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Gathering a mod team?


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So, Sitting here watching my roommate play oblivion, and I realize, hey, He just slept for 30days in prison! Than the idea came to me and I discussed it with him for quite a few hours.

What if, Instead of going to a cramped prison cell where you could do nothing but break out, or sleep for a year, you were sent to one of three labor camps where you would perform a series of menial tasks, along with a small rec time before bed. You would do this (immersive mining, woodcutting, etc) to keep your skill from falling, and maybe even make some money while in prison (gathering more than your quota of ore/wood) until your debt to society has been payed. Or you could resist your sentence, be beat by the guards every day and speed up your sentence in solitary (and maybe facing a nifty hallucinatory sequence from lack of sleep).

For those evil doers (serial killers, mass thieves, etc), there would be a "life sentence" or "death penalty" option, where the players only option would be to break out of prison, hide in an undisclosed location, and work with a certain npc to set up a new identity and clear your record!

Obviously, I can do any or all modeling work needed, but I'm clueless as to where to start with scripting, worldbuilding, path gridding, etc, as well as that would be a massive undertaking for just lil old me :o...

So yes, A cry for help if you will, cause it seems super awesome to me.

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Best thing to do would be to get a solid plan of what to want to do and what will be required, after that make some progress on the mod yourself, even if it's just model/texture work, better than having nothing to show :yes:

People are more likely to help out fi they know you have a good plan and are actually going to do some of the work.

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My advice.

In addition to what IS said -

Help others on their projects while you figure out yours at the same time. Comment on message boards, reply to other threads. Make yourself known, and be courteous. Get to know them. You'll be able to figure out who's good at doing what. Once people start to know *you*, and know what you're capable of - you'll have a easier time finding a solid group.

TAKE YOUR TIME figuring out your execution for the project. Taking the time to think about your project and how you want to execute it will make it awesome.

ALSO If people don't respond to your requests, don't keep bugging them. Give them time to respond - or take that silence as a "no".

Good luck! :thumbup:

Edited by TardisChan
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If you plan to lead a mod team you need to do alot.

First off, you'll have to do the majority of the work, say 50% or more, you'll also need ot understand how to make quests, locations, scripts etc. For example, you cant just get someone ot do the scripting for you if you have no idea how to write scripts, as you wont know what to set up for references, nor what the scripts could actually do.

As far as team leading you'll need to be able to at least understand the basics or all the common parts of the CS. Often the most experienced person on your team will end up doing most of the work and that person has to be the team leader else the mod will most likely fail.

Another thing is, nobody (expect very new modders) will ever join a project run by some that isnt well known. So you need to get your name out there by making other mods, doing this will also get you the other skills you need to use the CS properly and run a team.

Some of the best 'team' mods have come from a single person who works on a mod, then just asks say a modeller for a mesh, then that modeller starts helping on a regualr basis and a team starts to form. Most of the time a team isnt needed unless there is a large area to build stuff for.

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