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Everything posted by MarekkC

  1. I know I´m really late on this, but I recently started playing oblivion again and found this wonderful mod. One problem tho´ the archive always downloads as corrupt, is this a problem with my browser? I´m using Google Chrome. I´m using Winrar to open it so that should not be a problem right? Thanks for answer.
  2. Okay I remade it without linking it because it seems this was the problem with it but now I just don´t have BSdismemberskininstance in my NiTriShapes. Could I just copy it from original armor mesh?
  3. Ehm...sorry, it´s me again still the same problem even now I was very careful and made sure twice that I cleaned the mesh and everything, but it seems I just can´t join the meshes and make them separate, do you think that this is relevant and can help me?
  4. There are also independent ni nodes upper in the block list
  5. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t35.0-12/11211756_921249151253467_1327215389_o.jpg?oh=78e5023330c8e99ffca67c3778e5f463&oe=554B2FB6&__gda__=1430970582_dabb48387a776da64d00ed29e27a7a11 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t35.0-12/11211898_921249144586801_1204763048_o.jpg?oh=5fe2d3cdcaca9a11e81f35c5a9940667&oe=554AD432&__gda__=1430962881_09d17a852303a2f1efbb3002bb406bea https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t35.0-12/11201258_921249147920134_250389010_o.jpg?oh=bd8725d8f749cdc6080551c94d5d3ec8&oe=554B047E&__gda__=1430977699_7dd81361d5b3500e9e47fece70b7b212 this is how the armor looks ingame, its all crazy a also attached photo of the armor in nifskope so you could see what is wrong
  6. It must be right because I have it on all armor even that which are absolutely vanilla...
  7. Ehm...sorry that I am weary again, but that didn´t helped I have all that ni nodes and then another same ni nodes inside of my BSdismemberskinpartition blocks....Or is that right??
  8. Okay I´ll try it and Thank You for your interest and your help . Words can´t express...
  9. What if I delete the skeleton now and just delete all body parts and do the weight painting all again...Will that solve the problem for me?? Or I must do my whole armor again?
  10. I just joined leather and thieves guild armor mesh to be one mesh to can easily assign body parts. So I guess I shouldn´t do this??
  11. I´m attaching the armor in nifskope : https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t35.0-12/11204822_920832464628469_1075804210_o.jpg?oh=027951178a892547f40f438b4a461c0e&oe=554A8CFE&__gda__=1430881101_29735f7f967ae5717b82e614302455ac As you can see on the armo mesh it has two SBP_32_TORSO (originally BP_TORSO just renamed) and it is made up of two items in blender I joined them with ctrl +J so it was one mesh maybe this could be the problem? And one thing, the armor when I first opened it in nifskope exported from blender it had already 3 BStexturesets that I just linked to created BSlightingshaderproperties (actually just copied from original armor mesh) so that´s that. Thanks for help.
  12. I have a little problem when I try to assign armor mesh to esp in creation kit. I open it in model window and the whole CK crashes. Do you know how to fix this?? Thanks
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