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Scripting Help - Need to Disable or Delete or Remove Item Running the Script


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The line in the code that is larger font seems to be the offending piece. The code compiles and runs and does everything except this line. All I need is for this object to be removed from the player's inventory. I have already determined (Thanks WilleSea) that mySelf/Self referes to the script in this case and not the item to which the code is attached.

Any ideas how to accomplish this goal.

If I can get this to work, it will eliminate the problem where you buy too much from the vendor, causing their max gold limit to exceed.

If you have ever seen this situation, you end up selling all your stuff and not getting any gold for it. It's not fun.

What this code does is turn any gold over a set amount in the vendors inventory, into Skyrim "Septimus Notes" (Paper Money). You can then buy these from the vendor and resupply them with gold.

When you drop the "Septimus Note" and then pick it back up, it converts it back to Gold Septims.

It's a somewhat immersive way to eliminate one of the problems Bethesda made for us by putting limits on the amount of gold a vendor can have. More likely, they just used the wrong data type for the variable that tracks this value. Not sure.

Anyway, any suggestions anyone could offer will help me get this mod out sooner.

Scriptname FQSeptimusNoteExchangeScript extends ObjectReference

import debug

import utility

miscobject Property GoldRef Auto

Int Property maxVendorGold Auto

miscobject Property FQ100KSeptimusNote  Auto

miscobject Property FQ50KSeptimusNoteSkyrim  Auto

miscobject Property FQ40KSeptimusNoteSKYRIM  Auto

miscobject Property FQ30KSeptimusNoteSKYRIM  Auto

miscobject Property FQ20KSeptimusNoteSKYRIM  Auto

miscobject Property FQ10KSeptimusNoteSKYRIM  Auto

miscobject Property FQ5KSeptimusNoteSkyrim  Auto

miscobject Property FQ4KSeptimusNoteSkyrim  Auto

miscobject Property FQ3KSeptimusNoteSkyrim  Auto

miscobject Property FQ2KSeptimusNoteSkyrim  Auto

miscobject Property FQ1KSeptimusNoteSkyrim  Auto

MiscObject Property FQSPENTSeptimusNoteSkyrim  Auto

MiscObject property coinObj auto

Int property coinAmt auto

MiscObject mySelf

auto State Waiting

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)

  mySelf = self.getBaseObject() as MiscObject


  Debug.Notification("akOldContainer = " + akOldContainer); None

  Debug.Notification("akNewContainer = " + akNewContainer); ObjectReference

  if akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer()

  Debug.Notification("akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer()")

		 if !akOldContainer



	    int numOfCoins = coinAmt

	   [size=6] game.getplayer().removeitem(mySelf, 1, abSilent = true)[/size]

	    game.getPlayer().addItem(coinObj, numOfCoins)

	    game.getPlayer().addItem(FQSPENTSeptimusNoteSkyrim,1, abSilent = false)

   elseif akOldContainer







State done

;do nothing


Function SeptimusNoteExchange(ObjectReference akTargetRef)

Debug.Notification("Now we're debuggin the SeptimusNoteExchange function!")

ObjectReference VendorRef = akTargetRef

int currentVendorGold = VendorRef.GetItemCount(GoldRef)

int amtOverMaxVendorGold = currentVendorGold - maxVendorGold

Debug.Notification("The amtOverMaxVendorGold is " + amtOverMaxVendorGold)

while amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 1000

  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 100000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ100KSeptimusNote, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 100000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 100000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 50000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ50KSeptimusNoteSkyrim, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 50000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 50000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 40000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ40KSeptimusNoteSKYRIM, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 40000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 40000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 30000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ30KSeptimusNoteSKYRIM, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 30000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 30000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 20000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ20KSeptimusNoteSKYRIM, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 20000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 20000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 10000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ10KSeptimusNoteSKYRIM, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 10000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 10000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 5000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ5KSeptimusNoteSkyrim, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 5000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 5000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 4000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ4KSeptimusNoteSkyrim, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 4000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 4000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 3000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ3KSeptimusNoteSkyrim, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 3000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 3000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 2000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ2KSeptimusNoteSkyrim, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 2000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 2000


  if amtOverMaxVendorGold >= 1000

   VendorRef.additem(FQ1KSeptimusNoteSkyrim, 1, false)

   VendorRef.removeitem(GoldRef, 1000, false)

   amtOverMaxVendorGold = amtOverMaxVendorGold - 1000


   Debug.Notification("The amtOverMaxVendorGold is less than 1000 at " + amtOverMaxVendorGold)




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