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Everything posted by phosphor

  1. When I look at my mod in the 'details' tab I notice that there are a few other cells that have been 'changed' along with the ones I meant to change. This means that my mod is 'dirty' I believe. How do I fix it up? I tried deleting the changes from the 'details' tab but when I do things like that it ends up doing strange things to other cells. Things float... that kind of thing...
  2. Okay... the file is uploaded. It is called "Embershard Home." The point of the Mod is to tell the story of the family that owned the Embershard Mine and their fate. The home is not yet prepared to be a fully functioning player home as I need to learn how to script certain events to make it happen. But for the purposes of this Exam it should be fully functional and then some. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/gallery/image/22246-embershard-home-01/ I've uploaded almost thirty screens of the house with details beneath each image. I didn't want to add a link to all of them so that it doesn't spam this section too much. If you wish it I can add the links in through an edit. Let me know if you need anything else.
  3. Version 0.1


    This is, by my estimation, a rather small housing mod. It's not quite a player home yet because there are some things that I still have to learn. There is a fairly basic quest (no quest markers yet) but the quest is there... it's all explained through two journals (one in the mine and the other in the home). This is very lore friendly. I've taken great pains to make sure that it is placed well within the context of the world. I plan on expanding this to include: - quest markers that link to the player journal. - the ability to take full control of Embershard Home so that it is fully becomes a player home. - options for the specific character you play... and a method by which to enable those options. Credits: DarkRider from TESAlliance for his amazing Modding Lessons found there. Check it out at: - WillieSea from TESAlliance for helping me with a small script.
  4. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    The wood chopping block I promised to upload. It's found behind the house. The well is just beyond it... depth of field obscuring it somewhat.
  5. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    First Floor Nav Mesh.
  6. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Basement Navmesh... I had to work it gingerly around all of the static destruction wrought by the bandits.
  7. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Dragon Markers
  8. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Same shot, statics removed.
  9. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Another Navmesh shot...
  10. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Another shot of the navmesh without the statics...
  11. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Outside Navmesh...
  12. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    The outside map marker.
  13. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Another shot of the room.
  14. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    A close up of some of the destruction in the room with the named axe. It was strange. I created all of these rooms with the idea of where people would place things.. delicately placing everything.. then I had to think like a bandit and just wreck it but with everything in the room still. I would tip the shelves then havock the contents.
  15. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    A named axe on the floor... It's not overly powerful but it does have an enchantment on it. There is also a script on it that WillieSea helped me with... (well, I just said what I wanted done and he really just came up with the script and explained to me how it works... can't wait to move into the scripting course). There is a light that surrounds the weapon (I feel that it syncs well within the context of this story) that disappears when the weapon is picked up leaving the room in darkness again.
  16. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    That dresser is open and sticking out of it is the second of the two journals that explain the backstory of this home.
  17. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Remember... all of these scenes are done with a torch in hand. This place hasn't been cleaned up or taken care of in some time...
  18. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    That is a fork sticking out of that poor animal's snout. How undignified.
  19. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Still on the first floor...
  20. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    More destruction... to the right you can see the trapdoor leading to the basement.
  21. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Someone wasn't fond of the decor it seems...
  22. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    It's dark in here... you'll need a torch. The place doesn't look like it's been treated nicely.
  23. From the album: CKBasicTutorial

    Here it is... opening up the door.
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