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Status Updates posted by GothGirlDanielle

  1. This morning I ordered my cap and gown. Looks like college will really be over in 11 days . . .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GothGirlDanielle


      Thanks. It's actually kind of sad - and scary (and not just because I graduate on Friday the 13th). Two weeks later I leave for Russia for two months. And I don't really speak a lot of Russian, so . . . egghhhaah.

    3. ThomasKaira


      Oh noes!

      Cross your fingers that you don't see anybody in a hockey mask named Jason!



    4. Hanaisse


      Congrats Dani! And best wishes for the future. :)

  2. I'm about to release another mod . . .

    1. GothGirlDanielle


      Nope, not Ronin. Sorry.

    2. InsanitySorrow


      Oooooh....I wonder what this'll be? :D

    3. GothGirlDanielle
  3. Listenin' to DCFC and wondering which of 100 task I should do that will Ronin closer to completion?

    1. GothGirlDanielle


      My attempts to retexture armor have left me feeling beaten ...

    2. DarkRider


      Never give up. It gets easier. :)

    3. StarX


      Go mod on another part for a while and look at the work on the armor with a fresh set of eyes later on. It's often good to take some distance.

  4. You know, Layer Styles is the gray tape of Photoshop.

  5. It's done. I've reduced the Blades cuirass to 20+ different graphic levels. Even the little buttons that hold on the tassels and the 12 brass tighteners have their own level.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. marek0712


      Wow, I'm curious, I saw your morning glories and they look awesome.

    3. Hanaisse


      Welcome to the wonderful world of layers :D

    4. DarkRider


      Awww, wish I'd known you needed this, I already have the Blades cuirass in layers LOL

  6. Well, it can't be helped. I'm going to have to mask and layer out the Blade's cuirass piece by piece.

    1. InsanitySorrow


      Oooooh I hate having to do that :dizzy:

    2. GothGirlDanielle


      Yeah, but there's no way around it. When I'm done I'll have a completely cut out of all the elements, if anyone wants the .psd file.

    3. InsanitySorrow


      You should release it as a resource :D, I did the same with the Glass ones.

  7. thinks it will happen ... tonight ...

    1. Meo


      Take your time, only when youre ready... youre talking about your morning glory resource right?

    2. GothGirlDanielle


      Either that or I'm having a baby.

      Since I'm not pregnant, let's hope for the mod release, eh?

  8. How many variations of Morning Glory does Oblivion really need? I'm at twenty-four ...

  9. has been working silently in the shadows on a much needed addition to the Oblivion botanical world.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GothGirlDanielle


      I went to the gallery page and read the descriptions. Unfortunately, I'm not, um, even an ally. :) It seems I'm only neutral ...

    3. DarkRider


      Allies are the default user group...your group. Just go into that category and click "New Album"

    4. GothGirlDanielle


      Thanks .... :) I will.

  10. After a long day in the library, I can now drone on endlessly about the Philosophies of Imperialism.

    1. GothGirlDanielle


      Which is NOT the same as the Imperial Legion ... who knew?

    2. Cydonian_Knight


      Must be all that Imperial propaganda about covenants and Alessia then. :P

    3. GothGirlDanielle


      It must be. :) Though ... (and here I go) ... the Bethesdian view of an benevolent Imperial political structure, as represented by the mythological symbolism of a watchful and protective Avatar of Akatosh and the expansive "Empire" of Elder Scrolls lore, is very similar to John Stuart Mills view of the benevolent "Empire" (in his case, the role he saw for the British Empire).

  11. wants a snow day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GothGirlDanielle


      Lucky you. :) We have a storm coming, but it won't get here until Wed ... I have a test in Philosophies of Imperialism tomorrow and I could use the time to study.

    3. StarX


      It's all white here and I don't like it at all!

    4. GothGirlDanielle


      Yes ... I see ... now that I'm waiting in the cold for my train, I'm not liking it much, either.

  12. ... is back home after spending Thanksgiving with my family ... and, oh my, about three pounds of turkey, sweet potatoes, homemade rolls and pumpkin pie came along as stowaways.

  13. Some people, they retexture weapons. Others retexture armor. Me? I do old coffins ...

  14. I hate it when I do something cool in Photoshop, purely by accident, and then can't remember what I did so I can repeat it ...

    1. Zabre


      I do that daily... :3

  15. Eight new rextured coffins tonight!

  16. Well, there's nothing for it. I can't get around it. Sigh. I'm going to have to learn to ... retexture. Cry!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GothGirlDanielle


      I'm starting with something basic ... coffins.

    3. StarX


      Let me know if you need any help!

    4. InsanitySorrow


      Help from Star, Woot :dizzy:

  17. I feel like I've spent all weekend working on my mod and I've done nothing but fix problems.

    1. StarX


      Well, that's how it is sometimes. But better to fix stuff now than be sorry later. :D

    2. Arthmoor


      We've all been there. It's a sign you've arrived :)

  18. I have a test in two hours and I stayed up into 4:00 a.m. working in the CS. Some might say my priorities are skewed.

    1. Cydonian_Knight


      I swear the CS is responsible for many GPA dips. :P

    2. Vouivre


      It is. Welcome to CS anonymous.

    3. drakon136


      I agree. My GPA went up after Oblivion and the CS stopped working for me.

  19. m(multiTES4) is the coolest tool since Wrye Bash. Six installs of Oblivon ... WooHoo!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Khettienna


      Yay, grats! =D

    3. Johnn123


      isnt it? i discovered it the other day, and it has just opened things up for me :D

    4. GothGirlDanielle


      It's amazing. I can work on two mods at once without having them overlap one another, I can play vanilla oblivion and modded Oblivon, I can compare OOO to FCOM ... you get the idea. Each instance of Oblivion has its own launcher, and the launcher auto-detects and provides shortcuts for OBSE, CS-OBSE, OMM, Wrye Bash, TES4edit ... and I'm starting to sound as if I'm selling cars ...

  20. I am so far behind on my homework, two papers do, and I'm going crazy trying to make a mod I don't know how to make ... AND NOW MY INSTALL IS SCREWED UP!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Procrastinating three writing projects by playing Oblivion ....

    1. WhoGuru


      LOL Oh you're gonna fit in just fine here! XD I'm procrastinating a novel myself in favor of midding.

    2. GothGirlDanielle


      I know. And I just started a large quest mod tonight. Sigh.

  22. Thanks. :) What's so interesting about it?

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