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Everything posted by ub3rman123

  1. Apparently my brother figured out my password (Need to hide the paper better) and claims to have griefed someone's castle on the server. I'm not sure what he did, but I'll be trying to find out. And change my password at that. Edit: I found it, it's on a castle away from the spawn across a short ocean section. He burned out the flooring inside of a tower, but the damage appears minor. I'll see if I can fix it best as I can. 'nother Edit: Joben's fixed it. The damage was to the-manta's castle, with the bedroom having had its floor burned away. You might want to make sure nothing else happened, but the floor there was all he said he burned.
  2. I would say that Tribunal is my favorite, but they did try to pass off that staff that kills the user on me. And then I proceeded to die trying to beat a betty netch to death with it. So in that case I prompty converted to Daedra. They're never boring.
  3. What server mods are you running? Any of them working with 1.3?
  4. Okay, while our Minecraft server is down, I've gotten to work on it. It's fully collisioned and textured are working (Although those are just vanilla placeholders for now). Any suggestions for colors/materials? Also for any shape and size changes. You can use that door frame at the base of the tower for scale.
  5. Unless you're the only one on a server and hate working in darkness. Is your server working with Beta 1.3?
  6. So I forgot to rename the file when I was exporting it from Blender.. Deleted half my work with that. Whoops. On the bright side, the tower is fully textured and has collision. The downside is that I accidentally deleted the rock platform.
  7. If you want an easier Blender-free method, I looked at the mesh in NifSkope. You can take the small part of the texture on the shield that has the bump and erase it to transparent. Then add on the NiAlphaProperty to the shield.
  8. Sorry for the (Lack of) progress. Had a lot of stuff to work on for school. Meantime, I've got the tower and asteroid textured. I'll do collision and interiors next. And that UV there is just a raw Cube Projection, with no editing. I was amazed by how perfect Blender got the stone UV.
  9. I want that cave tileset to work with so badly..
  10. ub3rman123

    Guard AI

    It's pretty easy to make a basic follower. They need to have two packages: Stay and follow. One can be a basic wander package with a small radius (Or none), while the other is a follow PC package. The follow package should have a condition for a quest variable. That variable can be set through dialogue, so when you tell the guard to follow you, it changes the variable to thr follow option, then when spoken to again you can tell them to stop following you. There's probably a tutorial out there that can phrase it better, though. As for the rest of the AI, it's a fun effort to make the guards have schedules. Have them sleep for several hours, then eat for an hour, patrol for several hours, eat, then repeat the cycle. I'll go find the tutorial for that... Ah-hah! Here it is. Once you have that set up you can set it to specific hours of the day, then fill in other activities in the rest of the time.
  11. There's also the fact that they once again designed the UI with the Xbox as a priority. Hello, size 48 font!
  12. They usually use references to the Nine Divines/Daedra when they need exclamations. And fire would probably work instead of cooker.
  13. The Matrix 4: Sitting on a Park Bench Looking Happy for Two Hours
  14. Is there any good method to making realistic looking scratches on metal? My usual method just looks like a slightly blurry line.
  15. How about gold and black, with a gold silhouette of a fish on the black sections? You could probably use this image with a few filters and desaturation.
  16. . I'm not sure if the interior will be too small in terms of floorspace or if the ceilings will be too high if this only goes 3 floors. What'll be inside the tower again?
  17. Basic shaping of the tower. I'll add windows and details in the style of that image I linked to it, and the roof'll be flat as it is.
  18. Once a mod I was making started randomly shifting objects between cells, for example, taking a bench from an Anvil house and putting it into my mod's cell. Same refID and everything.
  19. Pretty much, yeah. Takea look at this tower.
  20. Haven't started on those yet. I'm thinking of doing the architecture like that Byzantine style I mentioned earlier. Painted tan stone colors, with many details in it like recesses and such.
  21. Continuing work... I'm on the tower now. What should the roof of it be? Flat on top? What I have right now is a thin cylinder with 3 levels of ring-shaped windows going around it. How about making it match the columns in style? The cylinder shape seems a bit boring.
  22. I've actually gotten myself involved into another entry for the competition (And some untimely school projects...), so I'll have to work on that more. I'll make the more necessary models that you can't fake with a resource, though. Edit: Problem. The rules for the competition are "contain the authors own work ONLY. You cannot use other author’s content from any other modification". So if you plan to enter this in the competition, I can't help you in any way.
  23. How do you plan to make it Nexusian? Also, I'm not 18 yet, so I could just give you the meshes and call it a resource.
  24. I'm hoping they don't reuse too many resources. Otherwise people will complain about it being Oblivion 2. But those cliffs do look a bit like the cliffs in Fallout 3.
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