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  1. I'm having a little trouble with a rouge script and I was hoping someone could help me out. I've been hammering together a large number of mods, and I'm encountering an odd problem: the activation script for COBL ingredient sorters (cobAlsTriggerOS) is being activated at random on 4-5 minute intervals. So I'll be running through the forest minding my own business , and all of a sudden I a get a message box with 'What would you like to do?' 'Put away ingredients'... etc. Choosing any option has no apparent effect, and there isn't an ingredient shelf anywhere near me or the cell I'm in. My current theory is that an NPC in another cell is activating a container, and I'm getting the message. So it's my own fault. Strange things happen when you have too many mods installed. Fine. But I'm determined to hunt this bug down. I don't have much experience with oblivion scripting, so please forgive me if I sound noobish. This is what I think I need to know: 1. Is there anything which commonly causes incorrect scripts to be executed? (References to scripts within scripts that can become misaligned when mods are added, perhaps??)2. Ingame, I'd like to get the 'Reference Editor ID' and 'Base Object' or at least name of whomever is causing the onactivate event of this script to fire. Is there a standard way to do this? How about the script owner? I.E. If somebody else is accessing a container, causing me to get this message, I'd like to figure out which container is being accessed, and who is accessing it. 3. How 'active' are NPCs in unloaded areas? Do they still run around using objects, etc? Are there perhaps some areas which are always loaded, no matter where I am in the game? 4. [i realize this thread isn't expressly for OBSE, but it has apparently become a big part of Oblivion scripting, so perhaps someone would PM or we could start another thread... etc]I noticed OBSE has a GetName command. I've altered the offending script as follows: ref rActivatorref sActivatorNameBegin onactivate set rActivator to GetActionRef if (rActivator.GetCurrentAIProcedure == 10) || (rActivator.GetCurrentAIProcedure == 2) Activate rActivator return endif set sActivatorName to rActivator.GetName Message "cobAlsTriggerOS triggered by %.0f" sActivatorName ... I have no idea if I have coded this properly because I am getting a compilation error: "Unknown variable or function 'GetName'" I am using OBSE v0015a and launching the editor via 'obse_loader.exe -editor' Thanks for taking the time to read over all of that! If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.
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