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  1. Okay, going to give what you said a bit to sink in and hopefully spark a solution (often takes a few hours for me!). I appreciate all your help!
  2. Uhhh... 42? In the CK for my quest, the entry on the QuestAliases tab looks like this: AliasName: TheBadGuy Type: Ref FillType: UniqueActor 'BadGuyTRB' I'm sorry that I'm not more fluent in this; is there somewhere else I should be looking to confirm the "objectReference" status?
  3. I didn't hardcode it, I use an alias in the quest that points to Unique Character: BadGuyTRB, and all scripts reference that alias. I guess I was premature in thinking that the changing reference ID was the problem. Any attempts to refer to the NPC produce a "None object" error; any ideas on what the real problem might be?
  4. Hi! I'm new to the forum and new to modding. I've been working on a quest, and I've exhausted my own troubleshooting capacity. To make this quest, I was guided by the "Quest Design Fundamentals" tutorial at creationkit.com, changing the specifics to match my own idea. It's a very basic quest: BadGuy stole PreciousItem from GoodGuy. GoodGuy commissions Player to return it. GoodGuy, BadGuy, and PreciousItem were all created by me in the Creation Kit. I've tracked my problem to a changing reference ID. In the CK, BadGuy's reference ID is 0400753F. At runtime, it's 1A00753F. I've played around a bit, and it seems to change based on how many mods I'm loading. I can get the first two characters to change in the Creation Kit by loading different mods. As a result, whenever the script refers to BadGuy, it fails and instead puts something like "error: Cannot call Enable() on a None object" in my Papyrus log. The question is, how do I get the game to find and use the correct reference at runtime? Thank you for any help!
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