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Script not working 100% of the time. Why?


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I'm working on a mod that introduces new coins into the game. I'm replacing the default gold coin with a copper coin and then adding in a silver and gold coin. And I'm using a script to make it where when you pick up one of those new coins (silver or gold) you will get a set amount of copper coins. The reason is, is that I didn't want people to have to sell my coins in order to gain their value. So I'm using a modified version of the script attached to the coin purses. So basically how it's suppose to work is this.


Player picks up new coin. Coin is deleted from inventory. Set amount of copper coins added to players inventory. 


Now the script does work, but the problem is, is that it doesn't work 100% of the time. and I don't know why. Every so often when I pick up one of the new coins I will get one of these two glitches. 


1. The script doesn't run and the coin is added to my inventory. And if you drop the coin, you won't be able to pick it back up.


2. The script will run, but you will gain double the amount of coin that your suppose to. 


Here is the script. Could someone look it over and see what could be causing those glitches? I'm not a scripter. I just used the coin purse script and another modder helped with a few of the other glitches I was experiencing. 


Scriptname newcoinscript extends ObjectReference  Conditional

import debug
import utility

MiscObject property coinObj auto
{Should be set to Coin01}
MiscObject property gold00 auto
Int property coinMin auto
{minimum amount of coins player receives}

Int property coinMax auto
{maximum amount of coins player receives}


event OnLoad()

function CoinTake()
;player has activated
int numOfCoins = game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Gold00)
If numOfCoins == 0
     numOfCoins = 1
numOfCoins *= randomInt(coinMin, coinMax)
game.getplayer().removeitem(gold00, game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Gold00), true)
game.getPlayer().addItem(coinObj, numOfCoins,true)

auto State Waiting

Event OnActivate (objectReference triggerRef)

Actor actorRef = triggerRef as Actor

if(actorRef == game.getPlayer())


Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)

if akNewContainer == game.getplayer()




State done
;do nothing


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1. You can't pick up coin because you block it in the onload section. I guess because you have it onload it might be possible that for one coin you block it and for another you don't as the 3d is already loaded.


2. Can you elaborate coinmin, coinmax and randomInt(coinMin, coinMax)? I don't understand your intention here and how the min/max is set.

Edited by schatten
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I'll try. As I've stated I'm not a scripter. And the script that I'm using is basically just a modified version of the script that is attached to the coin purses. And that script used the coinmin and coinmax to set the min and max amount of coins you would get when you would pick up a coin purse. So the only reason I'm using the coinmin, coinmax. Is because I don't know of another command that will allow me to set the amount of an item you gain when you pick up an item. As for the randomInt(coinMin, coinMax). I really didn't even know that was there. I didn't write this script. Most of it was already there, via the coin purse script. 


Here is an image of the properties for one of my coins. I have the min and max set to 50, so that way I will always get 50. 




I hope I was able to answer your question.

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Okay, I guess I understand the whole picture now.

My solution isn't easy for you. I would create a whole new script for your coin...





Create a new quest and an referencealias for the player. Attach below script to the player alias.


script blah extends referencealias


Miscobject Property your_silver_coin auto

Miscobject Property your_gold_coin auto

Miscobject Property gold001 auto


Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
  if (akBaseItem as miscobject) == your_silver_coin;check to see if the added item is your silver coin. the first part is casting the form akbaseitem to an miscobject, not sure if needed or not.
      getactorreference().removeitem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount); getactorreference gets the reference of the alias. we extended the script to refalias and attached it to the quest alias. the q alias is the player so in effect, it gets the player
      getactorreference().additem(akBaseItem, (aiItemCount * how_much_gold_is_silver))
  if (akBaseItem as miscobject) == your_silver_coin;check to see if the added item is your gold coin.
      getactorreference().removeitem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount)
      getactorreference().additem(akBaseItem, (aiItemCount * how_much_gold_is_silver))



Something like this should do. Do you understand this script? What's it doing?

Edited by schatten
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Okay. So I ran into a problem. When I pick up one of the new coins. It doesn't add gold001 to my inventory. It just keeps removing and adding the coin I pick up. As seen in the pic below. I'm guessing I messed up somewhere. 



It keeps going for a few second and then it stops.


Here is the script. gold002 is silver and gold003 is gold. 


Scriptname newcoinscript extends referencealias
Miscobject Property gold002 auto
Miscobject Property gold003 auto
Miscobject Property gold001 auto
Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
  if (akBaseItem as miscobject) == gold002;check to see if the added item is your silver coin. the first part is casting the form akbaseitem to an miscobject, not sure if needed or not.
      getactorreference().removeitem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount); getactorreference gets the reference of the alias. we extended the script to refalias and attached it to the quest alias. the q alias is the player so in effect, it gets the player
      getactorreference().additem(akBaseItem, (aiItemCount * 50))
  if (akBaseItem as miscobject) == gold003;check to see if the added item is your gold coin.
      getactorreference().removeitem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount)
      getactorreference().additem(akBaseItem, (aiItemCount * 100))

What am I missing?
Edited by Force85
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