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[REQ] Imperial City additions


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Hello again. I'm still working on my little Arcane University Overhaul, and I notice more and more often now that there are some models I really need, but which unfortunately don't exist. So here's a request, and I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out here. :smarty:

The main building of my university is a large structure that has many corridors inside, which I make with the IC basement tileset. I've already retextured it to my needs and everything looks great, but there are a couple of problems:

1) There are no versions of the tiles with windows on them, and I don't know of any attachable windows in Imperial City style.

2) There are no "room" versions of the tiles

3) Certain areas of my interior would require a corridor that isn't rectangular to the other parts, but that is at an angle of 45 degrees.

4) Since I'm incorporating the original interiors of the Spellmaking Center, the Enchanting Center etc. into my main building, I sometimes need to add doorways to those normal interiors, even though there isn't a suitable spot. I'd need a doorway, much like the Architecture\Castle\CastleDoorway01.nif - something you can attach anywhere. It should fit the usual Imperial City doors, however.

Point 1 and 4 are the most important ones.

For number 1, it would be great if someone could make a window mesh that I can simply place on my walls - just like the usual Imperial City windows, or maybe even a bit more "arcane". Visually it would probably look best if there was an arch of stones around the window, as is the case in normal IC interiors where there is a window, but that is not necessary - I'd be glad about anything I could use.

For number 4... I don't know really. The aforementioned mesh describes what I want best - Just an attachable doorframe that looks really typical for the IC, and that can be used in interiors (so I don't want a full-fledged Imperial City building entrance like the one Hel Borne made). It would be good if it was very deep, so that one could use it on uneven walls too without getting clipping.

So... I'd be glad of any help I could get in this area. :noway:

[Also, I'd be really happy to get as much resources for my interiors as possible! If you know anything a decent Arcane University interior could need, don't hesitate to point it out... (I already have all of meo's and JDFan's resources and the static scrollsets, though)]

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Well where resources go... there's a rather large list that we keep here that has many wonderful resources My link I would have a look at that list and see if you can find anything that fits what your aiming at! :smarty:

Also if this one isn't mentioned there, there are wonderful window resources on ORE! Window Resources With what you are describing I am sure one of these may work for you?

Good Luck!! :noway:

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Thank you, but I'm rather well acquainted with lists like that :smarty: I have already gathered a lot of stuff, but there isn't a lot that would fit the Imperial City well. When I was asking for general resources for the Arcane University, I was more looking for... niche stuff, resources that aren't really worth mentioning if you want to give somebody a general overlook of what is there, but if that person is looking in a very special direction, they might be just what he's looking for.

To give an example, Better Cities has this statue of an imp holding a bowl. I think Hel Borne made it; anyway, it is in its style very appropriate for the Imperial City and especially for the Arcane University, but it's small enough that most people wouldn't mention it. So I thought, maybe there are some resources that people would love to see in a bigger Arcane University, a resource they've been waiting to see in the game... I could name a few resources like that.

I also know about those windows - unfortunately, there isn't one in the Imperial City style.

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Since it's more than evident you've scoured every resource on the web, maybe it's time you thought about using blender or 3DSMax to create those meshes you need for yourself. This way you can have exactly what you need. There's a wonderful school in the Enclave here. I'm certain you'll be able to create those things you're looking for in a very short time. Good luck. :smarty:

Modeling School

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Well, the intention of this thread was to ask other people with more experience in modeling or mesh editing if they might want to help me out... not to get a list of other things I could try. I don't want to sound rude, I'm just not a modeler, and I never will be. I'm just a guy making a mod who's now asking if someone could make a resource everybody could benefit from. Something many people have done before me successfully.

I don't know why you're being so harsh.

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Modelers are busy people, everybody wants something built from them. Its a lot of work and can be very boring if what you are making is not something you really want for yourself.

I don't think it was a rude response, more of a 'if you really want it, you might have to make it yourself'.

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Let's play nice kids. :)

Fearabbit, grond's response isn't meant to be rude, he's offering you the sound advice most broad request threads get; getting a modeler on board such a general request will be difficult so he suggested you may have to have a go at modeling if it's something you really need. You might have dodged that bit of advice had you mentioned in your OP that you've tried modeling before and just have no skill with it. Just don't spiral your thread by calling out the way you perceive a reply. The intent in that one was friendly and an attempt to help; you don't want to start a fight over nothing eh?

In response to your request, some of what you want may be possible by retexturing other resources or even vanilla models so may be an option to look at; not a hard job, I'm sure you're familiar with changing textures. One of the windows in the window resource Beana linked may be retexted to match the IC, if you find you need the UV map adjusted for the IC stone, that's something simpler a modeler could edit for you. There is a Skingrad modular door that works quite well in the IC architecture without retexting.

Folks will come up with more ideas, if they help great, if not, just pass them over and keep waiting for a modeler. If you don't find a response helpful, that's okay, it doesn't mean your request has been lost, just means you're still waiting. :rolleyes:

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Fearabbit, sorry if you inferred harshness from my reply. Confusion's easy in this medium. :rolleyes:

Will this suit your needs? If so, I can redo it and bring the glass out too. :)


If you need only the window and not the wall, that's easy too.

You might also consider a bullet list of items you'd love to have.

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I'm really sorry I overreacted. I guess it's really just too much going on in my mind sometimes, and I perceive things the wrong way.

Just to explain what went through my mind (I wonder if someone'll model a spiral staircase for me if I keep doing this!):

I asked if someone could make models for me, and unrelated to that, I also asked for available misc objects resources I might have missed. In response to the second question, I get a list of resources, to which I reply that I know them already. Then grond says "If you know everything out there already, you might have to start modeling yourself" - as a general statement in response to my requests.

There's a twist in that: Suddenly the problem inherent to my second request (looking for resources - can't find any) is assumed to be the problem inherent to my first request, and the answer to them becomes the same (might have to make it yourself). That answer is completely fine, and in a number of occasions I'd agree - for example, numbers 2 and 3 of my list. If I made this thread solely for them, the only appropriate answer at this stage of development would be "make it yourself, Fearabbit!"

For the doorframe and the window, I had higher hopes that a modeler might think "hey, those would be useful resources indeed". This is why the problem inherent to this request is different - it is more like "I know there isn't anything around like that - but many people would benefit from it, so maybe I can find a modeler who'd be interested!" In that sense, it made more sense to ask for help first, and look for other solutions after that if necessary.

And because of that, I overreacted, because it seemed to me that grond's response was actually a response not to my initial request, but to a request far more complicated and specific, and I didn't want my request to sound complicated and specific. (Also I thought that grond kind of did this on purpose. Like I said, I definitely overreacted.)

grond - that looks fantastic, even better than what I had in mind. I can either put a window inside the hole (this is something I *can* do - taking a plane mesh and putting a window texture on it), or I can choose to leave it open, which is great. For the outside of the building, it would still be nice to have attachable windows, but that's not so important for me. And they're quite high above the ground anyway, so I can use one of the window resources from MORE and nobody will know :rolleyes:

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I'm terrified of uv mapping so I'm having a little trouble with shrinking the exterior window frame, as the vertices are spread out intelligently. The blocks around the window are textured only, not modeled. I could give cutting the model a go, if this nif isn't quite right.

But this is the first try at an attachable exterior window....it might even fly as an interior attachable.

Let me know if you want the .Nif. :rolleyes:


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Well, I'd love to get both of those .nif files! The first one looks as if it's part of the original tileset, something that I can position by using the CS grid, so that is great. And the second one looks as if it might fit the alcoves in the second floor of a typical IC building perfectly, which is exactly where I'd have placed the windows anyway. :rolleyes:

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Okay, I've tested the meshes a little bit.

grond, your second mesh is great for the use on the outside of the IC buildings, like I guessed it fits well into the alcoves on the second floor. The first mesh, however, is a little bit problematic, because it doesn't align with the IC Basement set at all. :)

My current solution is that I'm using doorways in combination with your mesh for the exterior, but it doesn't look very good... so another solution would be preferable.

What I noticed is that the stones around the window look nice on the exterior, but for the interior it's not really necessary. So I'm thinking, if you could take a wall from the IC Basement tileset and then make a window-shaped deepening in the middle of it, then that would be all I need for the interior. You wouldn't have to mess with the UV that way (I wouldn't mind if there was a little bit of stretching on the sides of the deepening), just the basic model would have to be changed.

However, I guess that's not that easy to do, am I right? I can imagine that this is more difficult than it sounds like to me, and if it is then you really need not bother.

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