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Is moving a interior to a Worldspace Possible?


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A world space 'will' hog framerates. That is why they made interior spaces. You also run into other problems with exterior worldspaces, such as weather effects surround the player, they are not in the environment. This means, it can be 'raining' inside your castle. Or bright sunlight will over illuminate everything.

That all said, you can copy your interior cells and paste them into an exterior worldspace if that is what you really want.

Just scroll out until you see everything, or everthing is in your render window. Draw a box around it all to select everything. Press Ctrl+C. Then go to your exterior world space and press Ctrl+V to paste it all. Then, move it all as one unit to where you want it WITHOUT delelecting anything until you are done placing it.

NOTE: If you have items with 'reference ID' names on them, you will loose that and have to re-do that work.

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A world space 'will' hog framerates. That is why they made interior spaces. You also run into other problems with exterior worldspaces, such as weather effects surround the player, they are not in the environment. This means, it can be 'raining' inside your castle. Or bright sunlight will over illuminate everything.

That all said, you can copy your interior cells and paste them into an exterior worldspace if that is what you really want.

Just scroll out until you see everything, or everthing is in your render window. Draw a box around it all to select everything. Press Ctrl+C. Then go to your exterior world space and press Ctrl+V to paste it all. Then, move it all as one unit to where you want it WITHOUT delelecting anything until you are done placing it.

NOTE: If you have items with 'reference ID' names on them, you will loose that and have to re-do that work.

The interior cell I am refering to is actually Flamespire Fortress's exterior building, I err, duplicated the Arkved's void interior cell and altered it heaps to make it look like a exterior cell.

My main gripe now is that instead of seeing my fortress in the distance, all I see is a brownish shape untill I get very close.

Thanks for your help, much apreciated. :D

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How do I stop it from deselecting when I change cells ? :)

Ok, I can't do a copy paste, it keeps deselecting when I go to the worldspace cell I want it in....

I have no idea of whatever trick or mouse thingy is required to do this.

Have you zoomed out after pasting? A few times I've thought nothing got pasted, then on a whim, I zoomed out and there was the collection of copied things, hovering above me.

Otherwise, I'm as lost as you...

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You've said you want it in a blank new worldspace. I just created a new blank worldspace, lifted a little land out of the pink water, and pasted Arkved's Void cell objects into it. It worked simply and well.

If you're really in trouble, pack the mod and PM it over to me. I'll look it over, but not for about 8 hours. I suspect something happened as you were modifying the original objects, or something went goofy with your new worldspace.

My problem is I have answers, but I don't know the questions to ask. :):eyeroll:

EDIT - Have you seen this Wiki tutorial? http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/World_Space_Tutorial

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No but I have followed the same guidelines as it.

I don't need land because quite frankly the CS CTD's soon as try to save using the heightmap, I can't get tesannwn to work ether, I wind up with squares of different levels and big gaps between them so yeah, pretty much have given up on making land.

I am needing a hand with this, don't know why it won't stop deselecting my copy which renders it mpossible to paste into the new worldspace.

Have pmed you with the file.

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When you go to a different cell, it is supposed to deselect the items. But that does not matter if you copied the items to your clipboard.

Simply go to your worldspace and paste them. You only care about the items you just pasted in the worldspace from deselecting if you are still in the process of moving them all as one unit. Otherwise you will have to move every single object seperately which could take forever to get right.

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When you go to a different cell, it is supposed to deselect the items. But that does not matter if you copied the items to your clipboard.

Simply go to your worldspace and paste them. You only care about the items you just pasted in the worldspace from deselecting if you are still in the process of moving them all as one unit. Otherwise you will have to move every single object seperately which could take forever to get right.

Whats a clipboard and how do I check if they are on there please?


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Ok, pressing CTRL+C places the contents of your selected objects onto what is commonly called the 'clipboard'. Its nothing you need to worry about, you just need to know that it works. :)

You 'copy' your castle objects, move to your worldspace and paste them. After pasting, they are all still 'selected' so you can move them all as one instead of having to move every single piece again.

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I think the problem is the number of items that are pasting. The paste attempt crashes the CS. But the copy does work. Everything pastes just fine and dandy in the original cell, but anywhere else ( Tamriel, RDD's worldspace, or a worldspace I made ) the CS crashes.

Anybody know of a limit to the objects one can paste at a time? I have a sick feeling that this big fortress surpasses the number. Sick because I imagine the work involved in rebuilding by copying parts at a time. :)

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OK. You can definitely get it done, but you'll need to do a few of the pieces at a time. I started in the front and did a few of the first bridge items - the portal, two bridge sections, and the four collision boxes underneath - and that worked. I did the front facing wall and the ledge reaching it as one cut and paste - it went just fine. Try for more at the start, but expect the dreaded crash...

I think you should cut and paste instead of copying. That way you'll know where you left off! Remember for the love of Mike to save after each paste job!! :) Then play with the number of pieces with each cut/paste.

You can do it. Small bites at a time. I think because the main building was as big as 0,0 in your worldspace, the CS fainted each time it tried to paste the whole thing. It's a pile of work ahead, but you can get what you want if you're willing to rebuild. :)

Don't left click away from the group, or you'll have to close the CS and reopen it ( it's what I would do, instead of trying to get everything selected again ) Oh, and set your zoom and pan to 50! File->Preferences. Keep that box open, and change the movement from 1 to whatever tiny increment you want for realigning things. It'll be a blast!! :eyeroll::)

Good luck, RDD. :)

EDIT - I agree, Will - I've never had a problem either, but this is one HUGE fortress, the front gate itself is over a cell, including the wall and the path up to it. :coffee:

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Perhaps this is a more advanced topic, but I have found an easy way to align everything correctly.

1. Place an XMarker in the cell, and align it to your snap grid.

2. When you select your castle pieces, make sure to copy this XMarker with it EACH AND EVERY TIME.

3. When you paste in your new cell, you just keep aligning the XMarker to the previous XMarker that you pasted.

Your castle will be easy to fit together using this method.

Just make sure you don't move the XMarker in the original cell. And you can 'add' the XMarker to your 'selection' by pressing CTRL and clicking the XMarker AFTER you have drawn a box around what you want to copy.

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There is one thing to remember. The FIRST object you click on will be used by the 'snap to grid' functionality.

I recommend selecting the xmarker object, then pressing Control, draw a box around the other objects you want to copy.

Now, when you paste your objects, if you have snap to grid turned on, it will snap based on the xmarker, every time. This will ensure you get your objects snugly fit together.

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