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Everything posted by Arron_Dominion

  1. Hello Everyone! Forgive me if this is the wrong section for this type of content. Awhile back I started a series in an effort to teach the Papyrus scripting language more like a traditional software language. I start with the basics and work up the chain so to speak. I haven't completed the segment regarding the Object-Oriented side of Papyrus, only touching on an introduction to it. I will be updating this thread as more is added. Here is a link to the full series as it is currently, including the introductory episode and the 'Hello World' episode: For the Variables segment: For the Functions/Events segment: For Objects (current progress at least): Hopefully, modders and modders in training find these videos useful. Feel free to shoot me any messages over the content, or if you have a special topic.
  2. That is an interesting concept. You definitely see other creative products implementing a pure cloud solution, and cloud seems to be the big thing in the software space (despite not necessarily understanding the implications on operations). It would certainly give a level of security for modders utilizing their platform. With this being the PC, I believe you will have independent platforms start to develop their own tools and mechanisms to insert them into the game, circumventing the framework. Those platforms wouldn't be the primary spot for those playing their games if they were to crop up. Definitely will be interesting to see what they decide from their experiences with the Fallout 4/Special Edition modding scene and Creation Club scene.
  3. Hello Everyone! I am Arron Dominion, and I have been in modding for awhile (getting into the 12-13 year range now). I haven't been the most vocal voice in my time for Skyrim, and a few other games. Outside of modding I am Software Engineer, currently programming in C#/SQL primarily (although other languages crop up as needs arise). I keep with modding because I have learned a bit and want to help others, and to help ground the programming mind in other spheres (although not entirely successful at times ) One of my video series (currently unable to finish due to priority and time constraints) is a set of Papyrus Scripting Tutorials working from the basics of Variables/Events/Functions in an attempt to help understand those concepts when attempting to script (primarily Skyrim related). I have created a few other Skyrim tutorials as requests have come up, but not too much major. I am slowly expanding my presence and diversifying my involvement as time permits. TES Alliance made sense with the history and involvement in the modding scene. Thanks everyone! -Arron Dominion
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