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Everything posted by Si-Shen

  1. Si-Shen

    Isle of Nirn Root

    From the album: Shen's Screenshots

    Not to let their Giant Nirnroot of Oblivion be their most notable creation, Bethesda created an entire Island full of them... now as long as there isn't an NPC that makes those look normal. Not Leina for size comparison, avg Breton.

    © Si-Shen

  2. From the album: Shen's Screenshots

    Now why havn't we seen or heard of this god before? Is it an Aedra? Is it a Daedra? And most importantly, does it have cookies?!

    © Si-Shen

  3. Downloaded and installed, so far nothing yet in the random equipment however stores carry them now, very nice.
  4. Skyrim has it out for me... for nearly two days of gaming, no dragons, suddenly two at once... what next 3?

    1. lilith


      Or a whole posse of 'em. Run for it! LOL

    2. Vouivre


      3 legendary dragons, level 50 vampires, 3 hired thugs and a random db assassin

    3. windclan


      That could almost be part of the elder scrolls version of the 12 days of Christmas Vou :D

  5. Si-Shen


    Oooo I know what mod DS is playing with now... now we just need some Jaffa running about!
  6. ... I was going to post something original about a troll but DR beat me to it!
  7. Ah so it was THEIR space hamster! (for those confused, shouty conversation yesterday lol) Hopefully you can find someone better for the TESA, you deserve it!
  8. From the album: Shen's Screenshots

    He just fell like that, it was too perfect to have been planned and the only thing I could think was "Bear your drunk, go home!" lol

    © Si-Shen

  9. Si-Shen

    Just Relax

    From the album: Shen's Screenshots

    Leina relaxing on a fine, clear day! Note the location is Tamira's new home, even though it does not show it.

    © Si-Shen

  10. Si-Shen

    Archery Practice

    From the album: Shen's Screenshots

    Firing a bow at some unlucky fool.

    © Si-Shen

  11. Si-Shen

    funny tree texture

    O.O what did you water that tree with?
  12. Si-Shen

    New Dragonborn Leina

    It is and it isn't. I am using the RaceMenu mod, one of it's features allows you to turn the colour on for all available war paints, it also has a section that lets you use some other races war paints. I have 3 active warpaints right now, one breton, one imperial female, and one orc female. Combined they create a custom paint job however its just clever use of existing designs.
  13. From the album: Shen's Screenshots

    My latest character, after finally settling on a body mod-set up I liked enough to keep playing. I present Leina the Breton. Yes thats the Levelers Tower in back... still on the Halloween load.

    © Si-Shen

  14. YAY Dragonborn coming to PC on 5-Feb-13!! :dances: Also good news for PS3 users, all the DLC coming at at a discount during week 1 of each release!

    1. Vouivre


      Best news for PS3 owners like myself that I've seen in a long long time. I can only pray that everything works. Half off works for me definitely.

    2. Si-Shen


      It is a nice gesture, the sad part is on Bethblog, there are still people crying about how its not enough. It wouldn't be enough if they gave it away for free, I would guess.

    3. Vouivre


      The sad thing with retail and the game industry, you cannot please everyone. You have hardcore types who dislike how the series is going. I see Skyrim in two ways. A it's moving in a good direction on many parts, it's also catering to the casual gamers as well(more streamline, pick up and play and just quick in quick out game play). B it's slowly alienating the old fans that made the series huge by trimming everything down. With all the hand holding and such. There is no right or...

  15. It wasn't Hana's fault really... it was Sam's fault, we tried to warn her but once they started she was just too far gone.
  16. I don't see a Nip anywhere! I see trees and sky and grass but not a Nip! What is a nip anyway? Never killed one of those nasty anti-veggie creatures in all my characters.
  17. Si-Shen

    Mage Skeleton Staff

    Didn't anyone ever tell you its not polite to point! Seriously, nice staff, also works for those presentations when you have to point at things accross the way
  18. Si-Shen

    Meow as a cub xD

    cute, child replacer or just small body?
  19. Si-Shen


    Nice indeed, IS you never cease to impress.
  20. Si-Shen


    .... I now have images of Don doing the dance with your character... also... its oppa... sorry could not help it lol
  21. Si-Shen

    Bear with me...

    lol this one just acts as entertainment and distracts enemies apparently. If you want to find him, you need to search for Bear Musician (sp?) in the steam workshop. The modder only uploaded it there.
  22. Si-Shen


    forming a singing group? Trying to reform the Knights of the Nine?
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