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  1. When the Open spell is cast in Oblivion, I want to have a spell effect script check if the lock is too difficult for the spell and do something when that happens. Currently what I have is this. scriptname aaaAverageOpenLockFailureSound ref self int chestLocked int chestLevel begin ScriptEffectStart set self to GetSelf set chestLocked to GetLocked self set chestLevel to GetLockLevel self if (chestLocked) && (chestLevel >= 80); message "too high" endif end As far as I can tell, the script crashes after "set self..." since nothing after that runs and nothing in the script runs until I reboot the game. I believe self is the chest which the spell effect is applying to and I know getlocked and getlocklevel are real functions according cs.elderscrolls.com. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. There doesn't seem to be any good documentation out there or example code. Can someone point me towards somewhere where I can get the basics of scripting down. Side note: Is there something analogous to a wait() or sleep() function?
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