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Posts posted by JulianSull

  1. This was a little difficult as none of the answers fit my style.

    1. No. Never. Nada. pointless as achievements for console weenies.

    2. I enjoy multiple endings only if they are engendered by alternate choices within the game that i can replay (even if it means starting completely over.)

    3. Very difficult question. I oppose increased difficulty that simply adds hitpoints to enemies. Added enemies, if logically placed and not just dropped in as mobs, are fine. Generally I would prefer increased enemy AI and numbers, along with more difficult puzzles or more stages to quests for added difficulty.

    I am totally against respawn points and automatic save points of any kind. Either unrestricted manual saves or I don't play.

    That last one is of course assuming good game design principles are used =). Health SHOULD (if they know how to design games) are only there to ensure there is enough time so that if a team/person isn't prepared for the boss/enemies, they can't simply just get lucky or kill them before they die. If it's just there to make it longer, that's not using health correctly. Increase in difficulty should be done with changes in enemy AI, slight health increases, new spells/weapons, increased enemy count, better enemy placement and quicker enemy movement/more usage of mean spells/attacks. Insane health increases is just stupid.

    As for that last bit, you hate Autosaves? Or you hate games that ONLY have autosaves?

  2. I chose the most appropriate choice regarding multiple endings, but if truth be told I prefer open ended games where there's plenty to do after the "ending", such as levelling up, carving out an empire, decorating a house... TES definitely falls into this category, and to a certain extent, Diablo and their clones do too.

    Technically TES still has an ending to it. Once you beat the game, you can keep playing, but the main storyline is over and all that is left are side quests.

    The thing that I find sort of shocking is the number of people that like Challenging. I guess a majority of the people who play TES are hardcore gamers. That in it of itself isn't too shocking as it is a massive game, but the idea of a truly difficult challenge being something people in TES want is. For the most part, I hear a lot of people use cheats after a few deaths, and honestly, if you think Oblivion on normal difficulty at any point is "Challenging" in this respect, you may have voted very wrong =).

    I'm glad no one really enjoys the collect them all stuff. I find it a massive pain and I'm glad most people agree.

    Very interesting and very helpful.


  3. 1) Do you enjoy bonus objectives that ask you to find a certain amount of hidden items? For example, in Kingdom Hearts 1 you are tasked to find all 101 puppies throughout the game and there is an item you cannot get unless you get them all. Would you enjoy searching for all of them?

    2) See above

    3) Super Easy: Setting stuff to lowest difficulty and just blowing things up. Really only for fun and not for challenge.

    Easy: Mario Kart and the like. Things that you can pick up and play. Probably not going to fail and if you do, you'll probably get it the next time.

    Normal: This game on normal difficulty. Also, most Final Fantasy's are this difficult. For the most part, it's a fair challenge and every so often, there are things that slow you down, but you know you can do it.

    Challenging: If you have ever played Cathrine, this is what I'm talking about (on Normal). It might start easy, but by the end it'll take some time to figure out how to do it. You might need strategy guides. Metal Gear Solid in some places hits this and some of the optional bosses in Final Fantasy are like this.

    Extreme: If you have ever played Person, this is the difficulty I'm talking about. Also, Penance from FFX International, Ozma from FFIX, Cathrine on max difficulty, and

    are good examples of this. Anything that when you see or hear about it you wonder "How is that even possible?"
  4. I'm trying to delete an NPC's AI, but every time I click on the AI, it just crashes. I tried this with every NPC with AI (At least every type of NPC) and it always crashes. My file is getting pretty big...could that be part of the problem?

  5. It really comes down to one things: What makes you happy?

    Is it being free and enjoying more physical and social pleasures like friends and seeing the world? Or do you enjoy giving to humanity and pushing our race forward? I have to agree with Antiscamp completely. What use are you if you don't give anything and only take? And for me, I get pleasure from giving what I know how to do.

  6. Is it? I'm just playing devil's advocate here but imagine the first life. You can go anywhere you want and the people you are with fit you absolutely perfectly. You go on long road trips, visit beautiful places and get to experience all of those wonders of the world you never thought you'd see. Sure you're not rich in a monetary sense, but you are in a social and exploration sense. Doesn't that outweigh the need for work?


  7. So, I'm working on my theme for my next mod and I want this ending to be really powerful so I need some input. All you have to do is answer this question:

    Which of these two lives would you rather?

    In one life you are completely free. Basic necessities are taken care of like food, water, shelter and transportation. For instance, you could take a plane to California, get a hotel and hang out on the beach. You get to take a few really good friends with you and basically live your life doing whatever you want. HOWEVER! You cannot follow your dreams. For example, let's say you always wanted to be an amazing guitar player. You pick up the guitar and it sounds awful no matter how much you practice. Did you want to own a company? You'll never get to.

    In the other life you follow your dreams. If you always wanted to be a dancer, you'll be the best dancer who ever lived. If you wanted to own a company, you'll outsell Google. HOWEVER! You'll have very very little free time. You're personal connections will be much weaker and you will be stressed constantly. But remember, every dream you have will come true in that way (Career wise).

    So, which life would you rather have and why? A meaningless, purposeless life of infinite fun or a purposeful, stressful life of dreams coming true?

    Input is really appreciated =)

  8. I have a push button that activates them:

    scn aaaBossFightHunterGasRoomScript
    begin OnActivate Player
    	TriggerHitShader 10

    The gas traps are not doing any damage and there's no indication of it working.

  9. I can't get these things to work for the life of me. I'm using the ARGasTrapGrate01 and this is the script that I used for it:

    scn aaaBossFightHunterGasTrapScript
    ; spurt gas on activation
    float timer
    short next
    short activated
    ref mySelf
    ref myParent
    float fTrapDamage
    float fTrapPushBack
    float fTrapMinVelocity
    float fLevelledDamage
    short bTrapContinuous
    begin onActivate
    		set myParent to getParentRef
    		set mySelf to getSelf
    		set activated to 1
    		; set up the damage values
    		set fTrapDamage to (Player.GetActorValue Health) / 15
    		set fLevelledDamage to 0
    		set fTrapPushBack to 0
    		set fTrapMinVelocity to 0
    		set bTrapContinuous to 1
    		set timer to 24
    		set next to 1
    		playgroup forward 1
    begin gameMode
    	if next == 1 && timer <= 23
    		set mySelf to getSelf
    		set myParent to getParentRef
    		myParent.activate mySelf 1
    		set next to 0
    	;reset for next time
    	if timer <= 0 && activated == 1
    		set fTrapDamage to 0
    		set activated to 0
    	set timer to timer - getSecondsPassed

    I definitely activate them and they are definitely enabled. What am I missing? That above script is almost identical to the original oblivion script for this trap.

  10. Wow she looks so much older and more evil from that light and angle. I think I have a slight idea of what I can use. As for the hair style, I might just search for something slightly similar.


    That staff...Is it in the game already? It looks really familiar.

  11. I'm trying to create a Daedric prince for my mod specifically this one:


    It looks like to recreate this in NPC form I'd need that staff, that clothing (Or something similar) and that hair style. Do you guys know of anything that looks like that, most importantly the hairstyle? It's a bit hard to see but it's actually a triple pony tail in the back and extends to the shoulder.

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