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I've been modding Oblivion for just over a year now (though sometimes it seems longer!) and I haven't produced a single mod. *sigh*

I tend to be much more focused on learning *how* to do things than actually *doing* them. I hope that changes once I've got a good grasp on the fundamentals.

I am intrigued by this site because I think 'classes' in modding would be very useful and I hope to see some more around here in the near future. I, myself, am learning how to model and texture using Blender, the Gimp, MaPZone, NifSkope, etc., and have started writing a couple of tutorials for my own site to help me flesh out my own knowledge. My current goal is to get a fully animated custom creature into Oblivion by the middle of spring. Wish me luck!

I also have a fair bit of experience using the heightmap editor and the landscaping tool in the CS and a bit of experience creating quests and dialog, so I'll help out when I can. About the only blank area on my Oblivion-modding map right now is scripting, which I hope to pick up as well. (And I hear WillieSea is pretty good at it!)

I also tend to be a bit of a windbag.  :pints:

Off to read some posts....

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Welcome Magician.  I'm new here myself.  Good luck on creating your custom creature--seems like you'll be busy this winter.  

II'm interested in your work with MaPZone.  I experimented with it for a while, but decided to work with AoI's (Art of Illusion's) procedural texture & material editor.  It's pretty slick.  I hope, once I finish my present project, to spend more time with it.  If you have a problem with Blender or NifScope, I may be able to help.  Again, welcome aboard.  aa_smile.gif

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Heh. As you can see, I've already taken you guys up on your offers for help.  :pints:

@ Vince: I've just started playing around with MaPZone but it looks very promising and the interface is pretty nice once you get used to it. I'm going to write a quick little tutorial about it as soon as I get the basics sorted out. I'm trying to do way too many things at once at the moment!

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