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The Vyper

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Everything posted by The Vyper

  1. The Vyper

    Ayleid Staves

    Poison would work really well with the green, while Burden/Major Burden would go well with the red, as would Damage Magicka/Health. A combo of Sun Damage/Fire Damage sounds really good for the yellow. Great ideas everyone, keep 'em coming. I also plan on making several unique staves. I'm open to ideas on those, too.
  2. Lol, this is great: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3s4Czla6tXc
  3. After reading through that, it looks like they want you to believe they can use only what you provide by using the software (presumably when you sign up) and whatever you do on Valve's site (screen names, forum posts, etc.). What really bothers me about that section is the part that says "may include, but is not limited to". Okay, how about telling us everything that's included so we can actually make an informed decision? Not defining/elaborating on "but is not limited to" basically gives them free reign to collect whatever they feel like collecting from your computer. Family Photos? Valve's. Financial records? Valve's. Passwords? Valve's. Personal documents that you don't trust anybody (including your family) with? Valve's. That porn collection you thought you deleted? Valve's. Patient information (for those in the medical fields)? Valve's. What's even worse than them not telling you precisely what the collect is this bit: In other words, they can take what they want from your computer, when they want to and do whatever they want with it. This has nothing to do with DRM, yet I have to agree to it in order to play Skyrim on PC? No way in hell is that going to happen! Looks like I won't be playing any more Bethesda games (or any other PC game that requires this garbage).
  4. The Vyper

    Ayleid Staves

    From the album: Vyper's Screenshots

    I'm looking for enchantment suggestions on the yellow one. "Light" and "Telekineses" are my current thoughts, but I don't think they'd make very good staves. I'm also trying to color code them so you have a good idea of what you'll get before you even grab the staff. Any thoughts?
  5. Well, that's good to hear. I may not pass up Skyrim after all.
  6. I shall cease and desist immediately. I've also edited both offending posts.
  7. Wait until you receive the Imperial Dragon armor and then start walking to Cloud Ruler Temple. The quest should begin long before you get there.
  8. That's one of the issues I have. I've gotten into affiliate marketing as a way of getting some extra income. As such, I'm extremely wary of this thing reporting that information to Valve. They have no need to collect it, nor do they need to know: I could fill dozens (if not hundreds) of pages with things they have no reason to collect. I've read their privacy policy, and it's very good. It's heavily geared towards maintaining the user's privacy, but I do have problems with it. Under certain circumstances (which they don't elaborate on), they will share their collected data with affiliates (whom they don't identify). When that happens, what is done with the data is determined by the privacy policy of the affiliate, which I will not have agreed to (since I have no clue who they are). While this is a standard practice with many, many companies, I still find it very disturbing that, within months (if not weeks or days), the information that Valve collects could be in the possession of hundreds or thousands of companies whose privacy policies I haven't investigated or agreed to (and whose databases may not be as secure as they should be). I find it highly objectionable for Bethesda to require us to submit to this just to play their game. Granted, this is supposed to be a method of preventing/reducing piracy, but it doesn't come even remotely close to working. Just look on this Nexus forum and do a search for Piracy, Vegas to get an idea. There are at least 130 now banned users listed there, and that's just the ones dumb enough to openly admit they pirated Falllout: New Vegas. Clearly, requiring Steam does absolutely nothing to stem piracy. All it does is compromise the privacy of those who purchase legitimate copies of the game. As good as Bethesda's games are, I'm just not willing to submit myself to this in order to play them.
  9. I feel exactly the same. If all it does is report how often I play a specific game, I'm fine with that. But I'm most definitely not fine with it reporting everything I do. I'm a lab technician and regularly have to access the office database from home. Valve has absolutely no right whatsoever to gather, store or distribute that information. If that's how Steam operates, it is nothing more than spyware. Requiring someone to install spyware on their system just to use a retail copy of something is utterly ridiculous. Until I know one way or the other, I won't even begin to commence to get ready to start thinking about even considering installing Skyrim. I do have a program that will prevent a program from accessing the internet if I tell it to, but that might keep Skyrim from working.
  10. True. With 'all dead' there's only one thing you can do: go through their pockets and look for loose change. I ran into an odd bug during the Fire Warrior quest: Something else I noticed at...the location you get sent to:
  11. I've also been running into problems with "fast dialogue", particularly with the Akavirian NPCs. Some of their dialogue goes by really fast, but some doesn't. It's as if some of their replies have audio files associated with them and some don't. One of the bits that doesn't appear to have audio is the Rumors topic reply about how it has been a long time since the council of Grandmasters has been convened. In all observed cases of "fast dialogue" so far, there was no NPC lip movement while the text was displayed. That may be what ice_cold17 ran into. I found another possible glitch: In my game, Jauffre died in the Battle of Bruma by stepping in front of a massively poisoned arrow I fired (ruined a great shot on a Dremora, too). Oddly enough, I just found him alive and well, just chillin' with the other Grandmasters in the Blades Court. I hope he found his brief visit to Aetherius restful...
  12. Didn't see either of these posted, but I could have missed them: 1. In Shadows Rest Cavern (Earth Warrior quest), there is a floating chest to the right of the trapdoor leading into the lower area. 2. Dialogue subtitle issue: When speaking to Grandmaster Nobuo on the topic Akavirians, he said
  13. To minimize incompatibilities with a mod I'm working on, I need a frame that will fit snugly around the ARDoor01.nif in much the same way the SKModularDoor01.nif fits around the SkingradDoorMiddle01.nif. I'd like the frame to use vanilla textures (preferably arstone01.dds or arstone04.dds). Can anyone help me out on this? Thanks in advance!
  14. Don't worry, it'll be a while before any of them are ready for release. I need some permissions for one, have to revert to an earlier version in another, need to completely redo a third and need quite a few tweaks on the fourth. Wait...uh-oh, creativity kicking in. Now I have 5...no, 6 mods to finish. I'm gonna need longer sleeves...
  15. I've got another four in the works (two per sleeve ). How about you? Got any more texture replacers on the way? (I haven't seen anything for fort ruins, but I could have missed it) How about Arsenal updates/addons? (I really look forward to those )
  16. Download at: TES Alliance or TES Nexus Name: Recharge Enchantments Greater Power Version: 1 Date: 10/26/2011 Category: Miscellaneous Author: The Vyper ================= Requirements: ================= Oblivion 1.2.416 ================= Description: ================= Phintias has gotten his hands on a new spell tome. This tome is said to grant the reader a spell that will allow him or her to recharge all of their enchanted items. It is said that this spell can only be used once each day. ================= Details: ================= You can buy the spell tome from Phintias in the IC Marketplace. I got tired of relying on soul gems, varla stones and merchants to recharge my enchanted weapons. So, I made this little spell. To keep it from being too unbalancing, I made it a Greater Power so it could only be used once per day. ================= Installation ================= 1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Oblivion's Data folder. 2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the .esp file(s). ================= Un-Installation: ================= 1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s). 2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod. ================= Incompatibility: ================= None known. ================= Known Issues: ================= None known. ================= History: ================= 10/26/2011 - Initial Release. ================= Contact: ================= The Vyper at TES Alliance or the BGS Forums The_Vyper at TES Nexus ================= Credits: ================= Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion. Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his ReadMe Generator this file is based on. ================= Tools Used: ================= Insanity's ReadMe Generator Elderscrolls Construction Set ================= Licensing/Legal: ================= You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. I would also like to know what mods are including my work.
  17. Wow, been a while since anyone posted in here. I really enjoyed the last few episodes of the season. The last one had a few twists I hadn't expected (although the Doctor's "death" ruse wasn't one of them-figured that out in 'Let's Kill Hitler"). I've recently come across what may become a new meme: Rory Williams Facts. These are like Chuck Norris Facts, just set in the DW universe. Here's a few I've seen: The universe tried to erase Rory once. It exploded. <--- My personal favorite. Rory Williams cleans bedpans by scarring the poo out of them. Death once had a Near-Rory Experience. A Dalek begged River Song for mercy because it knew who her father was. She granted it mercy by not calling her father. Rory Willimas is here to kiss his wife or kick your butt. And he doesn't see his wife. Rory Williams shot his fiancé. She still married him. Rory Williams once punched the Eleventh Doctor. The First Doctor felt it. Rory Williams once got into a staring contest with a Weeping Angel. And won. Rory Williams is the reason Daleks learned to climb stairs. That which doesn't kill Rory Williams only makes him stronger. In addition, that which does kill Rory Williams also makes him stronger. Rory Williams uses the Vashta Narada as shade. Chuck Norris wants to be a nurse. Daleks? Aim for the eyestalk. Sontarans? Back of the neck. Rory? Run. Just run.
  18. My forum name is actually a nickname I ended up with while taking martial arts. I came up with my own method of moving while sparring. I kept my arms going through smooth, rolling motions that look a bit snakelike and were hard to follow, making it very hard to predict when and how I would strike. When I did strike at an opponent, I struck hard and fast. My Sensei said I "struck like a viper." After that, whenever we paired off for sparring matches, someone would always tell my opponent something like "Uh-oh, you got the viper" or "Beware the viper's bite". Eventually, they just started calling me "The Viper". I just put a small twyst on the spelling.
  19. Not really bug per se, more of a nitpick. I read the open book version of Blades Common History (great book, by the way) and noticed the word Emperor is misspelled as Emporer in every instance. The misspelling is present in 1RCBladesHistoryI, 1RCBladesHistoryII, 1RCBladesHistoryIV, 1RCBladesCommonHist and 1RCBladesCommonOpen. It drew the attention of my inner Grammar Nazi.
  20. Update: I added an .esp with darker versions of the glow rods. The darker versions also have a smaller light radius.
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