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[WIPz] trueBloom g6


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To help populate your Morrowind section, here's one of my current projects. It's almost done, so you may be seeing a release thread soon. It's a shader, so MGE is required. It's also (at least, the enhanced version) a cutting edge shader, requiring the newest version of MGE.


  • Reasonably fast (no more than 5 FPS lost on my system)
  • Not blinding outside
  • Separate, configurable bloom and HDR settings for inside, outside, and underwater
  • Adds atmosphere and effects inside
  • HDR
    • Simulates pupil dilation between light and dark areas
    • Configurable focal range
    • Narrows the color range before stretching it, based on the current HDR value given by MGE
    • Requires the supply HDR to shader option to be turned on in MGE
    • Uses a cubic curve to push extreme values away and normalize midranges


    • Modified gaussian blur, iterated twice, for 361 effective samples (a 19x19 pixel radius)
    • bloom automatically disables in menus to avoid blinding blurriness
    • Configurable lower limit (focus cutoff)
    • Configurable multiplier
    • Bleeds bright areas out into their surroundings, simulating the glare seen in real life (especially off cars in sunlight)
    • Properly brightmasked to prevent annoying blurring of dark areas
    • Linked to HDR to increase glare based on average brightness
      • In a bright room, glare is hardly visible
      • In a dark room, a lightbulb will be blinding


      • Underwater, sun highlights are applied
      • Color for the highlights uses powers, so blue water will have blue highlights

    • Depth-senstive (g6e only)
      • Decreases bloom on surfaces with little change in depth (perpendicular to camera)
      • Increases bloom on slanted surfaces and around edges

    [*]All settings provided at the top of the shader with full descriptions

And for the more visually oriented (and those who didn't understand a word of the above :wicket:), pictures!



#1 Off: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y145/peachykeen000/trueBloom/g6/MGEScreenshot022.png

#1 On: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y145/peachykeen000/trueBloom/g6/MGEScreenshot023.png

#2 Off: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y145/peachykeen000/trueBloom/g6/MGEScreenshot020.png

#2 On: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y145/peachykeen000/trueBloom/g6/MGEScreenshot021.png

And two others:



I've implemented and tested the depth-bloom effect. It works beautifully when it works. In caves, especially underwater, it fails epically. Occasionally, in certain interiors, it works amazingly well (think Source engine bloom). There are also issues with depth and transparency.




Depth based:



Example of shift:




Note the shift of the bloom and difference on scale on the sword. At a more extreme angle, it shines brighter.

Skeleton (note the edges):

Off: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y145/peachykeen000/trueBloom/g6/MGEScreenshot058.png

On: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y145/peachykeen000/trueBloom/g6/MGEScreenshot059.png



The edges there bloom greater.

All taken with the latest version of phal's water shader.

I've been asked about porting it to Oblivion, which, if I can figure out how, I will do. IMO it's much better than Oblivion's bloom effect (which isn't all that bad, except in certain areas and on metal).

This shader is still in progress, but you can get a test version of the code over here:


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The underwater effect isn't quite done yet, I still have to make it look a tad better before release.

But I'm almost done with everything except for the night effects. I hope to release within the week. Maybe here before PES and such (bring some MW folks this way, if y'all would like).

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Here's a little update on how it looks:

New shots:


Best shots:

Off: http://i4.photobucke...reenshot023.png

On: http://i4.photobucke...reenshot023.png



Notice the light shift/scatter around the trees and buildings. I just recently added that feature, but it was well worth it.

It can also generate highlights underwater on the floor:



That's logically caused by the shell there, being a bright spot and scattering it's light around, but I like to imagine it's from the sun. :P

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There are a few issues ATM with this desaturating the screen (I broke bits of the HDR code accidentally). Good thing it's a beta! :P

It does not include any DoF, so use whatever you like.

As for rev116: yes, you need the revision 116 off the MGE site, then download phal's DLL.

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Haha, well that's what beta's are for, aren't they? :cookie4u:

I've noticed the desaturation, it makes everything a lot brighter.

I've got no pics, but I'm about to take a vid of an animation I'm working on, I can grab a vid of this while I'm at it if you want.

edit: I have got a vid of it underwater and outside and comparisons between vanilla and your shader, though there's probably no point showing it until you get rid of the desaturation.

I've tried it on it's own and the desaturation makes the shaders effects almost unnoticeable except for the highlights on candles and that kinda stuff.

If you want to see how the desaturation looks I can post it up or PM you a link, but otherwise I wouldn't really bother.

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