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  1. Excellent guide, thank you. I've put off doing any mesh work until now as I knew there were so many things that could go wrong, but I finally had a go (changing the sleeves and waist of the monk robe) and am fairly happy with the results. The only thing that's not quite right is the legs. The bottom skirt part of the robe doesn't 'stretch' normally when I walk, it sort of 'shears' into two half cylinders connected by a sheet of rubber. I think when I applied the skeleton it just chose a line of vertices to be the middle, and bound each side to the relevant leg, leaving each face on that line to get stretched by however far the legs are from one another. The original robe nif has torso and arms skin partitions, but no legs, so I copied that; I guess it had something else set that gets stripped off when I send it to blender. I've checked google successfully for every other problem I've had, but I don't even know what search terms to put in here. "Stretching?" "Morphing?" "two-half-cylinders-connected-by-a-sheet-of-rubber?"
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