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Files posted by Arthmoor

  1. A Brotherhood Renewed

    "The Cheydinhal Sanctuary is but one of many secret Dark Brotherhood safe havens spread across the Imperial Province."
    You've completed your contracts. You rose through the ranks. Lucien entrusted you with his life. After a long and difficult struggle, you saved the Dark Brotherhood from total annihilation. All that remains of the once proud and powerful organization are you, Arquen, and some lowly random murderer the two of you found. After all this you're satisfied with visiting Bravil once a week to collect a pittance of cash? Is there nothing more to be done? The story just ends here, like a bad movie? Not anymore. The time has come to reclaim lost power, to retake lost sanctuaries. To renew the Dark Brotherhood.
    This mod adds a short series of quests to the end of the saga of the Dark Brotherhood which takes place after your first visit to Bravil after becoming the Listener. I always felt that Bethesda cut things short at the end of the quest line. You're just supposed to continue on, as though nothing was wrong, after your entire organization was brought to its knees? What about all those sanctuaries out there the game makes a point of mentioning but you never see? This is my answer to that and at least brings things to a more sensible close by the time you are done.
    You may install this at any point during the game, it is not necessary to wait for the end of the quest line. In fact, some of the involved characters will exist and be out in the game world prior to everything turning for the worst. You may not even realize who they are when you find them. Once you have made it to the end of the quest line and visit the Night Mother statue in Bravil at least once, the events will begin. You will be approached by a courier to start things off.


       (2 reviews)



  2. Open Cities Reborn

    Open Cities Reborn takes the concept of Open Cities and steps it up to the next level. The project redesigns each city covered by the original Open Cities in such a way that would make more sense strategically. The castles become a more central focus of each city's layout, with housing, commerce, and the cathedrals spread out around them in more distinct ways. When possible, concept art provided by Bethesda was followed as closely as space restrictions would allow. Where none was provided or where it was not practical to follow, creative license was used instead. City walls in several cities have been modified to suit the location. For example, Bruma now uses wooden palisades, Cheydinhal has lower brick walls that reflect Dunmer influence, and the city part of Bravil has no walls at all instead relying on their island nature. This has the added bonus that each city is now more visible as you approach. Rather than large imposing walls that block the entire view, you can see buildings on the other side along with most of the trees and bushes.

    To avoid any serious compatibility issues, and because lore calls for it to remain fortified, Kvatch is not touched in any way.

    The Imperial City will also remain in the layout it now has since strategically speaking, it's already built the way it should be. Although there is room in the concept art for some somewhat radical adjustments to be made. That may or may not come at a later time.

    To get the most out of these changes, it is highly recommended to download Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys. This is the evolution of Texian's Window Lighting System and is fully compatible with Open Cities Reborn.

    To go with that, and provide LOD for all the new goodies, I also recommend: Really AEVWD. Just be aware that there's a bit of a performance hit in activating all the extra LOD that Open Cities will provide that's directly proportional to the power of your PC, and how many other mods you have installed.


       (0 reviews)



  3. ESO Skyshards

    Long ago, during the second era in the time of the Planemeld, adventurers sought out whatever power they could gain to aid in their battle against Molag Bal. Among these items of power were Skyshards, presumably made available by the gods for those who were dedicated to exploring both the hidden and mundane corners of Tamriel. Not much is truly known about them, but in these trying times of dragons and civil war, the Skyshards have once again appeared for the Last Dragonborn to discover and augment his power.
    ESO Skyshards places several shards throughout the province of Skyrim, including Dawnguard areas and Solstheim. Much like the ones from ESO itself, once you collect 3, you will earn 1 perk point to spend as you see fit. There are 6 in each section, for a total of 66 shards amounting to 22 extra perk points. That may seem like a lot, but by the time you've found them all you'll likely be pretty high level anyway so it balances out in the end. Sorry, beyond the 3 screenshots displayed for the mod, I will not reveal the locations of all of the shards. They do not have map markers either, and there are no plans to provide any. They are located in a mix of easy areas and hard areas so they should prove to be quite a challenge to locate.
    This mod will go especially well with mods that expand the number of perks you can use as well as perk overhauls that expand the number of points required to obtain perks.


       (0 reviews)



  4. Dolmen Ruins

    In 2E 582, Molag Bal launched an all out invasion against Nirn. His aim was to merge Nirn with Coldharbor in a cataclysmic event that came to be known as the Planemeld. This was accomplished through the use of numerous Dark Anchors, or Dolmens, scattered around Tamriel (and presumably elsewhere too) that were to physically drag Nirn into Coldharbor. It was only through the heroic actions of one known as The Vestige that Molag Bal's plans were thwarted and all of Nirn saved from a gruesome end as soulless slaves. Though history does not record these events, the ruins themselves have survived. Adventurers have to this day reported many are guarded by daedra, others by the undead, and some by unnatural abominations of the wilds.
    This mod aims to bring a bit of ESO lore to Skyrim by adding 12 inactive Dolmens around Skyrim, all in relatively remote areas. This is primarily just for show but several have enemies to fight as well so you can use them to acquire some of the harder to find Daedric ingredients. Explore Skyrim, and you should run into them soon enough. Don't be lazy, go out and look!


       (0 reviews)



  5. Run For Your Lives

    A small mod that makes citizens in a village or city run indoors during a dragon or vampire attack.
    This was born out of frustration at seeing the citizens all trying to be a hero and rushing headlong to their doom attacking dragons and vampires. Instead, the citizens will run to safety like smart people should when faced with the horrors of giant flying fire breathing lizards (or bloodthirsty undead). NPCs who live in the attack location who own a home there will retreat to it. If the attack location has an inn, NPCs who don't live there will flee to the inn, along with any NPCs who live outdoors. If no inn is present the game picks a random interior from the surrounding area and those NPCs will flee there instead.
    This should work for any NPCs added by mods as well, up to a limit of 150 in the area. After that, they're on their own. The NPCs chosen are first come, first serve by the game engine.
    Guards, members of The Companions, Vigilants of Stendarr, and the player's followers/teammates will not run, they will stand and fight. Farm animals will not run either, because they're stupid. That includes your horse.
    Spawned dragons are detected via animation events, which should allow for completely reliable detection even if the dragon never lands on something.
    Hand placed dragons are detected when their combat state changes* as well as when they land on any available perch objects in the area.
    Vampires will be detected when the events that spawn them begin running.
    * [Only after they land on the ground]
    My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/arthmoor


       (1 review)



  6. When Vampires Attack

    A small mod that makes citizens in a village or city run indoors during a random vampire attack. This includes eclipse attacks as well.

    This was born out of frustration at seeing the citizens all trying to be a hero and rushing headlong to their doom attacking master vampires. Instead, the citizens will run to safety like smart people should when faced with the horrors of the undead. NPCs who live in the attack location who own a home there will retreat to it. If the attack location has an inn, NPCs who don't live there will flee to the inn, along with any NPCs who live outdoors. If no inn is present the game picks a random interior from the surrounding area and those NPCs will flee there instead.

    This should work for any NPCs added by mods as well, up to a limit of 150 in the area. After that, they're on their own. The NPCs chosen are first come, first serve by the game engine.

    Guards, members of The Companions, Vigilants of Stendaar, the Dawnguard, and the player's followers/teammates will not run, they will stand and fight. Farm animals will not run either, because they're stupid. That includes your horse.

    Installation Requirements

    Official Skyrim patch or greater.
    Official Dawnguard DLC.


       (1 review)



  7. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

    A comprehensive bugfixing mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition. The goal of the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (aka USLEEP) is to eventually fix every bug with Skyrim and its 3 DLCs not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the Creation Kit and community-developed tools, in one easy-to-install package.
    Warning: Only use the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch with the latest release version of Skyrim patched through Steam! Using it on an older version may cause bugs or things not to be fixed that were advertised as such! It will of course be updated to match each official update, including having fixes removed that are included in official updates.
    See the full changelog for details.


       (2 reviews)



  8. Faregyl Village

    Feeding the empire, one roast chicken... or pork chop... or rabbit steak at a time! Cyrodiil demands MEAT!

    Ever notice how there's no real farming presence in Cyrodiil? Except for some really small isolated places, there's perhaps one major operation going on outside of Skingrad. And they make wine. Wine is great and all, but where do folks get the meat? I mean the good meat. Chicken, pork, rabbit. We have plenty of mutton, but, well, mutton can only go so far before it gets old. There's also a noticeable lack of traditional crops being grown anywhere on any kind of meaningful level. So I got bored while thinking about this and decided it was time to do something about it!

    I searched high and low and found only a small number of farming mods. The usual. Sheep, sheep, sheep, and oh, more sheep. Wonderful. Got the mutton sources covered now. So I'm attempting to fill in some of the gaps. There were a number of other good farming mods but they all landed in locations that were less than ideal, at least for my game. The UL team has someone working on a grand implementation out by Anvil, so I figured on letting them take care of that. So why Faregyl? What's so special about this place? Nothing really. When I scouted for locations it wasn't used by anything I could find. So I figured it was as good a place as any to stick some small farming operations.

    This mod adds a pig farm, chicken farm, rabbit farm, some traditional crops, and a local smithy to the Faregyl area. Instead of an isolated sleepy old inn, now there's a useful farming village to help sustain the population. Each farm is owned by an NPC who has a work schedule and a normal eat/sleep schedule. Don't try and mooch off the stuff though. Killing the livestock or stealing the crops is going to make someone angry if they catch you! There's also a local smithy who will repair gear and sell mundane supplies and equipment. He's got an ox to pull his cart, but the ox is mean. Don't mess with him. There's also two local legionaries who patrol the area to help keep the peace. And of course, the abandoned gold mine. Something the locals are reluctant to talk about....

    Requires OBSE 0019b or higher.


       (4 reviews)



  9. Cyrodiil Travel Services

    This mod is a collection of travel options which aims to recreate a system similar to what existed in Morrowind. It includes regular travel agent services at the stables, Divine Intervention, Mark & Recall, and Mage Guild Guides.

    At each major city, there is a travel agent who will offer transportation to other major cities, including a few mod added destinations as well. Their services are relatively cheap and are based on the distance between each stop they service. They are also heavily armed and should you decide to attack them, be prepared for a significant fight. This may also draw in local guards. These agents WILL NOT RESPAWN IF KILLED, so try not to make a mess.

    A Divine Intervention spell which functions in a similar manner to the one from Morrowind. The only real difference is that it will bring you to one of the chapel interiors instead of dropping you outside. The spell is sold in every chapel and requires Mysticism skill of 50 or higher. Scrolls are available from loot and vendor lists that deal with Journeyman level items. Divine Intervention does not function in Oblivion realms, Shivering Isles, or in a few other select areas where being yanked out might break something. It is also aware of Knights of the Nine and will not transport you to a desecrated chapel during the quest.

    Mark & Recall spells which function nearly identically to their Morrowind and Daggerfall equivalents. This allows you to set a marker virtually anywhere and recall to it later. The spell does not function within Oblivion realms, Shivering Isles, or a few other select locations that will break something. The spells are sold by Alves Uvenim in Leyawiin since they specialize in Mysticism.

    Teleportation services are now provided at the Mages Guild. Each city offers a teleportation pad in the public area of the guild which allows transport to every other major city. Ask around while in a guild and you'll be directed to the person in charge of the teleporter. Fees for non-members are 100 Septims. Fees for initiate members of the guild are 25 Septims. Teleportation is free once you have access to the Arcane University. Frostcrag Spire is available as a destination, but is only guaranteed to work with the OFFICIAL DLC.

    Fast Travel can now be optionally disabled as well through an ini file.


       (0 reviews)



  10. Roads of Cyrodiil

    This mod adds some new roads to the game along with some new bridges to connect them together when the roads cross the Niben or Lake Rumare. It is intended to make travel just a bit easier to manage, especially when accessing the Imperial City island. You no longer have to go clear around to the Weye bridge just to keep dry. Two lesser roads are added to the Imperial Reserve and Great Forest to make travel between Chorrol, Anvil, and Skingrad easier to manage.
    This is a combination mod composed of New Roads & Bridges, originally written by Ukrr, and West Roads, originally written by mariedanj. With modifications and additions by myself.
    Specifically, the following is added:
    A road from the south end of Imperial Isle, along the east outer wall of the Arcane University that connects across the lake with the Red Ring Road, not too far east of Pell's Gate.
    An extension of the Blue Road to the west that terminates in front of the Imperial Prison.
    An extension of the Silver Road to the south that terminates outside the prison along the Blue Road extension.
    A road which originates just west of Cropsford and runs southwest past Cullote to the Niben, where a large bridge spans the river. On the other side, the road continues south to the Green Road a bit north of Bravil.
    The short stubby road to Faregyl is extended all the way west to the Gold Road just east of Skingrad. This road is called Half Way. An inn is situated halfway between the two endpoints along this road. Appropriately called Half Way Inn. Yeah. I know. It's a bit forced, just roll with it
    A trail that extends from the road intersection outside of Kvatch on the Gold Road down to the east wall of Anvil at Fort Strand.
    A short extension of road over a new bridge from the east side of the small island north of Leyawiin's Oblivion gate, past the Amelion family tomb, and meeting the Yellow Road right outside of Blankenmarch.
    A trail from the Silver Road into the hills connecting Bleaker's Way with the rest of civilization.
    A short road linking Border Watch with the Green Road.
    A road that joins the Gold Road, about halfway between Anvil and Kvatch. This road crosses the high country in the Imperial Reserve, joining the Black Road west of Chorrol. This road was originally part of West Roads.
    A road which joins the Gold Road north of Skingrad crossing the Great Forest. It connects to the Black Road east of Chorrol. This is the other road which was originally part of West Roads. I have added to this with a trail that breaks off to Hackdirt, and another which breaks off and leads to Brindle Home.
    Replacement of the bridge just north of Fort Redman with a drawbridge to allow sailing traffic to pass.
    Several new road markers have been placed along the roads to help guide the way.


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  11. Unique Landscapes: Entius Gorge

    Entius Gorge is a deep gorge located inside the Nibenay Basin Region, near the source of the Silverfish River. It features mist and firefly ambience effects and a new creature, the Degenerated Slaughterfish. A recent poll of adventurers conducted by Cyrodiil Travellers' Guild notes that Entius Gorge is among the most beautiful regions across the land. Don't forget to be careful if you want to take a dip; the combination of the currents and the shape of the riverbed has been known to trick unwary swimmers. Plus the slaughterfish, mind you. But don't get scared away by my warnings. First-time visitors are bound to be blown away by the "gorge"ous scenery. In fact, the CTG makes regular trips here with new members to showcase the beauty of it. This is a wonderful environment, but watch out when petting the fish...they just might take a piece out of you!


       (0 reviews)



  12. Feldscar

    A small Nordic village in the lower Jerall Mountains, north of the Frostcrag area. Black Rock Inn serves as the primary means of local support, while trade in hides and leather goods made in the local shop serve as their ties to the rest of Cyrodiil. They live a reasonably isolated life but welcome visitors from far away places. Some well known people have passed through on their way through the back country, as Feldscar is one of the few places to escape the biting cold of the mountains.


       (2 reviews)



  13. Cell Sized LOD Water Plane

    Bodies of water. They're everywhere in the game. The most obvious of which are Lake Rumare and the Niben Bay. They're both visible in LOD all the time. But what about your big lake in the hills? Or the lake outside of Cheydinhal? Or any other body of water which is raised above sea level? No, those are not visible at all in LOD. There is apparently a limitation in the game engine which will simply not display it regardless of the water height assigned to the cells. This resource is meant to aid you in changing that.

    Provided in this package are two simple nif files. LODWaterPlane.nif is simply a large square editor object that you use within the CS to add to a cell where you have water. LODWaterPlane_far.nif is the LOD version of the same, which is a basic two triangle water plane with the Lava material added so that the game will treat it as water. It has all of the reflective properties expected, and even displays water ripples when passing over it with the free camera.




  14. Unique Landscapes: The Great Forest - Ancient Redwoods v1.6

    This plugin adds a dense Redwood Forest to the Great Forest, south-east of Chorrol. Additionally there are Kodiak Bears who inhabit the area featuring advanced AI. There are even families of Kodiaks. You'll see an adult Kodiak protectively accompanying its cub or cubs. You can chase the cubs and they will play around, while the parents will keep a watchful eye on them, making sure they don't wander too far! The Kodiaks are all harmless to you, unless of course you attack them. The Kodiaks have a sleep schedule too. They'll find a suitable spot, and they'll sleep soundly unless you or an enemy is nearby. Infact, we've included snoring sounds when the Kodiaks sleep too! They will awake if you come to close, but if you're quiet enough, you'll be able to sneak around them without waking them from their sleep. They also have a keen interest in berries which you'll see the Kodiaks eating occasionally. A Kodiak Den is provided, with a Kodiak family nearby. You can even use the den as a home if you'd like. It features a soft mossy interior with a log that you can sit on, as well as sittable rocks along with a sleeping area. So you can nap on the soft moss!


       (0 reviews)



  15. Open Cities Classic

    Open Cities Classic is a comprehensive project that aims to bring back at least part of the feel of Morrowind - specifically with how most of the cities were a natural part of the world and you could just walk in without loading screens. The added immersion and realism goes a long way, probably a lot more than you might think. Ever wanted to ride your horse into the center of Cheydinhal? Well now you can. Need to get some help from the city guards to vanquish a foe? Run toward the gates and the guards will do their duty while you can seek safety within the walls. The town guards make for some very interesting interactions this way.

    The only cities not covered by this project are Kvatch and the Imperial City's central districts. Kvatch has too much main quest material setup in very specific ways to mess with it, and the Imperial City is simply too large and unwieldy to properly open up.

    Highly recommended complimentary mod: Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - This is the evolution of Texian's Window Lighting System and is fully compatible with Open Cities.

    To go with that, and provide VWD for all the new goodies, I also recommend: Really AEVWD. Just be aware that there's a bit of a performance hit in activating all the extra VWD that Open Cities will provide that's directly proportional to the power of your PC, and how many other mods you have installed.

    Please note: Compatibility patches for Open Cities and other mods are available on Nexus.


       (0 reviews)



  16. Vergayun

    It's the small fishing village with the funny name!

    As I was poking around in the CS, scouting locations for something to fill a hole, I took notice of a dock next to Fort Variela. I wondered if perhaps it was the footprint of something Bethesda simply left out. So I went looking for lore maps to see if anything at all was indicated there. One such map exists, and was marked with the word "Vergayun" right about where the dock is. As it turns out, an old discussion in the lore forum had taken notice of this before and concluded the name was actually added by an overzealous fan of Redguard when they extended the map for it to cover part of Cyrodiil. Well, lore correct or not, the name stuck.

    Imagine my surprise when checking my load order also turned up nothing touching the two cells I wanted to use. With a name, and the site being clear, the fishing village of Vergayun is born. It consists of an inn, a farmhouse, 2 small houses on the shore, and a larger building which is being used as a warehouse. The dock area has also been cleaned up a bit to remove the broken junk that was laying around.

    The inhabitants earn their living by fishing for slaughterfish, trapping mudcrabs, and harvesting clams. These are then turned into a delicious clam chowder, mudcrab stew, and slaughterfish surprise. Nobody is really sure exactly what the surprise is, and the innkeeper isn't talking!


       (2 reviews)



  17. Unique Landscapes: Cheydinhal Falls v1.0.1

    Cheydinhal Falls overhauls the surrounding of Cheydinhal. It prolongs the Reed River to the city and continues it to a peaceful lake at the bottom of the mountains that is surrounded by dense forest. From this source, the water quietly flows through the wilderness and then, after the city, changes to a wild creek that splashes through steep gorges and over waterfalls until it becomes the again slowly flowing Reed River.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Unique Landscapes: Ancient Yews

    Ancient Yews features a complete Landscape makeover, inspired by the Yew trees of England. It includes a major water feature with waterfalls and stone pathways. Adorning the hill is Arkveds Spike which is the ideal spot to survey the land. Longmans Barrow is an ancient sealed tomb that is closed due to unknown reasons at this stage.


       (0 reviews)



  19. Unique Landscapes: Arrius Creek

    Ice cold springs rise in the Mountains and unite to a creek that feed Lake Arrius north of Cheydinhal and continues its way to the southeast. In the eastern part, the landscape is sparse and rocky while the tree density increases when going westwards, repeatedly interrupted by big groups of rocks. Unrestrained by its stony streambed, the water rushes downwards in the steep, sharp gorge it milled out during eons. Roaring waterfalls form an impressive scenery in the otherwise sparse landscape.

    At some places, humanoid traces are highly visible: Chopped trees lead to a charburner's camp and bridges offer a safe way to pass the stream. Some resourceful craftsmen learned to utilize the power of the streaming water: In a water driven hammer mill, supplied with ore from the nearby mine, tools get manufactured, and a grinding mill, powered by the water, produces granite plates.

    Lake Arrius is a deep and cold mountain sea, whose shore line is mostly formed by overhanging rocks. Its depth takes most of the power of the rushing water masses. From the lake, the water finds its way to the lower regions of inner Cyrodiil in a more calm, but not less impressive way.


       (0 reviews)



  20. Unique Landscapes: Beaches of Cyrodiil - Lost Coast

    UniqueLandscapes Beaches of Cyrodiil: The Lost Coast is the first in a series of UL mods designed to be a total conversion of the beaches of beloved Cyrodiil. The Lost Coast overhauls the entire area north of Anvil, and divides it into three regions: The Anvil Cliffsides, The Lost Coast, and Oyster Bay. The Anvil Cliffsides are large, stout cliffs that reach from Anvil to Crowhaven. It features a large, tall rock, known as beacon rock, along with a very extensive history of the rock. The Lost Coast is a stretch of long, wide beaches, littered with driftwood and occasional rocks. Even though they are wide open, they portray a sense of solitude and seclusion, hence the name. Oyster bay is an old oyster farming town, long since ruined. Of course, there is a good piece of history to go along with it, but it is featured in the mod as a series of books and journals.


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    1 comment


  21. Unique Landscapes: Blackwood Forest

    This mod overhauls the southern half of the Blackwood, east and southeast of Leyawiin. It changes the area to a dense wood on moist ground, in consistence to the closeness of the swamps in the north. Small creeks meander between the trees, leading to the south below the canopy of leaves, until they unite to a small stream that flows into the sea.


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    1 comment


  22. Unique Landscapes: Bravil Barrowfields

    Bravil Barrowfields improves the area around Bravil and the Larsius River. It creates a wide grassland with small hills, intermingled by small groups of trees and speckled with bushes. Though nature is gorgeous in this region, signs of decay can be seen wherever civilization left its mark: Ruinous buildings and crumbled walls testify to the poverty of County Bravil's inhabitants. In the hinterland, ancient graves can be found which give this mod its name and its atmosphere an enchanted touch.

    This mod is based less on spectacular views than on a lot of carefully placed details which can be found everywhere in Bravil Barrowfield's area, so it's worth to explore it thoroughly.


       (0 reviews)



  23. Unique Landscapes: Brena River Ravine

    Brena River Ravine stretches from BoC:Lost Coast to the headwaters of both forks of the Brena River. At the river's fork, the area is divided by a system of ancient Ayleid dams which serve to create 3 distinct regions in the area.

    The north fork of the river stretches back into a thick forest lined with many rocks, trees, and old Ayleid fortifications. One dam here creates a reservoir of deep water. A group of bandits has made the area its home and headquarters of their smuggling operations.

    The east fork is marked by a pair of large and ancient Ayleid dams, the purpose of which has been lost to the ages. The twin dams stand as a testament to the engineering skills of the Ayleids. The waters here are very deep and the ravine is lined by massive cliffs. A giant waterfall marks the headwaters of the east fork, rising thousands of feet up the wall to a small lake in the Colovian Highlands.

    Below the dams the Brena River's waters are shallow. It lazily winds through the Colovian Highlands on its way to the Abecean Sea. Here, amongst the greenery lie the humble old remains of a once great Ayleid city, interspersed with clusters of rocks and flowers.

    DON'T IGNORE THIS: When upgrading from a previous 1.0.x version to version 1.1 or above, a CLEAN SAVE is required in order to resolve leftover issues with the bandits and the dam quest.


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  24. Unique Landscapes: Chorrol Hinterland

    This mod adds an area of farms and cultivated land around the city of chorrol. It includes two farms, several watchtowers, and a working mill, as well as some farm animals.


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  25. Unique Landscapes: Cloudtop Mountains

    This mod changes the mountainous area north-west of Chorrol. The lower mountainside is covered by dense and dark conifer wood and lots of rocks, with small paths running through the area. Halfway to the top, plateaus with grass and flowers separate the woody lower half from the rocky upper part of the mod, where more and bigger rocks change the landscape to a cliffy and inhospitable place. Lots of small paths form a labyrinthine network there, and at the top as well as on the plateaus, ruins of old fortifications show that you are near the border to Hammerfell.


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