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  1. Alagaesia This is planned to be a total overhaul of Skyrim in a brand new world, roughly 4x the size of skyrim. The world is based on the Inheritance series of books written by Christopher Paolini. Its not only the map that's changing either, we intend to implement the following list of features - - A totally new magic system that work in a similar way to magic in the books - New races - New creatures - Dragon riding - New quests - A generally interesting mod for everyone This is however obviously a lot of work, and this is in fact a restart of a mod which you may have seen on the nexus before. Our current team understands this is an ambitious project. If you would like to help, please contact me. Prologue After the war and Nasuada decided that the using magic should be restricted by law. It took effect shortly after the war, though many mages went on the run as they were against mass surveillance program by Nasuada which was in place for the protection of the many at the cost of the few. Even after 20 years there were still a lot of people who didn't like the way Nasuada ran the country. Especially the ex-nobles and the mages. The nobles had lost positions in society and they would like to see the fall of Queen. During the war there were a lot of people who support Galbatorix without oath in Ancient Language. They want revenge for death of their master. They have access to weapons similar to Dauthdaert, so they may become a threat even to dragons. Some mages who don’t agree the law, tried to convince Nasuada to change her mind, but after witnessing the horrible events during the war like soldiers who don’t feel pain, she felt she had done what was necessary. Some Urgals are not satisfied the new way of proving their worth. They claim that competitions between races are useless. They want fight in real battlefields. Those people created a group which goal is to take the law down and kill Nasuada and others kings who support her. Due to their methods like acts of terrorism on government officers and facilities, running off the travelers and caravans they cause the chaos and fear in Alagaesia. However the rebels try to gain support among Alagaesians for the freedom to use magic. They aren’t evil. Some of them use questionable methods, but the Leader of this group try to fight with new law without harming normal citizens. To be honest, no one knows from where they come from, so a lot of people become suspicious towards each other. A few Half-Elves and Dwarves join the rebels. Some people think they are corrupted with lust of power and that’s why they decided to do that. However the true reason is still uknown. The leaders of the rebellion capitalize on the unrest with the laws to stir emotions of the magicians. Even though many magicians don't care if they are being watched or not, others feel apprehensive at the idea, and before their worries could be soothed, the rebels start spreading rumours about the laws. Later, they start spreading malicious rumours about Nasuada wanting to spy on everyone, in to garner more support for the rebellion. Many don't believe the lies, but other, more gullible people do, especially those who didn't know much about the Varden, even during the war against Galbatorix. There are a few dragons rider who completed the training with Eragon. However the first to train was a Kull, who Eragon in his willingness to trust chose not to force an oath upon however on return to Alagaesia the rider killed the Urgal leader and took control of a clan. After this all riders who train with him or Arya have been forced to swear an oath to stop this from happening again. As such if the Player wants to train then they must swear an oath and cannot choose paths that directly go against the Rider order. Owing to the fact that group killed a lot people who have supported Nasuada and her restriction of magic law during their attacks, Elven queen starts to worry. She decided to speak to the other kings to plan what they are going to do. They were concerned about rebels earlier, but they think it wouldn’t be such a threat to Alagaesia. They join later in the main story alongside Nasuada and the Dragon riders Surdan’s king Orrin start to behave strange lately. He became alcoholic. Even though counselors tried to help him, he refused. He has mood swings. One he is happy the another he is mad at everyone. After the war he talked with Nasauda quite often, but this year he didn’t talk with her at all. His the most favourites activity is check how the trades are. He signed a lot of contracts lately, which is pretty strange… No one have been ordering such amount of goods before. What is more the rebels become more and more powerful... Forgotten by all Alagaesians, Nomads begin to create settlements for their own people and trading purposes. The trading towns are located on the border of Hadarac Desert. Nomads decide to create another settlements in Hadarac’s mountains as well, where they could mine minerals and jewels. It’s a town where all administration of their hot homeland take place. When Eragon heard what is happening in Alagaesia he decided to send a courier with another egg to find a new rider. Pretty Pictures Dragons http://i.imgur.com/X1z4h1q.jpg http://i.imgur.com/pquthGi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nD4RL6N.jpg http://i.imgur.com/U0FdxSa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AroBTE5.jpg http://i.imgur.com/J08RTxv.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hIGPCwx.jpg http://i.imgur.com/VbZEu7l.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9J0dvzH.jpg Brisingr and Temerlein Sword http://i.imgur.com/gzHP4fC.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Xfe7jI1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/z7MfFPq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0EteGG4.jpg Magic System features: Alagaesia-style magic mechanics. Casting spells with words or sentences from the Ancient Language. Casting spells without the Ancient Language, which is an advanced skill only available to trained Dragon Riders. Storing energy in gemstones. If a Rider, being able to draw upon energy from dragon. Summoning spirits. Mental powers, such telepathy, mental travelling, mind-reading, mental offence and defence, mind-breaking, and mind control. Enchanting weapons, armour and items with magic, however they will only be temporary. Forging, or creating, weapons, armour and items with spells can result in permanent enchantments. Casting wards against magic, that will consume energy to protect against.
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