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Everything posted by ANTCJudgment

  1. Nope, no difference when I disabled ENBs. Do you think I should just do a reinstall of my game and mods at this point, or is it not worth it?
  2. Mods, too many to count. I'll post a list tomorrow sometime, a bit late now for me. ENB: Grim and Somber Azura I think, updated to the latest version.
  3. Oh yeah, and saving and reloading doesn't fix the problem.
  4. So here's how this glitch manifests itself on a lamppost in my world, in a cell that isn't the one pictured above. It seems that the lighting engine is broken or something. Suggestions?​
  5. I'll get back to you on that, and I'll be able to tell you that tomorrow. Lent my GPU to a friend for a LAN party since I'm out of town today, but will be back home and able to give you an answer (and a few more screenshots) tomorrow, latest day after tomorrow. Thanks for all your help guys, no other forum I went to responded as fast!
  6. As a reply to the above, this is clearsky house, a modded house, but the problem can be seen all over the game world. I can attach more screenshots of this happening elsewhere if you guys want, but I get the feeling that this weird light is coming from that lamppost over there. The second, smaller circle of light is from a forge, not pictured. So the light is not coming from behind the hills. Really weird, I could swear the game was working fine 2 months ago...
  7. Anyone seen the lighting problem from the image before? It's this problem that I got when I opened my game after like 2 months. Haven't played the game much, just installed a bunch of mods that have nothing to do with lighting according to MO. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! ​
  8. Oh, thanks! Apparently I wasn't looking hard enough on this thread itself. I'll try this and let you know the result.
  9. Hi Hana, you may remember me from above, I had that hard drive crash. Suffice to say, I didn't recover my data, and only now am getting back into Skyrim modding. I managed to sort out that previous issue that I was having, but I have run into a new one in the process. Now, whenever I export my mesh from Blender, I get 4 skin partitions (2 BP_TORSOs instead of one) instead of the expected 3 (BP_TORSO, BP_RIGHTARM and BP_LEFTLEG). I noticed a pretty old posting from you on some other site about this exact same problem way back in 2012, and over there you talked about a specific "workflow" that fixes this problem. Could you please elaborate on what exactly that was? Thanks for all the help and guidance so far. Really, I wouldn't have gotten into modding if it were not for this guide, so thank you for that.
  10. Thanks for the in depth reply, just went through a hard drive crash. Seeing the meshes may be an issue now, as I am still trying to find my data through a recovery software that I am using... Yesterday, I isolated the problem to the skeleton, I simply couldn't get a clean one imported. I guess, should I find this file, I will keep trying to get a clean one imported in. I'm pretty sure that this armour doesn't use "jiggly bits". If you say that I should use the skeleton that the armour uses, I will try that, since that is something that I don't think that I did, and will get back to you if I make any progress. Right now, however, the question is if I can recover my data, and by extension my modified meshes, in the first place, so will definitely address some of the things that you have suggested. As to me confusing things (like NiTriShapes)... Yeah... I was pretty tired when I wrote that, so sorry for any confusion caused. I hope I can recover my stuff, I had spent a good amount of time on those meshes...
  11. Hi Hana, First off, even if people have probably said this a hundred times to you, I have got to thank you for the in depth guide that you have posted pertaining to this subject. I would definitely have not gotten as far as I have on what I am modifying right now (a mesh that a friend gave to me and said that I could help with thanks to my small amount of experience with Blender), but I have a few questions. 1. I am having great difficulty importing a "clean skeleton" into the program, having checked and double checked the steps that lead up to importing said skeleton, I'm pretty sure nothing else is the problem but this, I am more or less stuck. I tried doing that thing of selecting/deselecting, saving and loading to no avail. Is there any way to insure the import of a "clean" skeleton besides the aforementioned method? 2. This particular mesh (of an armour that I am assuming is custom, as I have never seen it either on the Skyrim Nexus, Steam Workshop or in the Vanilla game itself) uses a custom skeleton, which means that the entire armour is technically classified as a SPB_32_BODY despite being, for all needs and intents, a full body covering armour. Here is a link to the picture of the unmodified skeleton of this armour: Skeleton (sorry for the awry perspective, was in a bit of a rush to take the picture) Does this custom skeleton make any difference? Does it mean that I have to import this skeleton as the "clean" one when I export? Also, will I have to make more NiTriShapes (for RIGHTARM and LEFTLEG) in this exporting process? Sorry if this seems like a myriad questions with little connection, it's just that this process can get a bit confusing, at least for a first time modder such as myself. So that's basically all the questions that I have. I would like to close by saying thank you once again; I noticed the last post being on just the first of this month. There are not many people genuinely dedicated to helping people free of cost in this would (and seeing the state of the world economy, it's small wonder why, but I digress), and you seem to be one of those people. For that, you have my utmost and sincere gratitude, for whatever that counts. Anyways, should be signing off. It's almost exactly midnight local time.
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