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Everything posted by bleakraven

  1. GTA:V ... I guess I'll just be "sick" at home for the next few days...

  2. For the first thing, if you know how to activate an npc after a button is pressed, all you need to do is put that code into the Dialogue End Papyrus part when you write the dialogue for the NPC Arena Master. I'm at work now so I can't fully help, but that's the idea.
  3. Hello TESA! I finally got some time to post my introduction. Some of you may remember me, I stalked the shouty and the forums for answers for my specialization project which used Skyrim. Well, I'm Bleaky! I am currently finishing my study in Game Design in the Netherlands and I am from Portugal I've loved games my entire life and so pursued my dreams, even if it took me all the way to another country. My favourite genres are RPG and Strategy, I used to play MMORPGs, but I have little to no time now. I'm a very busy student, I must say. I spend most of my time working on school projects, which leaves me with little time to actually play. Hopefully, now things will be a little better. I am currently interning at my own university, together with a classmate and we are working as a freelance game design studio. Hmm... What else can I say... Of course, I want to say THANK YOU to everyone that helped me out when I needed, I love you. WillieSea and Tamira, thank you for putting up with me. Well... That's it... *throws cookies to everyone*
  4. That's alright, hope you enjoy your new place!
  5. Well, since it's from skyrim, you can first extract the model using BSAopt or Fallout Mod Manager. Easiest way to find the horker model name and filepath is to open the creation kit, searching for the horker under actors (or statics, I think, for the loading screen one), right clicking and checking out where it's model links to. Hmm... Horker is probably a race, better check there, I don't think it shows up on the normal actor edit window. Then, see if you can import it to Blender or another program and find a file converter for it. Textures should be the same with the first step, but then open them in gimp or photoshop and convert to a valid texture file extention. I've never done it before, but these are the first steps that I know. Good luck with your horker figurine
  6. Did you manage to make it work with only 1 bed?
  7. Hey TESA! Do you happen to know how I can make it so that the world map and/or the local map are disabled for the player? I'm pretty sure I've been in locations where the map was not available, but I don't know... Ideas?
  8. Hey! I have a scene where an actor has to search the area for 5 items of the miscItem type, but he doesn't seem to open containers and search them, even if they're unowned. Do you guys know how to add this to a package? I'm using the Acquire package as my template. Cheers!
  9. Hey! I wanted to add an option "Store All" to my Storage menu in my mod. I tried to use: Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(aBleakItems, 999 , false, StorageChest) But it seems that that line adds items to the container that don't even exist... Is there a way to remove all items that belong to a form into a container while retaining the accurate numbers? Cheers
  10. bleakraven

    Aurora Red

    Beautiful! I love Skyrim's Aurora
  11. Oh my, thanks! Never saw that... I changed it to randomChance < 20, that should have fixed it all, right? ^^
  12. Here's my chances for the events: int randomChance = Utility.RandomInt() if randomChance > 20 Debug.MessageBox("Random Event 1 - 20%") ElseIf randomChance == 20 || randomChance < 50 Debug.MessageBox("Random Event 2 - 30%") ElseIf randomChance == 50 || randomChance < 80 Debug.MessageBox("Random Event 4 - 30%") ElseIf randomChance == 80 || randomChance < 90 Debug.MessageBox("Random Event 5 - 10%") ElseIf randomChance == 90 || randomChance <= 100 Debug.MessageBox("Random Event 6 - 10%") endif Edit: Those aren't the chances I said earlier, I was just messing with a chances script
  13. QuestID: aBleakAdrift Something happens: One of several events with different chances can happen. The chances for these events are 10, 10, 20, 25, 30, 5.
  14. Hey guys! I have a specific bed I want to fire off the OnSleepStart event thingie. That is, after a certain part of my quest, I want it so that if the player sleeps on that one specific bed, something happens; and if they sleep anywhere else, it doesn't happen. Is this even possible?
  15. Hey TESA! I need to have a description in one of my miscItems, and so far the only way I've found to do this is via enchantments. Problem is, there's no slot for picking the enchantment on the CK and I have no idea how to do it via scripting... Any ideas? Thanks xx
  16. It doesn't equal to a phrase, it equals to whatever the message returns, which is the button the player clicks, which is an integer
  17. Hey TESA! You might remember me posting in Script Requests about a campfire that fades over time... Well, I managed to get something like it working, but I keep getting it stuck on stage 2. I can't find the problem anywhere... Perhaps you can help me sort out what's wrong here? I'll post an abridged version of my script, so that you only see the parts regarding the fading/stages. Scriptname aBleakCampfireScript extends ObjectReference {Script for the custom campfire} ObjectReference Property Stage1 Auto ;Fully Lit ObjectReference Property Stage2 Auto ;Going down ObjectReference Property Stage3 Auto ;Embers ObjectReference Property Stage4 Auto ;Ash ObjectReference Property CampfireLight Auto ;Light that is on when any fire is ObjectReference Property Brazier_Light1 Auto ;Light from the BrazierFunction ShelterManagement() int ibutton1 if (aBleakShelterAreaNumber.GetValue() == 1) ibutton1 = aBleakShelterBuildingMenu_Campfire1.Show() elseif (aBleakShelterAreaNumber.GetValue() == 2) ibutton1 = aBleakShelterBuildingMenu_Campfire2.Show() elseif (aBleakShelterAreaNumber.GetValue() == 3) ibutton1 = aBleakShelterBuildingMenu_Campfire3.Show() elseif (aBleakShelterAreaNumber.GetValue() == 4) ibutton1 = aBleakShelterBuildingMenu_Campfire4.Show() EndIf if (ibutton1 == 0) ;Build Shelter BuildShelterMenu() ElseIf (ibutton1 == 1) ;Upgrade UpgradeMenu() ElseIf (ibutton1 == 2) ;Kindle if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Firewood01) >= 2) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Firewood01, 2) Kindle() Return ElseIf (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(aBleakDriftWoodItem) >= 2) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(aBleakDriftWoodItem, 2) Kindle() Return Else aBleakKindle_NotEnoughResources.Show() EndIf EndIf EndFunction;**********FADE********** Function Kindle() if Stage1.IsDisabled() ;UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() Utility.Wait(0.2) StartFading() Else RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(3) Debug.Notification("Hi! Stage 1! Wait 3 hours now.") EndIf EndFunction Function StartFading() Stage1.Enable() CampfireLight.Enable() Brazier_Light1.Enable() CampfireLight.Enable() RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(3) Debug.Notification("Hi! I'm back. Wait 3 hours.") EndFunction Event OnUpdateGameTime() if (Stage1.IsEnabled()) Stage1Function() RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(3) Debug.Notification("Stage2") ElseIf (Stage2.IsEnabled()) Stage2Function() RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(3) Debug.Notification("Stage3") ElseIf (Stage3.IsEnabled()) Stage3Function() RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(3) Debug.Notification("Stage4") ElseIf (Stage4.IsEnabled()) Stage4Function() UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() Debug.Notification("I'm all out.") EndIf EndEvent Function Stage1Function() Stage1.Disable() Stage2.Enable() Stage3.Disable() Stage4.Disable() EndFunction Function Stage2Function() Stage2.Disable() Stage3.Enable() Stage4.Disable() Stage1.Disable() EndFunction Function Stage3Function() Stage2.Disable() Stage3.Disable() Stage4.Enable() Stage1.Disable() EndFunction Function Stage4Function() CampfireLight.Disable() Stage2.Disable() Stage3.Disable() Stage4.Disable() Stage1.Disable() Brazier_Light1.Disable() EndFunction So when I activate my campfire, a marker enables the decoration around it, the fire (stage1) and the light. I can only get it to start fading by clicking Kindle (haven't figured out how to do it when the Main Marker is enabled). The Fading process gets stuck on stage2 and keeps going over and over again without ever changing states...
  18. Well, would be troublesome if they're companions... Maybe with trigger areas to enable the scene then?
  19. I still can't figure out how to do it, when I try to do it with TES5Edit, it made one mod dependant on the other...
  20. Well, I'd like to make him re-usable for more than 1 quest, so his dialogue can be the same or a copy of the vanilla one. I just don't want to interfere with the vanilla courier in any way.
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