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Everything posted by HalfGoat

  1. presents a mod for TESV: Skyrim The Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul is a mod project dedicated to improving the dramatic pacing, character development, and dialogue of Skyrim’s central questline to create a more immersive and interactive experience. The Elder Scrolls games have always been known for their vast, immersive worlds, open-ended gameplay, and gripping storylines. Skyrim’s central plot, while fun and engaging, feels short, underdeveloped, and overly linear in the context of this huge and epic franchise. It unfolds with manic urgency, thrusting the player into the dragon crisis without giving any opportunity to explore and engage Bethesda’s massive, beautifully constructed world. This mod aims to expand the main quest with more dialogue, more choices, and diverging storylines, as well as all-new quests, characters, and challenges. With the Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul, your journey from ill-fated prisoner to hero of prophecy will no longer be a meteoric rise to godhood, but rather a hard-fought battle filled with choices, consequences, victories, and defeats. You will encounter compelling, multidimensional characters, both friend and foe, who will guide you to glory or test your mettle. Go boldly towards your destiny or deny it outright; the choice is yours. Should you accept your fate, you will learn the true meaning of Dovahkiin. - - - - - The Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul will feature: • An expansion of the court of Jarl Balgruuf, with new warriors gathered in Dragonsreach “to discuss the ongoing hostilities,†and new quests to add to the sense of exposition and rising action • An expanded role for the Greybeards • A massive overhaul of the Blades faction, with dynamic new recruits, an expanded headquarters, and new missions • A resolution to the “Paarthurnax Ultimatum,†with a few twists • New campaigns against powerful new dragon adversaries • And much more! - - - - - The follow is an overview [WIP] of the revised quest-line. If you don't want to ruin the surprise, skip this. - - - - - Half Goat Studios is currently recruiting talent for this project. We will need many more writers, programmers (Papyrus experience preferred but not necessary), level designers (with Creation Kit experience), and voice actors, as well as 3D modellers, graphic designers, etc. to make this mod possible. Anyone interested in joining this project can email me at halfgoatstudios@gmail.com. Those interest in voice acting can contact TheCommonerPrince at thecommonerprince@gmail.com. A very special thanks to those who have already offered their talents: The Half Goat team: HalfGoat: Project Director, writing, quest design JibstaMan: writing, quest design, scripting TheCommonerPrince: Voice Casting Director, voice acting, audio engineering, web design RalphDamiani: writing, concept art Fantasmeitor: 3D modeling Koechophe: 3D modeling iakamil: writing, scripting SlayerXX33398: audio engineering LittleBaron: scripting
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