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  1. I did not mess with any of the townspeople or original characters. I created my own NPCs for a story line. I created a small farm for them to live at. It was mostly working the way I liked it, so I used rest option to see NPC behavior in different parts of the day. It was fine until I got to 7am. Now I have important NPCs that I did not create, spawning inside my farm abode. There must bet at least 20 people in there, including a THANE!! What in tarnation is going on??
  2. I have an ability on the player with a magic effect that does nothing except carry a script. The script is intended to detect when a location change occurs (vanilla detects this without registering for any events), then determine a bit about what location was entered based on the keywords attached. I'd like my mod to execute commands only if it is a city/town that I'm entering. The script looks like: Scriptname checkLoc Extends ActiveMagicEffect Keyword Property LocTypeTown Auto Keyword Property LocTypeCity Auto Keyword Property LocTypeHabitationHasInn Auto Keyword Property LocTypeDwelling Auto Event OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc) Utility.Wait(1) If akNewLoc.HasKeyword(LocTypeTown) Debug.MessageBox("Town entered") ElseIf akNewLoc.HasKeyword(LocTypeCity) Debug.MessageBox("City entered") ElseIf akNewLoc.HasKeyword(LocTypeHabitationHasInn) Debug.MessageBox("Habitation with Inn entered") ElseIf akNewLoc.HasKeyword(LocTypeDwelling) Debug.MessageBox("Dwelling entered") Else Debug.MessageBox("New Loc "+ akNewLoc+ " does not fit any keywords") EndIf EndEvent All properties have been fitted inside the CK where the script is attached to the magic effect. The Utility.Wait(1) was just thrown in there to see if the game needed a little time to get its facts straight (it didn't help). Testing this on the WhiterunLocation (Form ID: 00018A56), it gives me the last messagebox that says nothing fits (When actually LocTypeCity and LocTypeHabitationHasInn both apply). I also ran to Riverwood to see if it'd identify the town, but it also said nothing fits. Even going in houses/interiors that should be dwellings also say nothing fits. Is there a special way to detect keywords on locations or does HasKeyword not work on locations? Maybe there is another, easier, way to detect whether we've just entered a town or city? I also tried referencing the PlayerRef property, fitting the PlayerRef property in CK, and calling PlayerRef.GetCurrentLocation() to test for the keywords, but that failed to even call a location. It always returned "None". Its odd, because the HasKeyword CK webpage includes an example that detects the keyword on a location: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=HasKeyword_-_Form Any help would be appreciated. I'm stumped.
  3. Version latest version


    This mod, as its name suggests, is an alternate start. You will be able to start the game on five different places, at the borders of Skyrim. -----oOo----- Permissions: No redistribution. This mod must remain exclusive to TES Alliance. You are allowed to make changes to this mod to your convenience as long as you do not redistribute it after modification. -----oOo----- With this mod you will be able to start the game: from Cyrodiil, from Hammerfell, from High Rock, from Morrowind (South and North). According to your choice, your player will be teleported near the border from where they are coming. Helgen: Hadvar and Ralof: -----oOo----- Notes: Helgen has been destroyed and looks exactly like it should after Alduin's attack if you had played the vanilla beginning, Nobody will mention the presence of the player in Helgen (unless I've overlooked something, of course), Hadvar has been moved to Castle Dour, near General Tullius; he will be disabled at some point during the civil war campaign, Ralof has been moved to the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm, near Ulfric Stormcloak; he will be disabled at some point during the civil war campaign. Starting the main and civil war quest lines: Your player will not witness the attack on Helgen but starting the main quest line and the civil war will always be possible. If you haven't visited Helgen yet, you'll have to bribe the guard so that he allows you to enter Whiterun and Jarl Balgruuf will not have proper lines for you. To start the main quest, you'll have to discover Helgen first. Once this done, go visit Jarl Balgruuf in Whiterun. The usual scene will not start, approach the Jarl and tell him that you want to help him dealing with the dragon problem. to start the Civil War quest line, simply go to Solitude or Windhelm and enlist there, as usual. if you start the Civil War quest line before the main quest line, you'll have to discover Helgen. A quest will launch to that effect when you bring the "Message to Whiterun" to Jarl Balgruuf. Requirements: Dawnguard, Hearthfires, Dragonborn. Incompatibilities: Use only one alternate start. Do not use with other mods that modify the following quests: MQ101 "Unbound", MQ102 "Before the Storm", CW03 "Message to Whiterun". Do not use with other mods that modify the following cells: HelgenKeep01, WindhelmPalaceOfTheKings, SolitudeCastleDour, Wilderness 6, -29, HelgenExterior02 (4, -20), Wilderness 42, 9, Wilderness 51, -28, Wilderness -41, 24, Wilderness -13, -25. Starting Dawnguard: no changes. Starting Hearthfires: no changes. Starting Dragonborn: to start Dragonborn you'll have to start the main quest (see above). Installation and removal: if you are playing the original version of Skyrim, download "MyOwnAlternateStart.zip" and extract its content into your Data directory, if you are playing Skyrim Special Edition, download "MyOwnAlternateStartSE.zip" and extract its content into your Data directory. Deinstalling this mod is probably not safe at all! Consoles Versions: There will not be consoles versions of this mod. Thanks: Great many thanks to Bethesda Game Studios for creating this amazing game! Great many thanks to TES Alliance for allowing us to share our creations on their web site!
  4. Dunno if my savior, Hana, is still around or if there's someone else that can feed me a clue here. I've become more adept with creating armors, or at least modifying them. But I've run into something I'm stumped by. As seen in the attached images, what I have seems to be a weight painting issue. Like, it seems the vertices in the wrists (and one in the chest) have attached themselves to some bone they ought not to have. In theory, an easy fix. But I've gone through the bones, one by one. The wrist vertices are only attached to the forearm bones. So... I don't know why the vertices are trying to travel towards the spine and pelvis. I tried removing the skeleton and re-weighting everything, with no change. Is there something else that causes this effect? EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out a way to bypass whatever insanity was taking place. By using the PrisonRags Nif, I was able to use a body that was already modified instead of modifying a body myself. Whew!
  5. Another one of those questions I'm trying to use the BoundCaptiveMarker, the thing used in the Abandoned Shack during the first DB quest. I've used it in the past and had some issues, but I overcame those. Now it is out and out refusing to work. I create the package and use the SitTarget (just as the packages are set up for the captives in the Abandoned Shack) and point the package to my BoundCaptiveMarker. The Actor will NOT use the marker. At all. I've gone around and around with extensive testing and here is what I have come up with: I know the Actor CAN use it. They will randomly use it in a Sandbox. I know the SitTarget works because testing it on a custom NPC results in the Actor kneeling. I know that the Actor has no animation they are trying to run elsewise (which is what I found can cause the BCM to barf). I know the package runs, because when I replace the BCM with TableLeanMarker, the actor executes the package without an issue. I know it is NOT the BoundCaptive Keyword in the marker, because I created a duplicate and removed that keyword and still the actor refused to use the marker. I cannot find a single common thread with my successes and failures and it's making me a little crazy. Why can they use the marker while sandboxing but not as part of a package? Why was I able to get a custom NPC to follow the package, but vanilla NPCs refuse? Hoping someone has run into this before and can give me a clue, because I have none.
  6. This is my first post in this community, i hope some of the experienced people here may help me with something that i think is a simple mod. My idea is: When giving a command to a follower keeping pressed the "E" key and ordering him to sleep in a bed, he remain in the bed sleeping and wont get up for at least 7 hours in game. The question is: What do i need to achieve this? i need to make package? i need to make a quest? or i need a simple script?. I need to say that i am very newbie with the creation kit, i was reading the tutorials in the www.creationkit.com page about scripting and packages but i can't figure out how to do it, any help will be really appreciated.
  7. All right folks, here is what I found in my inbox on Bethesda.net this morning, while I was sipping my hot chocolate: I posted these screen shots on Bethesda.net; they were removed eventually, which was expected, and someone in the moderation team contacted me saying "We are currently looking into the matter. As of now, your mods are in good standing and we are keeping an eye on any reports coming in on them." My mods are still up there. Modding community, you said? Here maybe, no longer on Bethesda. Pity...
  8. Preface: I am going to simplify my scripts to ease troubleshooting. I have script "A", which is used to declare properties that global functions in script "B" can use. Script "A": ScriptName rsAPI_Properties Extends Quest {Contains all the properties for rsAPI scripts} MiscObject Property myMiscObjectProperty Auto Script "B": ScriptName rsAPI_Functions Extends Quest Hidden {Contains all the functions for the rsAPI scripts} ;This function gets the forms from Script "A" rsAPI_Properties Function GetFrameworkProperties() Global return (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x294A97, "MyPlugin.esp") as Quest) as rsAPI_Properties EndFunction ;This function gets a specific form from Script "A" with the help of the above function. MiscObject Function GetMiscObject() Global return GetFrameworkProperties().myMiscObjectProperty EndFunction ;This function is an example of how I would like to handle the miscobject passed from Script "A" Function GivePlayerMiscObject(int howMany) Global Game.GetPlayer().AddItem((GetMiscObject()), howMany); I have tried declaring a MiscObject outside this command as well, but neither worked. EndFunction The second function in Script "B" is used to return a miscobject, but it only returns NONE. This way of obtaining a property from another script seems to only work for certain types of forms. The properties have been defined in the CK in Script "A". Any pointers papyrus wizards? p.s. The reason I am approaching it this way is because Script "A" and Script "B" are an API of sorts. I want to use a function in Script "B" that references properties in Script "A" after passing parameters directly from Script "C", which would utilize the third function in Script "B" like this: Script "C": ScriptName GivePlayerItem Extends Activator {Utilizes the rsAPI framework to give the player 2 MiscObjects} Event OnActivate(Actor akActionRef) rsAPI_Functions.GivePlayerMiscObject(2) EndEvent
  9. Ok, so, I'm getting ready to add the final version for my mod, CWExtra Soldiers. I just recently got an idea to add in cavalry units, shock troopers I guess you could say. But obviously, cavalry isn't cavalry unless your on a horse. So, that brings me to this.... How do you make NPCs spawn on a horse? Any help would be appreciated. Whoever does help Ill credit for their help on my mod.
  10. Adam Adamowicz was the concept artist behind Fallout 3 and 4, Oblivion and Skyrim. We owe much to this artist, I wonder who has replaced him, although nobody can actually replace such a talented artist. Bethesda released the images of his work on Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout. The images can be seen, and downloaded, here: Oblivion Concept Art Album Skyrim Concept Art Album Fallout 3 Concept Art Album
  11. Hello all! I just finished creating my very first immersion mod! It can be used with or without other survival mods. I mainly created this mod for myself, to be used with iNeed and Be A Milk Drinker!, but my hope is that others might find it useful and fun as well. Feedback is very welcome! Download here on the TESAlliance: Download on the Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83589/?
  12. Hello all! I'm looking for mod testers for my very first mod! Any and all play testers would be appreciated. I'm hoping to have a few eyes look at it before I publish it officially and of course more after that. Please message me or comment here if you are interested. Description follows: The Sober Soldier's Supply by AlenisKendra Lore-friendly Wine and Mead Smelting This mod is designed as a standalone or as an add-on for iNeed by isoku It was inspired as an expansion on the concept introduced by CaptainRC in Be A Milk Drinker! (Isoku & CaptainRC kindly granted me permission to make my mod compatible with theirs.) Don't want to be drunk while fighting a dragon? Sick of picking up all those alcoholic beverages and not having a good use for them? Well, here you go! This Mod Adds Crafting: Turn any alcoholic beverage into vinegar at a cooking pot! All you need to start the fermentation process is a sample of live vinegar, several bottles (of the same kind) of alcoholic beverage, and rainwater or boiled rainwater. Brew your own healthful posca in a variety of flavors at any cooking pot! All you need is water, vinegar, and your flavor ingredients of choice! Boil rain water at any cooking pot to sanitize it (adding a slight buff when you drink it!). Loot: Find vinegar, coriander seeds (new ingredient!), posca, boiled water, and rainwater scattered throughout Skyrim. Make sure you check bandit camps and farms for cooking pots and rainbarrels! Buyable items: Buy vinegar, coriander seeds, posca, rainwater, and more from a select number of vendors throughout Skyrim! (Note: coriander is a favorite of the caravans!) Also added honey to several merchants. Future Releases I plan to release a patch version in the near future, for both iNeed and Be A Milk Drinker, that will allow you to use the water assets from those mods in your vinegar making & posca creation. (The standalone version is fully compatible with both mods, but you can only use rainwater, not WATER from Be A Milk Drinker or Waterskin 3/3 from iNeed in it's recipes.)FAQ Is that really how you make vinegar? Yes! (Or, at least as close as I could easily do ingame.) It could be argued that a cooking pot isn't the most lore-friendly crafting station for fermentation, but it *is* the most easily accessible and workable option I have currently.Vinegar making sources: http://phickle.com/wine-vinegar-how-to/ http://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/fermenting/make-vinegar-at-home-zmrz14fmzmathttp://healthywithhoney.com/honey-vinegar-what-is-honey-vinegar-and-what-is-it-good-for What the heck is posca? QUOTE "Posca was a popular drink in ancient Rome and Greece, made by mixing sour wine or vinegar with water and flavouring herbs. It originated in Greece as a medicinal mixture but became an everyday drink for the Roman army and the lower classes from around the 2nd century BC, continuing to be used throughout Roman history and into the Byzantine period. It was not usually drunk by the upper classes and was associated with the peasants. It was made by reusing wine spoiled by faulty storage and had important dietary advantages. As well as being a source of liquid, it provided calories and was an antiscorbutic, helping to prevent scurvy by providing vitamin C. Its acidity killed harmful bacteria and the flavouring helped to overcome the bad taste of local water supplies." - Soldiers' Lives Through History by Dennis E. Showalter (via Wikipedia) "...posca was the drink of the common people and the upper class looked down on it. It was also the standard drink in the army. Drinking quality wine was considered impertinent in the military and sometimes standard wine was totally banned from army camps in the provinces." -romae-vitam.com Posca history/recipe soures: http://www.romae-vitam.com/roman-posca.html http://pass-the-garum.blogspot.com/2013/09/posca.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posca#cite_note-1 CreditsThanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim.Thanks to the Nexus for being an awesome place to find and share mods.Thanks to InsanitySorrow for the ReadMe Generator my ReadMe is based on.Thanks to isoku for creating iNeed and encouraging me in creating my mod.This mod is designed as a standalone/add-on for iNeed by isokuIsoku kindly granted me permission to use whatever I needed from iNeed to make my mod compatible.(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51473/?)Thanks to CaptainRC for creating Be A Milk Drinker!, which inspired this mod and for encouraging me in making my mod.CaptainRC kindly granted me permission to use whatever I needed from Be A Milk Drinker! to make my mod compatible.(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17836/?)Thanks to icecreamassassin for the "havok disable script that actually works". (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3082689-havok-disable-scripts-that-actually-works-here-it-is/)Thanks to NexusComa for the Enable/Disable Script that makes all the things go.(https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4701815-new-to-scripting-how-to-make-a-dwemer-pipe-valve-activate-running-water/)Thanks to Blary for the Alchemy Clutter Resource.(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30599/?)Thanks to ChickenDownUnder for Harvestables, which I edited to create my Cilantro/Coriander plant.(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15108/?)Thanks to Oaristys for the Modder's Resource Pack - The Witcher Extension(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68755/?)Oaristys created this awesome modder's resource with asssets from The Witcher.The Witcher meshes and textures are owned and copyrighted by CD Projekt and used with permission.The Witcher is a trademark of CD Projekt. All rights reserved. http://www.cdprojekt.comThanks to LorSakyamuni for the Witcher 3 Mega Resource Pack.(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77097/?)This pack contains items included in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.All the original assets belong to CD PROJEKT RED and are distributed with their permission.
  13. Hi All, I’m a long-time TES fan (but only a lurker here), and currently a PhD student at Bond University in Australia. I’m really amazed by how much TES fans do around the series, in terms of modding, compiling data in wikis, producing fan films and more. More broadly, my research is actually about what cultural heritage organisations can learn from commercial RPGs in order to produce great culture-oriented RPGs themselves. A part of that argument is looking at Skyrim and showing just how much world-building detail is involved in its world, but then I’m also arguing that it’s crucial to collaborate with fans – to give them the necessary means to produce mods and other works around a given game, in order to push it even further. To show this, I want to document who the TES fans are, and how they work. I’m limiting myself to two particular groups –the lore-oriented folks at the UESP and the modders (yes, yes, I know some people do both ), especially (but not exclusively) those who publish mods on Nexus Mods. Myself being a modder (not TES, though – Wing Commander) and game developer in past lives, I have a pretty good idea about how much work is involved in fan projects of any kind, and how much effort fans put into learning all the skills needed for these projects. Not to mention the time devoted to better understanding the lore of the TES universe! My anonymous survey asks you to help document this by answering a bunch of questions about your experience as a TES fan, particularly in regards to Skyrim. If you have fifteen minutes to spare, please, pretty please answer my survey, and let others know about it, too! The more responses I get, the more interesting the results will be. And to thank everyone for their efforts, I will later on write a report from the survey for the UESP, so that as the TES community, we all know a little bit more about what makes us tick. tl;dr – got 15-30 minutes to spare? Please answer an anonymous survey about what you as a TES fan do with the games, particularly in regards to modding (at Nexus) and lore-related activities (at the UESP). If you agree to take part in this survey, please click the link here. The survey page is mobile-friendly, so you can also do it on your phone - and actually, while it might take up to 30 minutes, most people get it done in under 15, so it's not so bad . Needless to say, should you change your mind, you can close the survey any time you like. Oh, and feel free to contact me at jmajewsk (at) bond.edu.au (or just post here) with any other questions or comments about the survey. Thanks in advance to everyone who decides to give it a go! Jakub Majewski P.S. Apologies in advance if you've already read about this at Nexus, Bethesda, or at another forum - I've already posted about this in a number of places, but I'm just trying to make sure I reach as many people as possible .
  14. It's not exactly clear if we are forced to upload our mods for Skyrim SE on Bethesda.net or if we can upload them here (or elsewhere), if the potential users can download them here, install them manually in their game and use them normally. I haven't installed Skyrim SE yet; maybe the answer would be obvious if I had but I'd like to know before actually bothering with that. Thanks for the enlightenment!
  15. Version 1.0.1


    Long ago, during the second era in the time of the Planemeld, adventurers sought out whatever power they could gain to aid in their battle against Molag Bal. Among these items of power were Skyshards, presumably made available by the gods for those who were dedicated to exploring both the hidden and mundane corners of Tamriel. Not much is truly known about them, but in these trying times of dragons and civil war, the Skyshards have once again appeared for the Last Dragonborn to discover and augment his power. ESO Skyshards places several shards throughout the province of Skyrim, including Dawnguard areas and Solstheim. Much like the ones from ESO itself, once you collect 3, you will earn 1 perk point to spend as you see fit. There are 6 in each section, for a total of 66 shards amounting to 22 extra perk points. That may seem like a lot, but by the time you've found them all you'll likely be pretty high level anyway so it balances out in the end. Sorry, beyond the 3 screenshots displayed for the mod, I will not reveal the locations of all of the shards. They do not have map markers either, and there are no plans to provide any. They are located in a mix of easy areas and hard areas so they should prove to be quite a challenge to locate. This mod will go especially well with mods that expand the number of perks you can use as well as perk overhauls that expand the number of points required to obtain perks.
  16. fredlaus


    From the album: fredlaus' lawless efforts

    Have come a little further on my YANATEH! mod. This is a new land based on "New World Modder Resource" by breti (nexusmods). It is an unnessarily large area, but once started I begin in one corner and work myself out where needed. The idea is no enemies - something like XANADU. Thought it could be good to have a territory to ease down on. Anyone interested in sharing this large territory are most welcome. Atm there are only some roads and woods. Just post me.
  17. fredlaus


    From the album: fredlaus' lawless efforts

    Have come a little further on my YANATEH! mod. This is a new land based on "New World Modder Resource" by breti (nexusmods). It is an unnessarily large area, but once started I begin in one corner and work myself out where needed. The idea is no enemies - something like XANADU. Thought it could be good to have a territory to ease down on. Anyone interested in sharing this large territory are most welcome. Atm there are only some roads and woods. Just post me.
  18. fredlaus


    From the album: fredlaus' lawless efforts

    Have come a little further on my YANATEH! mod. This is a new land based on "New World Modder Resource" by breti (nexusmods). It is an unnessarily large area, but once started I begin in one corner and work myself out where needed. The idea is no enemies - something like XANADU. Thought it could be good to have a territory to ease down on. Anyone interested in sharing this large territory are most welcome. Atm there are only some roads and woods. Just post me.
  19. From the album: Skyrim, Leaking Towers

    Work in progress, too big, need help, I never learn to stop :)
  20. It's my understanding that we never, ever, ever EVER change the base game. Like, we make a mod that changes a character's appearance, we don't change the character's appearance in Skyrim.Esm. (Don't think we even can. Bad example, sorry). With that in mind, I'm seeking the community's counsel on how truly bad it is to add to vanilla scripts. Not change the code in them, but add your own code to them. To my thinking, this is very very naughty. And can lead to one of Skyrim's little fits. Yet I just explored a mod (Moonlight Tales) that did that very thing. Since it's my general feeling every modder out there is wiser than me, this gave me pause. Is changing a vanilla script NOT the end of the world?
  21. Version 1.0.0


    A simple starter house, a Whiterun-style shack located in Riverwood near Hod's mill.
  22. Riverwood Shack View File A simple starter house, a Whiterun-style shack located in Riverwood near Hod's mill. Submitter dolphin66th Submitted 07/02/2016 Category Houses Usage Permissions  
  23. Introduction: Greetings everyone. I have an issue that I am hoping would prove a simple resolution to the more experienced script writers among you. After searching, I have been unable to find the answer myself so here we are and I thank you in advance just for taking a look at my problem. Issue/Goal: I wanted a way to add an item to what a merchant sells without changing/affecting the rest of what they sell. Because I wanted to reduce the likelihood of mod conflict, I thought a script would be the best way to go. I do not wish to add the item to any level lists as I think/believe this would result in other vendors possibly having the items as well as enemies. And in my search for a solution, it would seem AddItem alone would not suffice due to the fact that a merchant's chest respawns/refreshes. Problems With What I Found: I am still pretty novice at several aspects of this so despite finding what I believe to be the answer, I am not sure how to specifically get it to work (such as do I need to set up the aliases in the quest or is it defined in the script or both... if I have to set them up in the quest, which settings/checkboxes are used... where exactly do I tell the script to add my item to the chest). The answer may be obvious, especially with what I found, but while I understand what I found much better than I would have a few months ago, I'm still pretty green with scripting and quest making. What I Found: Because of how the site looks when you're not a member (it doesn't show anyone's name and any code shown is smushed together without spaces so it has to be manually separated) I do not know who to credit for this (though it may have been Chesko) but this is basically what was said as an answer to someone else asking a similar question as what I am asking...
  24. Hello Everyone I need some help I went through google and it didn't have the answer (I almost died of shock :P) Anyways so I am working on a custom weapon set mod. The weapons are being modeled and texture from scratch. Now I got the weapon (first one being a sword) in the creation kit, I used Nifskope did all the node fixing minus the blood nodes and was able to pick up the weapon in my skyrim game. Now comes the problem, I have the blade with a sheathe and when I go to pull the weapon out for use it doesn't unsheathe the sheathe comes up with it. I have no clue where to start looking for the problem. In Nifskope I used the Imperial Sword as my "carrier" into Skyrim and I pickup an Imperial Sword in the game and it came unsheathe just fine. Please help.
  25. Create your own lore! I had to read Snorre again (only excerpts) to find some reasons to -whys, -wheres and -whens around our saga - the story of mankind:-) The most interesting aspect is the similarity between cultures. -We have developed in different directions. We seem to have a common affection to a tree - different species but a tree. We believed in the same inhabitants, caretakers, in or around the tree, only symbolized with different creatures. If one living creature didn't suffice a new one was created to match the beliefs. I urge you to do the same - or our phantasy stops here - stuck in someone's lore. This is not a hate message to offend anyone's lore but to clarify the richness around a new lore, a new consciousness, a new tribe, a new world, a new car....
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