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Everything posted by squall1150

  1. Hi all modders! Ihe mod im making has alot of enemys and thay all have some scripts on them when my draugr gets activated from the coffins how can i make them get reset so the next time you enter the Interior cell they all start again in the same place and linked refed? I have been though some of the scripts and i dident find one that would work i dont know how or what to type or even where to play it. All im trying to do it make EVERY thing reset when you leave the cell and if i do reset the cell will this make you loose your items and will the body's of the dead even disapear. If any one can help ill be very greatfull, 190 hours+ of work so far!
  2. Hi so ive been making my mod for ages now and im getting closer and closer to release. so far i have made my interior cell, today i started makign the exterior building, this will be where the player runs around the map see's a building enter it and ends up in the interior cell. 1st question In the interior cell i have draugr's set up, maybe 100+ this has all been fine up till now. since i finished the exterior part. i have found that the draugr's in the interior cell have all ready woken up from there coffins and are dead on the floor. I have no idea why, this has just randomly happend, out of the 100 druagr's only 5 are being use at the moment. what i have done is in the exterior part i have put a map marker with the name of the place. With the doors all heading to the exterior cell. Witch is fine and working right i have not added a locaction i did try but i delete it as i thort this was the problem. But i even delete ALL the enemy in the interior cell to see if i could work out what was wrong. I foudn out that with even all the enemys deleted i still found there weapons on the floor. Like thay would be dead. Also my linked ref's are not working right in the interior cell when i link ref a draugr to the coffin he doesnt appear inside the coffin he appears on the outside of it and not active just standding there until i actiavte him then he start running aroudn attackign ect. Please can some one help me i have no idea why its doing this !
  3. hello, i have diffrent enemy near each other and when ever thay get activated they all attack each other instead of the player. How do i stop this and make them friends, like for expamle when you have 5 druager's and all 5 wont attack each other. So how do i make them all friends, i have been trying for about a week now, can some one help thanks. please try and keep it simple.
  4. I have been messing around with the scripting but i still cant get it to work will this work on anything? for example i dont have realy have a door its portgatepole and i have put them on top of each other. Not close but theres a gap. Its them i want to open not just one about 10? when the drauger dies by the player. I have found a local script called. DA11opendoorondeath im not even sure if this will work but i cant get it to so far, maybe i need another script somewhere else? i am, not very good at scripting at all.
  5. I am using the ambush drauger set up at the moment does any one know how i could make a door open when the enemy is killed. Im thinking of an ondeath script maybe but i dont know alot about scripting. can some one help me? thanks!
  6. Ok thanks williesea. do you mind if i pm you some time soon i have things i need to know.
  7. Yes please williesea I have many idea but i cant do them because i just dont know how to do things, mostly scripting. Here is what i will be doing very for the horde mode. The way the player will be fighting is there will be drauger coffins along the inside of the walls this is the wave, first 5 drauger's will open and attack the player from diffrent sides, theres drauger will have ondeath scripts. when you kill one of the 5 draugers the on death script will activate and another lot of drauger will actiavte maybe more than 5. This carry's on the waves will get harder and harder, when you get to a point in the fighting u will have diffrent enemys activate. This will make the player use potion before a fight and right after. the enemys will come at you from a diffrent direction every time adding supries to the fight. and there is still a lot more idea's to come. thank you for all your comments.
  8. Hello, I am making a mod for Skyrim which consists of an Arena (Based on a coliseum located in Tunisia but due to limitations had to be altered.) and in that Arena, a horde mode. (A horde mode is a mode where you take on wave after wave of enemies that progressively get harder.) I will be explaining this mod in more detail when it comes closer to it's finishing date, however, I have taken some screenshots and will post links below to give you a glimpse of what's to come. This mod was created using a Gtx 470 therefore I am not sure if lower end cards would experience FPS drops, if this is the case, be sure to let me know so I can make an attempt at stabilizing the mod for all cards. If you have anything to ask or anything to suggest, send me a Pm or leave me a comment. I am currently experiencing a problem also if anyone would with the knowledge could help me, a summary of the problem would be, much like in vanilla Skyrim, if you go into a cave, kill all the enemies there, leave, and re-enter, the enemies would still be dead, I need help to fix this problem as I want it to reset everytime you enter, any help on this matter would speed up the process and I would be very greatful! Thank you for your time (Screenshot of the coliseum whilst stood at the top) (Screenshot of the coliseum whilst on the ground) (Screenshot of the coliseum whilst stood at the top facing towards the entrance)
  9. sorry yes interior cell was a miss type. I am trying to get sky in an interior cell what do you mean interior cell properties window? where is this? and where is the has sky ?
  10. The mod im making is a very open kind of a building without a roof, so i need to add a sky i dont want to add it to a worldspace becuase i have no idea to. So im just going to make it and exterior i just need to know how to add a sky/if. i have tried 6 but all i can see that does is make the background black. Am i missing something? thanks.
  11. i have all ready started and screen shot will be on the way soon via steam : D
  12. I sort of understand the Event and Endevent. Its the ondeath working WITH the activate. I made 2 sarcophagus, placed them next to each other were call them A and B, (A is on the left B is on the right) next i used the druagers linked ref with the item that works with the sarcophagus.Parent it with the triggerbox. tested it with no script they worked fine. They both opened up and attack me.(hard to explain) Placed the script i made on drauger A, changed the parent of B to A. started it up and they both opened up at the same time. dident wont that. tried some other things. other times one would open up and when i killed drauger A with the script it dident wake up drauger B. this is a script i tried. When i saved all the scripts, i made to test thay did save fine as well no errors. Event onDeath(Actor akKilled) ; ;Debug.Trace("onDeath() Event Received") EndEvent Auto STATE Waiting <-------this part i got from a pullchain as the activater. EVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef) self.BlockActivation(true) playAnimationandWait("Pull","Reset") self.BlockActivation(false) endEVENT endState you also said. "I have not looked into how the game 'wakes up' other draugr, so you would have to see how that is done and mimic that." i dont understand what you mean by wakes up? how wouldi even see how thats done? Sorry for being so doppy on the script like i said i find it very hard to do.
  13. I have tried writing the scipt but im having trouble. I dont know what to type what in where? this is what i have tried. Scriptname activateondeath extends ObjectReference Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) If akKiller == Game.GetPlayer()) OnDeath (Actor akKiller) EndEvent Did not work i would think you clealy know why. Just to check i wonted this script to work so that when i kill the person this script is on i would like the other draugers to wake up more than 1 drauger.
  14. Hi sorry its taken me so long to report back. I have been trying to get your script to work but i am not having any luck i will keep trying tho. Im trying to make the following enemy make this path i have explain the last posts. drauger,mammoths,giants,adn some other monsters. When i cant do what i want i try and make up another idea how to do the sort of thing, and i have come up with an idea! How do i make a script or if there allready is one, make an emeny activate something when it gets killed? such as using a pullchain,lever ect. Example. I wont to use the drauger tombs and when i activate them and then i kill them how will i make there death an activater, so when it does it activates another one. I have tried some of my on script but i think im doign it complety wrong. Hope you can help again. Thanks
  15. Ok thank you very much for your help i will find your tutorials and report back.
  16. I have taken the first scripting tutorial from bethesda on the wiki where it tells you how to reanimate a dead druager with a simple script but thats all i have done. yes i have done the navmeshing. Are your enemies set to aggressive, or very aggressive? I dont know if there aggressive, or very aggressive i dont even know what that does. This script seems very complicated, can you explain it to me. I do now what you mean by the properties but i dont know what one to select. How will this script work? I mean do i use it all or? Do you even mind if i use this script? Thanks i will wait for your reply.
  17. Hi im making a mod for skyrim with the creation kit i have done alot of work so far and im very pleased with how its going and have got to the point where i might just give it up. Im trying to make like a horde mode where you can just keep fighting things and also diffrent enemys, i have looked into alot. Im testing alot of things but none of them seem to work. So i am in need of some help with scripting as im finding it realy hard to do it and i dont even know what i can do. here's the short story. I have a big room and 2 gates, im trying to make it so that when i use a pullchain the gate will open and the enemy i choose with rush out and attack you, on the last enemy hopfuly i can get the game to spawn another lot of diffrent enemys after the first waves death. I know how to open the gate with a parent but the enmy i choose just stand there behind the gate when i open it, is there a way to change the radious of the enemy so they can see the player from a longer range, and will that need scripting if so how? I have alot of plans for this map but im getting to a point where i just cant do it. The other questions is. I have DweSphereCenturionPort01 with a lvlDwarvenSphereAmbush linked Ref to DweSphereCenturionPort01 with a pullchain as the activatar, how do i make a script so that when i use the pullchain the lvlDwarvenSphere comes out attack you dies and then you use the pullchain again and it makes another a so called loop you could say. Can some one show me how this script will look? like the same way when writeing a script. I realy hope some one can help me, im having so much trouble scripting if some one can help me with scripting id be so helpful. Thank you very much.
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