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Everything posted by PacificMorrowind

  1. Well it is not A but close... A was built by the Ayleids to emulate the real answer ( a veeeerrry looooong time ago) Pacific Morrowind
  2. argh... didn't yet get it even started to dl... though it'll be days till I can play it since 200mb if I can download that in less than 3 days I'll be shockered... hope you find the problem soon and it ain't to hard to fix. Pacific Morrowind
  3. great... Akatosh is to _____ as Lorkhan is to Red Mountain A. White Gold Tower B. Adamantium Tower C. Mount Erzacor D. Direni Tower E. Tel Uvirith Pacific Morrowind
  4. Well 11 entries is not bad at all... pretty good I'd say... can't wait to be scared! - also to see the votes. Pacific Morrowind
  5. well I agree with the rest of the comments; more worn look, greasy grimey gopher guts Yes, it is called a Specular Map and is the alpha channel on the normal map; the brighter than is (grey-white) the more shiney the model will show up and the darker (grey heading to black) the more dull/non reflective looking it will be. Pacific Morrowind
  6. I think (at least what I've been doing anyways is) that the category are basically the same as vanilla - creatures, clutter, architecture, etc. Pacific Morrowind
  7. Clothing/armour for MW is about as different as er hmm using a cross bow and a long bow - same end result but very different approach. I have hardly any experience with doing so but a couple notes: there is NO mesh rigging -no skelly. It is rigged by setting different mesh pieces as "body parts" in the cs and then in the cs creating an armour/clothing that uses multiple of said body pieces. You only need (i.e. can) model the one side - IIRC it is the right side for things like pauldrons (which are a seperate armour piece in MW), boots, gauntlets, and the game automatically mirrors it around. However there is a slight bug with mirroring - which shows up in some official meshes from Tribunal as well as some of my attempts - for the mirrored meshes there can be ONLY ONE tristrip/shape or the second/more don't get drawn in game for the left side. Collision is fairly different - no boxes etc. - only accepts tri base collision and it is a bit different... I' suggest looking at some objects for the details. Nifskope works well and the blender export scripts work fine too. For cleaning your esp I'd suggest using the MW enchanted editor - also can edit save games with it! - setting things up in the cs is pretty much the same as Oblivion except for worldspace, dialogue/questing and clothing/armour. For scripting get the indispensible MWSFD - Morrowind Scripting for Dummies. Also (off topic) in regards the Blender Nifscripts Oblivion exportation options, I know you do animations and thought you might be interested in what I've done to them (muahaha): I was doing some exporting of animations for a certain top secret project of mine and was being irritated having to edit the animation sequence name after export; Now (with the dev version, available on the niftools forums or on github where Amorilia has the master and I have a fork) if you are exporting a kf file it asks you for the sequence name before export and sets it to whatever you enter - and defaults to Forward. Pacific Morrowind
  8. I'll second that! Thanks for passing this on. I first used Blender around 5 years ago but seeing as I didn't play any video games at the time I was like so what... but now I have 4 months of real experience with Blender and I never found that yet. Pacific Morrowind
  9. if you want to use it with MMM/FCOM (while waiting for the plugin designed for that... which will be a while)it is only moderately more complex; you just have to decide which you want to override when there are non-bashable conflicts and put that one later and then rebuild(or create!) your bashed patch including leveled lists. Pacific Morrowind
  10. WAC is in open beta, and I haven't done really anything yet with playing it... haven't been playing much lately been mainly modding. However from what I've heard- a fair bit more than most people - it is fairly stable but not yet fully 'balanced'. and in terms of content just look at the weight of that file and realized there isn't really any waste files there. However do note that it does have some erm R-rated creatures of the daedric variety... Once it is in second beta or so, I'm going to be making myself an optional plugin to remove them from the world and see if Waalx will include that. Pacific Morrowind
  11. well this is a good place to learn to texture... lots of helpful forumeers. Nice to see another blender user on here, welcome Pacific Morrowind
  12. Quick couple of questions: Scripts: OBSE or not? Models/Textures: fine to use your own new stuff or only publicly available? Pacific Morrowind
  13. Welcome and if you ever need help with any aspect of your model or texture editing there isn't a better place to ask ... theres me (good for basics and very online), Vince (really experienced but not online as constantly) and lots of others that drop in. Pacific Morrowind
  14. I probably should know how to set up alphas in Blender but I dont... however I do know how in nifskope! open nif in nifskope (in block list)right click tristrip/shape that you want to have an alpha, hit node-> attach property->NiAlpha Property (in details pane) then select that NiAlpha Property. now hit the flag symbol after the flags list item but before the number (or just enter the number if you know it) and then experiment with what works for your model's requirements... I need to experiment and read up on the flags... default (237) will work for most plane type models. Pacific Morrowin
  15. I've never done this so all of these instructions are based on my experience with other stuff... if this doesn't make it work I'll give it a look myself to figure out the exact instructions. posibility 1: for the main body try scaling the first bone node (ie the first ninode after sceneroot) of the skeleton_#X.nif Posibility 2: scale (and reposition) each nitristrip/shape of the body nif. Pacific Morrowind
  16. sorry for the long delay in replying. you did nothing wrong... I just didn't mention some stuff you need to do as well. for all the nifs you want to use make a _*x.nif version of them - ie for a wolf that would be (IIRC) the head.nif and wolf.nif... just right click the ninode zero on each applicable nif and hit translation and then edit scale to *. Pacific Morrowind
  17. welcome, if you ever have any questions or stumbling blocks or just want to learn new stuff the Enclave section is a great place to go. Also friendly forum this, and we'll usually say nice things about your mods... though many of us throw in some constructive criticism or suggestion. Pacific Morrowind
  18. its October... you gonna be responsible?

  19. anything for scale of .8 - 1.2 should be fine in the cs, beyond that you'll have to edit the skeleton.nif (make edit and then save as new skeleton - ie skeleton_big/small/mondo/micro.nif) in the meshes/creatures/creaturename* folder. I believe you have to edit node #2 - the BBX node to change the bounds. *assuming a vanilla creature Pacific Morrowind
  20. BREAK: [where my horse] New: fell off the
  21. Thanks for adding it, but a slight edit is needed; it is by JDFan and me, not just me. Pacific Morrowind
  22. 1. Yes - Wrye Mash (it came first) but it has had some backwards porting of stuff from Bash (ie it has BAIN). 2& 3. I've never (gasp) used shaders other than vanilla - ie in MW that would be none and my graphics card can't handle that good of resolution with games sob. so dunno on those two. 4. Yes those are good but I would also really strongly suggest Tamriel Rebuilt, and the LGNPC (less generic NPC) project. Pacific Morrowind
  23. well that isn't as nice of an error message as I got - those lines don't have any division anyways so but I went through and removed a few possible zero division locations - here's an updated file - if you want you can grab that (just extract to your blender/.scripts directory) and test and if not no problem. Pacific Morrowind
  24. Not sure where but to find: method 1: try extr acting oblivion's sound.bsa and then try opening one of the default attack/hit sounds and seeing where it opens (may or may not help - should but sometimes can be silly) method 2: open tes4edit with oblivion.esm and look at the path set for the hit/attack sounds. (will give you the correct path if you can find the right sounds). Pacific Morrowind
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