jumped in fear when he felt a tap on his shoulder and Red materialised beside him, bruised, battered and grinning. The sign of the Shadow, he remembered, bestowed on those born to it the ability to vanish from sight once each day. He laughed and clasped her arm. "You alright?" he asked her, seeing some horrific bruises begin to appear on the left side of her face. "Fine. Just mad. Shouldn't have caught me so easily." She pulled Vereta from the wall and further into the tunnel. "It will never make it in here." They could still hear it growling from the bridge and then it's head hove into view at the mouth of the tunnel. "Little thief." The voice filled the tunnel, forcing Red and Vereta to cover their ears even as they backed further into the tunnel. "You have angered me." In fear of the reprisal, Vereta grabbed Red's arm and pulled her away, running with her now away from the Golem. The tunnel wormed it's way through the rock and finally emptied out onto a high ledge over-looking the forest and the lake. They stopped and sat back against the wall, panting for breath. "It didn't do anything." Vereta gasped. "Why didn't it do anything?" He looked over to Red and found her grim and angry. "What's wrong?" She said nothing but simply pulled open the tear in her pants leg from the beginning of their journey. Vereta looked more closely and found that red lines were beginning to wend outward from the Spider Daedra venom. Very, very slowly, but certainly spreading once again. "Oh no." Red laughed suddenly and threw her arms wide in acceptance. "It will be worth it to have taken several chunks out of his pride." She covered her leg again and surveyed their position, ignoring the concern in Vereta's eyes. She could see a small cottage set back in the woods, just make out the chimney stack. "There's a ledge leading down over there." She pointed off to the side. "Red?" Vereta tried to talk to her about it and she stopped him. "Leave it. Please." She smiled a little to take the sting out of it. "Nothing to be done now. Let's head toward that cottage. Quietly." Vereta nodded, realising that they were now back on the same side of the ravine as the creatures.
  20. Exactly, see, the Kvatch mod disables the destroyed walls of Kvatch after the third quest and replaces them so, when the new walls glitched, the old ones couldn't reappear to replace them. The console code to uninstall the mod re-enables the vanilla walls. I'm hoping it wont happen again as I made sure to complete the Kvatch portion of Aid for Bruma before re-enabling the mod. So far so good.
  21. So, I completed the first few quests of the mod, fantastic btw, then started the Aid for Bruma part of the MQ. When I returned to Kvatch to get Savlian's obligatory aid, I found the city had vanished and all that's left are the gates, part of a wall and a floating boulder. I've disabled the mod, loaded and re-saved my save file, re-enabled the mod and the problem was still there. I then disabled the mod again and found that, after loading my save without the mod active, Kvatch is still...missing, only now even the city gates were not there. Here's a screenie of what I saw in game. http://i45.photobuck...reenShot0-4.jpg This actually isn't the first bug I've found. A few days ago, after getting the gardener to go to Kvatch, I returned to the city to find 4 people endlessly walking into the city gates as if they couldn't activate them to enter the city. In case of interest, their names were Sigrid, Jesan Rilian, Boldon and Ilav Dralgoner. They vanished as well when the city did. So I've got it fixed now, using the console code provided in the read-me to uninstall the mod and got some info from one of the mods designers. The explanation for how it happened is relatively simple: shortly after the blood on the road quest, the mod disables the destroyed walls of Kvatch and replaces them with it's own. What happened, is the mod walls became disabled and, because of the mod, the original vanilla walls are gone as well. Here's how the fix works: While in-game, and NOT near or in Kvatch, open the console and type- setstage KRUninstall 10 Now exit the console. When prompted answer "yes" to uninstalling the mod. Then save your game and exit. In the data files, disable the Kvatch .esm and .esp. Restart and load your save, answering yes to loading with the missing content. Save again. Now quit, re-enable the .esp and .esm in your datafiles and restart. Now, here's my question (yes I have one! lol) is it possible a vanilla quest caused the bug to occur? As the games creators don't seem to know why it sometimes happens. I think I do. Follow me here. While reading their FAQ, I learned that the fourth quest in the mod wont start until you've completed the Kvatch portion of the "Aid for Bruma" quest in the MQ. So, I went and did the MQ up to that point so I could advance the restoration. Now, before I did that, I stopped off in Kvatch and it was fine, partially re-built and going well. After I received the "Aid for Bruma" quest, my game chugged for a second then seemed fine and I returned to Kvatch to get Savlian Matius' aid. This is when the city vanished. Is it possible the Aid quest reset the city? When I entered the floating gates, Kvatch had been reset to it's post-gate destruction. If this is the source of this uncommon glitch, is it something they could fix?
  22. Vereta and Red huddled round his lamp as they walked through the pitch black tunnel. Red kept a hand on the wall, leading the way and using each step to feel in front of them with her toes. Wouldn't do to stumble off into a chasm in the inky darkness. "Wish we knew where we were going." V muttered. "I don't like dark caves." "Neither do I, V. We'll be out of this soon." She reassured him. Looking back, she saw his face was a bit white in the light of the lamp. She stopped suddenly and gasped. Her hand had lost contact with the wall and the foot she had been searching the floor with met nothing as she pushed forward. "What's wrong?" Vereta inched closer, trying to see. "The floor and the walls just went away." Red dropped down to her knees."Hand me the lamp V and stay close. Need to see what's down here." He did as she asked and peered over her shoulder, trying to find what had stopped them. Red held the lamp out, seeing nothing, then down. For a moment, there was nothing, just emptiness, then a faint glow began just below her. It seemed to be drawing light from V's lamp. As they watched it grew until finally they could make out small crystals embedded in the wall of the chasm just below Red's knees. They gained strength as she watched and lowered the lamp even closer. The light level in the tunnel was building. For the first time in over and hour, Red could actually see the tunnel walls behind them and now looked with awe on the chasm before them. The walls were covered in blue crystals, as far down as the eye could see. They gathered light and illuminated everything up to the vaulted ceiling far above. 'Too wide too jump." Red noted and pointed to their left. "You see that?" She asked, as if worried her eyes were playing tricks. "Yes." V nodded, still in awe of the view below them. "Looks like a stone bridge." "Mmm hmm." Red stood, handing the lamp back to V and headed toward it. "Let's see how sturdy it is." They went to stand at the foot of the bridge and Red fisted her hands on her hips, staring across. It wasn't straight. It actually meandered back and forth a few times as it spanned the gap. Red smiled grimly. "I get it." "get what?" Vereta asked, a bit confused. She gestured at the bridge. "See how it twists back on itself? How easy do you suppose it would be to navigate that in blackness?" Vereta stared, then at the bridge and the glowing crystals below. "The lights are going to go out once we're on it aren't they?" He asked, resigned. Red nodded. "Oh yes. It's a little too easy otherwise, isn't it?" She kicked a pebble across the bridge in bad temper, frustrated. "I'm getting very tired of this things games." She muttered. "Let's go, V. Stay behind me and keep your hand on my back." She held the lamp out in front of her and down toward her feet, anticipating the darkness. Slowly, they stepped out onto the bridge. They reached the halfway point, where the bridge began to turn and just as Red set a foot upon the turn, the lights winked out, plunging them into blackness except for the faint light from the lamp. Red wobbled slightly in reaction."Still there V?" "Y-yes." He replied, now grabbing hold of Red's belt, not wanting to lose her. "Can you see your feet?" He saw Red lower the lamp and her feet came into view. "We're okay. Just stay with me and move exactly where I move. No more free-falls today, alright?" Vereta let out a short laugh. "I promise." and they inched slowly forward across the twisting rock through blackness.
  23. For several minutes they lay there, heedless of any danger around them. Finally Vereta forced himself to his feet and looked back across the ravine. On the other side, he could some of the creatures they'd recently escaped massed on the edge.He could almost hear their frustration at having lost their prey. "You know." He said. "I wonder if those things live on this side of the ravine as well?" Red harrumphed and sat up, massaging her arm. "I'm not doing another swan dive into a dirty great crevasse today so they better just bugger off for the time being." She impishly stuck her tongue out at the creatures on the other side and climbed to her feet. Her leg was stiff as well as sore. Hoping it was just the result of banging into the wall, she ignored the discomfort and with a disgusted snort, tore off her other sleeve before shoving it into the pouch she kept slung over her shoulder. Never knew when something could come in handy. "where to now?" Vereta stretched, working the kinks out of his shoulders. The climb had been scary but a boost to his confidence as well. "I don't think there's any going back to the lake now is there?" "No." Red agreed. She turned to the treeline behind them, noting the rock wall of the cavern was close. "Let's head towards the wall. Perhaps we can find a tunnel or something to lead us round the other side." "Sounds like a plan." Vereta hitched his pack, miraculously intact after the fall and led the way. Red fell in close behind, her eyes ranging through the trees for danger and kept a hand close to her dagger. It took them little time to reach the wall, which turned out to provide no outlet they could see. "well, pick a direction." Red gestured wide with her arms.V looked to either side, seeing no real difference and chose left. "That side is closer to the ravine and so a closer route back to the lake." He nodded and looked to Red for her assent. She shrugged and patted him on the back as she passed him. "Sounds good enough to me." She led the way, picking through and over scrambles of withered bushes and dead fall rocks which had tumbled from above long ago. The forest was silent around them and the lack of sound subtly picked at Red's senses. Every scrape of their boots or audible breath made her cringe. She couldn't help feeling they were being watched and, she supposed, in a way they were. Their keeper, jailer, whatever he was was undoubtedly keeping close tabs on them. It was after all a game to him. "Red." Vereta tapped her arm and pointed. Ahead, a shadowy arbor of trees led straight into the face of rock. "Ominous." He remarked and suppressed a shiver even as he saw goosebumps march up her arms. "I don't like it." She said softly. "But we haven't much choice. Let's go carefully." Together, they stepped into the arbor and toward the tunnel. The light, which had been dim to begin with, darkened further. The closer they came to the tunnel, the darker it got. It was almost impossible to see now and Red, turning back towards where they'd entered exclaimed loudly. "It's gone!" She gasped. Vereta too turned and saw their entrance had been completely closed off by the trees. It was as if the trees themselves had moved to block their escape. "No help for ti now, I suppose." He said resigned. "We have to go on. Wait a moment." He reached into his pack, rummaging through the books, odds and ends inside. Finally, to Red's surprise, he emerged with a lantern. She laughed. "I refuse to ask how you fit that in there." and provided a flint from her own pack. Vereta smiled widely. "You'd never believe me." He lit the lantern and together, they entered the tunnel in pitch blackness, surrounded only by the small circle of light provided by the lamp.
  24. Red saw Vereta cut the line just a second too soon and was momentarily frozen as he pinwheeled his arms on the edge and toppled over. Without thinking, she ran to the edge and dove off after Vereta. Arrowing her body, she saw him a short way below, his face white with fear. She saw him look up at her in horror, realizing she'd leapt after him. She quickly made up ground as they fell, eying the walls of the ravine further down. When she was close enough, she snatched at Vereta's cloak, catching the edge and pulling him to her. For a moment, Vereta strangled as the cloak tightened about his neck, then Red had her arms around him. "Hold on to me!" She yelled. Vereta did as he was told, unable to imagine how they would survive this. They fell on into the seemingly bottomless ravine. Red was scanning the wall closest to them. Using their combined weight, she managed to turn them, aiming them closer to the wall. "V!" She hollered in his ear. "Hold tight to me, this is going to hurt!" For a thief, timing was often the line between life and death and she had faultless timing. At just the right moment, she aimed a grab at the wall, catching hold of an outhanging vine. She quickly twisted her hand to loop it over her arm and gritted her teeth. Suddenly, their free fall stopped, they jerked wildly and Red screamed as the vine tried to tear her arm free of it's socket. She refused to give in and held fast. Vereta and Red swung into the wall, taking a couple hard raps against the stone and finally coming to rest. Vereta was shocked they were alive. Red's breathing was an agonized rasp in his ear. She moaned, then coughed and dropped her head onto his shoulder. "Ouch." She groaned and began to giggle. At a loss, V held on tight, not wishing to fall again. "Okay." Red said in a voice harsh from pain. "Look at the wall, V." She used her weight to turn him so he could see. "See the vines?" "Yes." He reached out and carefully pulled until he found one secure. "Climb over, slowly and stay put." She ordered. Vereta did and found there were lots of places to plant his feet on the wall once he was there. He watched as Red hung for a moment by her arm, then finally turned herself into the wall and found a purchase. "We're going to climb back up." She glanced above them, then down below. "Definitely up. Have you ever climbed like this before?" Vereta shook his head. "No. I can do it." He said, smiling. "If you can jump off a cliff, I can climb back up." Red laughed softly. "That's the spirit. Now, we go slow and easy. You don't let go until you've made sure you're next handhold is secure. You don't move your foot until you know the next place you put it wont crumble away." She carefully freed her arm of the vine, and moaned again. Her sleeve went with it and her arm was grooved with long, red lines from the vine. "Are you okay?" V asked. concerned. She nodded. "Just sore. Now, up we go. Slow and easy and don't look down. Keep looking at the wall. Okay?" Vereta nodded and they began their ascent. In the ravine, there seemed to be no day or night. Red was sure it should have gotten darker by now, but perhaps day and night had no meaning in this place. Her arm was a torture, screaming at her every time she moved it. She could not afford the energy to try and heal it now, reaching the top safely was all that mattered. Vereta, though never having done this before, turned out to be something of a natural. He was very cautious and once or twice even pointed out better holds to her. After an interminable time, they finally reached the lip of the ravine. With great care, they rolled themselves over the edge and lay spent, marveling at being alive.
  25. Hell of a good start Euther! Now we just need to tweak them. ...and Mage is having his own meltdown with trying to get the images to load with the clues. Seems they don't like being after the text. He's pulling hair on this one. lol
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